195 research outputs found

    Enhancement of Ethanol Production in Electrochemical Cell by Saccharomyces cerevisiae (CDBT2) and Wickerhamomyces anomalus (CDBT7)

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    Bioethanol (a renewable resource), blended with gasoline, is used as liquid transportation fuel worldwide and produced from either starch or lignocellulose. Local production and use of bioethanol supports local economies, decreases country's carbon footprint and promotes self-sufficiency. The latter is especially important for bio-resource-rich land-locked countries like Nepal that are seeking alternative transportation fuels and technologies to produce them. In that regard, in the present study, we have used two highly efficient ethanol producing yeast strains, viz., Saccharomyces cerevisiae (CDBT2) and Wickerhamomyces anomalous (CDBT7), in an electrochemical cell to enhance ethanol production. Ethanol production by CDBT2 (anodic chamber) and CDBT7 (cathodic chamber) control cultures, using 5% glucose as substrate, were 12.6 ± 0.42 and 10.1 ± 0.17 mg·mL−1 respectively. These cultures in the electrochemical cell, when externally supplied with 4V, the ethanol production was enhanced by 19.8 ± 0.50% and 23.7 ± 0.51%, respectively, as compared to the control cultures. On the other hand, co-culturing of those two yeast strains in both electrode compartments resulted only 3.96 ± 0.83% enhancement in ethanol production. Immobilization of CDBT7 in the graphite cathode resulted in lower enhancement of ethanol production (5.30 ± 0.82%), less than free cell culture of CDBT7. CDBT2 and CDBT7 when cultured in platinum nano particle coated platinum anode and neutral red-coated graphite cathode, respectively, ethanol production was substantially enhanced (52.8 ± 0.44%). The above experiments when repeated using lignocellulosic biomass hydrolysate (reducing sugar content was 3.3%) as substrate, resulted in even better enhancement in ethanol production (61.5 ± 0.12%) as compared to glucose. The results concluded that CDBT2 and CDBT7 yeast strains produced ethanol efficiently from both glucose and lignocellulosic biomass hydrolysate. Ethanol production was enhanced in the presence of low levels of externally applied voltage. Ethanol production was further enhanced with the better electron transport provision i.e., when neutral red was deposited on cathode and fine platinum nanoparticles were coated on the platinum anode

    Lyα and C III] emission in z = 7–9 Galaxies: accelerated reionization around luminous star-forming systems?

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    We discuss new Keck/MOSFIRE spectroscopic observations of four luminous galaxies at z ≃ 7–9 selected to have intense optical line emission by Roberts-Borsani et al. Previous follow-up has revealed Lyα in two of the four galaxies. Our new MOSFIRE observations confirm that Lyα is present in the entire sample. We detect Lyα emission in the galaxy COS-zs7-1, confirming its redshift as zLyα = 7.154, and we detect Lyα in EGS-zs8-2 at zLyα = 7.477, verifying an earlier tentative detection. The ubiquity of Lyα in this sample is puzzling given that the IGM is expected to be significantly neutral over 7 7 is expected to be strongly luminosity-dependent, with transmission accelerated in systems with intense star formation

    RELICS: Strong Lens Models for Five Galaxy Clusters From the Reionization Lensing Cluster Survey

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    Strong gravitational lensing by galaxy clusters magnifies background galaxies, enhancing our ability to discover statistically significant samples of galaxies at z>6, in order to constrain the high-redshift galaxy luminosity functions. Here, we present the first five lens models out of the Reionization Lensing Cluster Survey (RELICS) Hubble Treasury Program, based on new HST WFC3/IR and ACS imaging of the clusters RXC J0142.9+4438, Abell 2537, Abell 2163, RXC J2211.7-0349, and ACT-CLJ0102-49151. The derived lensing magnification is essential for estimating the intrinsic properties of high-redshift galaxy candidates, and properly accounting for the survey volume. We report on new spectroscopic redshifts of multiply imaged lensed galaxies behind these clusters, which are used as constraints, and detail our strategy to reduce systematic uncertainties due to lack of spectroscopic information. In addition, we quantify the uncertainty on the lensing magnification due to statistical and systematic errors related to the lens modeling process, and find that in all but one cluster, the magnification is constrained to better than 20% in at least 80% of the field of view, including statistical and systematic uncertainties. The five clusters presented in this paper span the range of masses and redshifts of the clusters in the RELICS program. We find that they exhibit similar strong lensing efficiencies to the clusters targeted by the Hubble Frontier Fields within the WFC3/IR field of view. Outputs of the lens models are made available to the community through the Mikulski Archive for Space TelescopesComment: Accepted to Ap

