1,268 research outputs found

    Fourth & Inches: Marking the Line of Athletes’ Free Speech (A Colin Kaepernick Inspired Discussion)

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    This note addresses the ongoing controversial stance that was ignited when Colin Kaepernick refused to stand for the playing of the national anthem in protest of what he deems are wrongdoings against African Americans and minorities in the United States. The scope of this note does not surround Kaepernick himself, but rather the professional NFL football player in general. Specifically, players are entitled to the full rights of free expression and free speech as human beings and public figures, up and until the line where that right is abused on the field or “on the job,” thereby threatening an increase of injury to the NFL, team owners, and the public interest. With anti-American sentiment growing and only 52% of Americans that are “extremely proud” of their country, it is time to start coming together and it is time to appropriately mark that line aforementioned. Professional football players should have a heightened threshold of professional responsibilities that coincide with their elevated status on the field when performing in uniform, and in their professional setting. Through exploring an athlete’s freedoms of speech and expression under the Constitution and the National Labor Relations Act while simultaneously navigating through the world of player contracts and working conditions under the NFL Collective Bargaining Agreement, this note will portray a potential solution to the growing issue at hand that when multiplied can devastate the mission of the NFL, and effectually change how our nation’s youth perceive this great country. Part II will lay the foundation of this analysis; by first giving the reader an inside look into the NFL’s corporate structure and the interrelations between the NFL League Office, NFL Executive Committee, and team owners. Then I will discuss the NFLPA, the power of unions, and the role of the NFLPA in collective bargaining for the interests of the NFL players. This section will also note the relevant sections of the current 2011 NFL CBA which governs the league. Part III will illustrate a successfully executed demonstration of free speech on the professional sports stage and then introduce the reader to the Kaepernick Stance and its continued effect on our society and popular culture during a major transition of government policy. Here, the facts surrounding the issue will be put on display in a time-line fashion along with notable reactions allowing for the reader to make an independent judgment call for or against the stance and manner at which it has been presented. Furthermore, insight into the impact of social media on political protesting will reveal why the Kaepernick Stance has grown so fast, so quick. Part IV will take the reader back in time and discuss the origins of the National Anthem as well as the right of free expression under the First and Fourteenth Amendment and its continued evolution in terms of its interpretation. Finally Part V will conclude this note with an argument and a proposed solution

    Straight Release: Justice Delayed, Justice Denied

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    This Thesis discusses the ‘straight release’ program implemented by the Cleveland Police Department in the late 1990’s. It starts by describing the 24-hour charge or release rule, and how criminals were arrested, released, and arraignment notices were later sent to them by mail. Criminals used aliases to hinder the indictment procedure. Part V discusses national trends in arrest to disposition rates. Parts VI – X discusses Cleveland practices in the criminal justice system. Part XI discusses the effects of failure to identify arrested suspects before releasing them. Part XII describes the chaos of the municipal court. Part XIII discusses the backlogged felony changes resulting from the straight release program. Part XIV discusses the role of the prosecutor’s office, while Part XV talks about the Grand Jury, and Part XVI moves on to the sheriff’s office. Part XVII discusses studies on the rates of failure to appear at arraignment, along with case studies. Part XVIII goes into the methodology and statistics of arraigned cases in Cuyahoga County. Part XIX discusses the tracking system, while part XX gets into the time standards established. Part XXI discusses how the case disposition rate is delayed by common pleas court practices. Part XXII offers a summary of the problems of the Straight Release program. Then part XXIII discusses the possibility for reforming the system, and XXIV gives recommendations for fixing the problems of the Cuyahoga criminal justice system

    Straight Release: Justice Delayed, Justice Denied

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    This Thesis discusses the ‘straight release’ program implemented by the Cleveland Police Department in the late 1990’s. It starts by describing the 24-hour charge or release rule, and how criminals were arrested, released, and arraignment notices were later sent to them by mail. Criminals used aliases to hinder the indictment procedure. Part V discusses national trends in arrest to disposition rates. Parts VI – X discusses Cleveland practices in the criminal justice system. Part XI discusses the effects of failure to identify arrested suspects before releasing them. Part XII describes the chaos of the municipal court. Part XIII discusses the backlogged felony changes resulting from the straight release program. Part XIV discusses the role of the prosecutor’s office, while Part XV talks about the Grand Jury, and Part XVI moves on to the sheriff’s office. Part XVII discusses studies on the rates of failure to appear at arraignment, along with case studies. Part XVIII goes into the methodology and statistics of arraigned cases in Cuyahoga County. Part XIX discusses the tracking system, while part XX gets into the time standards established. Part XXI discusses how the case disposition rate is delayed by common pleas court practices. Part XXII offers a summary of the problems of the Straight Release program. Then part XXIII discusses the possibility for reforming the system, and XXIV gives recommendations for fixing the problems of the Cuyahoga criminal justice system

    Beyond the hybrid library : libraries in a Web 2.0 world

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    Considers the development of social networking and the concept of Web 2.0. Looks at the implications for libraries and how traditional competences remain relevant. Explores what libraries are doing and must do to remain relevan

    Novel 3D imaging platform tracks cancer progression in vivo

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    Optical imaging underpins biomedical research in many respects and recent decades have seen spectacular advances, particularly in fluorescence imaging where genetic engineering approaches to labelling have been combined with new light sources, detectors and data analysis techniques to provide capabilities like super-resolution beyond the diffraction limit, exquisite spectroscopic contrast for molecular readouts and high-speed image capture for in vivo and high-throughput applications. However, the main impact of such advanced instrumentation and data analysis has been to provide unprecedented quantitative 2D and 3D information concerning samples compatible with microscopy where volumes of less than 1 mm3 are typically imaged in a single 'acquisition'. The ability to view and measure cellular processes and signalling pathways in live cells has been a significant advance for biomedical research and drug discovery. However, for conventional microscope-based assays and experiments, the samples typically comprise thin layers of cells that are not experiencing the same signals that they would in a 3D tissue context and any findings may not directly translate to live organisms. It is desirable to study disease processes in live intact organisms that can provide appropriate physiological complexity. For cancer studies, recent research from our group shows that optical tomography can be used to directly monitor in vivo changes in tumour growth and vascular development in a zebrafish cancer model over time. This technique not only improves the value of the collected data, but if used on a wider scale should result in a reduction in the number of animals used in biomedical research

    CARETS: A prototype regional environmental information system. Volume 2, parts A and B: Norfolk and environs; a land use perspective

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    The author has identified the following significant results. The Norfolk-Portsmouth metropolitan statistical area in southeastern Virginia was the site of intensive testing of a number of land resources assessment methods. Land use and land cover data at three levels of detail were derived by manual image interpretation from both aircraft and satellite sources and used to characterize the 1,766 sq km (682 sq mi) area from the perspective of its various resource-related activities and problems. Measurements at level 1 from 1:100, 000 scale maps revealed 42 percent of the test area (excluding bays and estuaries) to be forest, 28 percent agriculture, 23 percent urban and built-up, 4 percent nonforested wetlands, and 2 percent water. At the same scale and level of detail, 10 percent of the area underwent change from one land use category to another in the period 1959-70, 62 percent of which involved the relatively irreversible change from forest or agriculture to urban uses
