7,927 research outputs found

    Direct-write, focused ion beam-deposited,7 K superconducting C-Ga-O nanowire

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    We have fabricated C-Ga-O nanowires by gallium focused ion beam-induced deposition from the carbon-based precursor phenanthrene. The electrical conductivity of the nanowires is weakly temperature dependent below 300 K, and indicates a transition to a superconducting state below Tc = 7 K. We have measured the temperature dependence of the upper critical field Hc2(T), and estimate a zero temperature critical field of 8.8 T. The Tc of this material is approximately 40% higher than that of any other direct write nanowire, such as those based on C-W-Ga, expanding the possibility of fabricating direct-write nanostructures that superconduct above liquid helium temperaturesComment: Accepted for AP

    Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Health of Ilhas Selvagens, Portugal

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    In September 2015, National Geographic's Pristine Seas project, in conjunction with the Instituto Universitário-Portugal, The Waitt Institute, the University of Western Australia, and partners conducted a comprehensive assessment of the rarely surveyed Ilhas Selvagens to explore the marine environment, especially the poorly understood deep sea and open ocean areas, and quantify the biodiversity of the nearshore marine environment

    Perturbation Theory for Spin Ladders Using Angular-Momentum Coupled Bases

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    We compute bulk properties of Heisenberg spin-1/2 ladders using Rayleigh-Schr\"odinger perturbation theory in the rung and plaquette bases. We formulate a method to extract high-order perturbative coefficients in the bulk limit from solutions for relatively small finite clusters. For example, a perturbative calculation for an isotropic 2×122\times 12 ladder yields an eleventh-order estimate of the ground-state energy per site that is within 0.02% of the density-matrix-renormalization-group (DMRG) value. Moreover, the method also enables a reliable estimate of the radius of convergence of the perturbative expansion. We find that for the rung basis the radius of convergence is λc≃0.8\lambda_c\simeq 0.8, with λ\lambda defining the ratio between the coupling along the chain relative to the coupling across the chain. In contrast, for the plaquette basis we estimate a radius of convergence of λc≃1.25\lambda_c\simeq 1.25. Thus, we conclude that the plaquette basis offers the only currently available perturbative approach which can provide a reliable treatment of the physically interesting case of isotropic (λ=1)(\lambda=1) spin ladders. We illustrate our methods by computing perturbative coefficients for the ground-state energy per site, the gap, and the one-magnon dispersion relation.Comment: 22 pages. 9 figure

    Space suit

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    A pressure suit for high altitude flights, particularly space missions is reported. The suit is designed for astronauts in the Apollo space program and may be worn both inside and outside a space vehicle, as well as on the lunar surface. It comprises an integrated assembly of inner comfort liner, intermediate pressure garment, and outer thermal protective garment with removable helmet, and gloves. The pressure garment comprises an inner convoluted sealing bladder and outer fabric restraint to which are attached a plurality of cable restraint assemblies. It provides versitility in combination with improved sealing and increased mobility for internal pressures suitable for life support in the near vacuum of outer space

    A Plaquette Basis for the Study of Heisenberg Ladders

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    We employ a plaquette basis-generated by coupling the four spins in a 2×22\times2 lattice to a well-defined total angular momentum-for the study of Heisenberg ladders with antiferromagnetic coupling. Matrix elements of the Hamiltonian in this basis are evaluated using standard techniques in angular-momentum (Racah) algebra. We show by exact diagonalization of small (2×42\times4 and 2×62\times6) systems that in excess of 90% of the ground-state probability is contained in a very small number of basis states. These few basis states can be used to define a severely truncated basis which we use to approximate low-lying exact eigenstates. We show how, in this low-energy basis, the isotropic spin-1/2 Heisenberg ladder can be mapped onto an anisotropic spin-1 ladder for which the coupling along the rungs is much stronger than the coupling between the rungs. The mapping thereby generates two distinct energy scales which greatly facilitates understanding the dynamics of the original spin-1/2 ladder. Moreover, we use these insights to define an effective low-energy Hamiltonian in accordance to the newly developed COntractor REnormalization group (CORE) method. We show how a simple range-2 CORE approximation to the effective Hamiltonian to be used with our truncated basis reproduces the low-energy spectrum of the exact 2×62\times6 theory at the \alt 1% level.Comment: 12 pages with two postscript figure

    Dynamic Spin Response for Heisenberg Ladders

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    We employ the recently proposed plaquette basis to investigate static and dynamic properties of isotropic 2-leg Heisenberg spin ladders. Simple non-interacting multi-plaquette states provide a remarkably accurate picture of the energy/site and dynamic spin response of these systems. Insights afforded by this simple picture suggest a very efficient truncation scheme for more precise calculations. When the small truncation errors are accounted for using recently developed Contractor Renormalization techniques, very accurate results requiring a small fraction of the computational effort of exact calculations are obtained. These methods allow us to determine the energy/site, gap, and spin response of 2x16 ladders. The former two values are in good agreement with density matrix renormalization group results. The spin response calculations show that nearly all the strength is concentrated in the lowest triplet level and that coherent many-body effects enhance the response/site by nearly a factor of 1.6 over that found for 2x2 systems.Comment: 9 pages with two enclosed postscript figure
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