    RELICS: High-Resolution Constraints on the Inner Mass Distribution of the z=0.83 Merging Cluster RXJ0152.7-1357 from strong lensing

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    Strong gravitational lensing (SL) is a powerful means to map the distribution of dark matter. In this work, we perform a SL analysis of the prominent X-ray cluster RXJ0152.7-1357 (z=0.83, also known as CL 0152.7-1357) in \textit{Hubble Space Telescope} images, taken in the framework of the Reionization Lensing Cluster Survey (RELICS). On top of a previously known z=3.93z=3.93 galaxy multiply imaged by RXJ0152.7-1357, for which we identify an additional multiple image, guided by a light-traces-mass approach we identify seven new sets of multiply imaged background sources lensed by this cluster, spanning the redshift range [1.79-3.93]. A total of 25 multiple images are seen over a small area of ~0.4 arcmin2arcmin^2, allowing us to put relatively high-resolution constraints on the inner matter distribution. Although modestly massive, the high degree of substructure together with its very elongated shape make RXJ0152.7-1357 a very efficient lens for its size. This cluster also comprises the third-largest sample of z~6-7 candidates in the RELICS survey. Finally, we present a comparison of our resulting mass distribution and magnification estimates with those from a Lenstool model. These models are made publicly available through the MAST archive.Comment: 15 Pages, 7 Figures, 4 Tables Accepted for publication in Ap

    Spectroscopic constraints on UV metal line emission at z ≃ 6–9: the nature of Lyα emitting galaxies in the reionization era

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    Recent studies have revealed intense ultraviolet (UV) metal emission lines in a modest sample of z > 7 Lyman-α emitters, indicating a hard ionizing spectrum is present. If such high ionization features are shown to be common, it may indicate that extreme radiation fields play a role in regulating the visibility of Lyα in the reionization era. Here, we present deep near-infrared spectra of seven galaxies with Lyα emission at 5.4 7 have now been shown to have intense UV line emission, suggesting that extreme radiation fields are commonplace among the Lyα population. Future observations with JWST will eventually clarify the origin of these features and explain their role in the visibility of Lyα in the reionization era

    Small Region, Big Impact: Highly Anisotropic Lyman-continuum Escape from a Compact Starburst Region with Extreme Physical Properties

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    Extreme, young stellar populations are considered the primary contributor to cosmic reionization. However, how Lyman-continuum (LyC) escapes these galaxies remains highly elusive because LyC escape can vary on sub-galactic scales that are technically challenging to observe in LyC emitters. We investigate the Sunburst Arc: a strongly lensed, LyC emitter at z=2.37z=2.37. This galaxy reveals the exceptionally small scale (tens of parsecs) physics of LyC escape thanks to high magnification from strong lensing. Analyzing HST broadband and narrowband imaging, we find that the small (<<100 pc) LyC leaking region shows distinctly extreme properties: a very blue UV slope (β=2.9±0.1\beta=-2.9\pm0.1), high ionization state ([OIII]λ5007\lambda 5007/[OII]λ3727=11±3\lambda 3727=11\pm3 and [OIII]λ5007\lambda 5007/Hβ=6.8±0.4\beta=6.8\pm0.4), strong oxygen emission (EW([OIII])=1095±40A˚=1095\pm 40 \r{A}), and high Lyman-α\alpha escape fraction (0.3±0.030.3\pm 0.03), none of which are found in any non-leaking regions of the galaxy. Moreover, a UV slope comparison with starburst population models indicates that the leaking region's UV emission consists of nearly ``pure'' stellar light with minimal contamination from surrounding nebular continuum emission and dust extinction. These results suggest a highly directional LyC escape such that LyC is produced and escapes from a small, extreme starburst region where the stellar feedback from an ionizing star cluster may create an anisotropic ``pencil beam'' viewing geometry in the surrounding gas. As a result, unabsorbed LyC directly escapes through these perforated hole(s). Importantly, such anisotropic escape processes imply that unfavorable sightline effects are a crucial contributor to the significant scatters between galaxy properties and LyC escape fraction in observations and that strong lensing uniquely reveals the small-scale physics that regulates the ionizing budget of galaxies for reionization.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables, submitted to ApJ Letters. Comments welcom

    The Cosmic Telescope that Lenses the Sunburst Arc, PSZ1 G311.65-18.48: Strong Gravitational Lensing model and Source Plane Analysis

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    We present a strong lensing analysis of the cluster PSZ1 G311.65-18.48, based on Hubble Space Telescope imaging, archival VLT/MUSE spectroscopy, and Chandra X-ray data. This cool-core cluster (z=0.443) lenses the brightest lensed galaxy known, dubbed the "Sunburst Arc" (z=2.3703), a Lyman continuum (LyC) emitting galaxy multiply-imaged 12 times. We identify in this field 14 additional strongly-lensed galaxies to constrain a strong lens model, and report secure spectroscopic redshifts of four. We measure a projected cluster core mass of M(<250 kpc)=2.93+0.01/-0.02x10^14M_sun. The two least-magnified but complete images of the Sunburst Arc's source galaxy are magnified by ~13x, while the LyC clump is magnified by ~4-80x. We present time delay predictions and conclusive evidence that a discrepant clump in the Sunburst Arc, previously claimed to be a transient, is not variable, thus strengthening the hypothesis that it results from an exceptionally high magnification. A source plane reconstruction and analysis of the Sunburst Arc finds its physical size to be 1x2 kpc, and that it is resolved in three distinct directions in the source plane, 0, 40, and 75 degrees (east of North). We place an upper limit of r <~ 50 pc on the source plane size of unresolved clumps, and r<~ 32 pc for the LyC clump. Finally, we report that the Sunburst Arc is likely in a system of two or more galaxies separated by <~6 kpc in projection. Their interaction may drive star formation and could play a role in the mechanism responsible for the leaking LyC radiation.Comment: 31 pages, 14 figures, 4 tables. Submitted to Ap

    RELICS: spectroscopy of gravitationally lensed z ≃ 2 reionization-era analogues and implications for C III] detections at z > 6

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    Recent observations have revealed the presence of strong C III] emission (EWCIII]>20 Å) in z > 6 galaxies, the origin of which remains unclear. In an effort to understand the nature of these line emitters, we have initiated a survey targeting C III] emission in gravitationally lensed reionization-era analogues identified in Hubble Space Telescope imaging of clusters from the Reionization Lensing Cluster Survey. Here, we report initial results on four galaxies selected to have low stellar masses (2–8 × 107 M⊙) and J125-band flux excesses indicative of intense [O III] + H β emission (EW[OIII]+Hβ = 500–2000 Å), similar to what has been observed at z > 6. We detect C III] emission in three of the four sources, with the C III] EW reaching values seen in the reionization era (EWCIII]≃17−22 Å) in the two sources with the strongest optical line emission (EW[OIII]+Hβ≃2000 Å). We have obtained a Magellan/FIRE (Folded-port InfraRed Echellette) near-infrared spectrum of the strongest C III] emitter in our sample, revealing gas that is both metal poor and highly ionized. Using photoionization models, we are able to simultaneously reproduce the intense C III] and optical line emission for extremely young (2–3 Myr) and metal-poor (0.06–0.08 Z⊙) stellar populations, as would be expected after a substantial upturn in the star formation rate of a low-mass galaxy. The sources in this survey are among the first for which C III] has been used as the primary means of redshift confirmation. We suggest that it should be possible to extend this approach to z > 6 with current facilities, using C III] to measure redshifts of objects with IRAC excesses indicating EW[OIII]+Hβ≃2000 Å, providing a method of spectroscopic confirmation independent of Ly α