2,543 research outputs found

    Pump frequency resonances for light-induced incipient superconductivity in YBa2_2Cu3_3O6.5_{6.5}

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    Optical excitation in the cuprates has been shown to induce transient superconducting correlations above the thermodynamic transition temperature, TCT_C, as evidenced by the terahertz frequency optical properties in the non-equilibrium state. In YBa2_2Cu3_3O6+x_{6+x} this phenomenon has so far been associated with the nonlinear excitation of certain lattice modes and the creation of new crystal structures. In other compounds, like La2x_{2-x}Bax_xCuO4_4, similar effects were reported also for excitation at near infrared frequencies, and were interpreted as a signature of the melting of competing orders. However, to date it has not been possible to systematically tune the pump frequency widely in any one compound, to comprehensively compare the frequency dependent photo-susceptibility for this phenomenon. Here, we make use of a newly developed optical parametric amplifier, which generates widely tunable high intensity femtosecond pulses, to excite YBa2_2Cu3_3O6.5_{6.5} throughout the entire optical spectrum (3 - 750 THz). In the far-infrared region (3 - 25 THz), signatures of non-equilibrium superconductivity are induced only for excitation of the 16.4 THz and 19.2 THz vibrational modes that drive cc-axis apical oxygen atomic positions. For higher driving frequencies (25 - 750 THz), a second resonance is observed around the charge transfer band edge at ~350 THz. These observations highlight the importance of coupling to the electronic structure of the CuO2_2 planes, either mediated by a phonon or by charge transfer.Comment: 47 pages, 21 figures, 2 table

    Infrared study of the charge-ordered multiferroic LuFe(2)O(4)

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    The reflectivity of a large LuFe(2)O(4) single crystal has been measured with the radiation field either perpendicular or parallel to the c axis of its rhombohedral structure, from 10 to 500K, and from 7 to 16000 cm-1. The transition between the two-dimensional and the three-dimensional charge order at T_(CO) = 320 K is found to change dramatically the phonon spectrum in both polarizations. The number of the observed modes above and below T_(CO), according to a factor-group analysis, is in good agreement with a transition from the rhombohedral space group R{bar 3}m to the monoclinic C2/m. In the sub-THz region a peak becomes evident at low temperature, whose origin is discussed in relation with previous experiments.Comment: Physical Review B in pres

    Theory for Anomalous Terahertz Emission in Striped Cuprate Superconductors

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    Recent experiments in the doped cuprates La2−xBaxCuO4 have revealed the emission of anomalous terahertz radiation after impulsive optical excitation. The spectrum of this emission is sharply peaked in frequency at the Josephson plasma resonance. Notably, a prerequisite to this effect is that both superconducting and charge orders are present simultaneously. Here, we theoretically investigate the nonlinear electrodynamics of such striped superconductors and explore the origin of the observed radiation. We argue that photoexcitation is converted into a shift current by a second-order optical nonlinearity, which is activated by the breaking of inversion symmetry in certain stripe configurations. While such a low-frequency current impulsively drives both bulk and surface collective modes, we demonstrate that the observed emission is dominated by oscillations of the surface Josephson plasmon. Typically, surface excitations lie outside the light cone and are therefore silent; however, they can become bright due to the Bragg scattering off the charge order. We point out the importance of including Umklapp shift currents modulated at the stripe periodicity itself, which impulsively drive surface Josephson plasmons and lead to a resonant structure of outgoing radiation, consistent with the experiments

    Optically-induced Umklapp shift currents in striped cuprates

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    Motivated by recent experiments that observed low-frequency second-order optical responses in doped striped superconductors, here we investigate the nonlinear electrodynamics of systems exhibiting a charge density wave (CDW) order parameter. Due to the Bragg scattering off the CDW order, an incoming spatially homogeneous electric field in addition to zero momentum current generates Umklapp currents that are modulated in space at momenta of the reciprocal CDW lattice. In particular, here we predict and microscopically evaluate the Umklapp shift current, a finite momentum analog of the regular shift current which represents the second-order optical process that downconverts homogeneous AC electric field into low-frequency, zero momentum current. Specifically, we evaluate real-time response functions within mean-field theory via the Keldysh technique and use the Peierls substitution to compute observables at finite momenta in lattice models. We find that systems with certain lattice symmetries (such as inversion symmetry), where the regular shift current is disallowed, may give rise to the Umklapp one. We apply our framework to investigate lattice symmetries in layered materials with helical-like stripes and show that both types of shift currents provide insight into the nature of intertwined phases of matter. Finally, we discuss the relation of our findings to recent experiments in striped superconductors

    Dynamical order and superconductivity in a frustrated many-body system

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    In triangular lattice structures, spatial anisotropy and frustration can lead to rich equilibrium phase diagrams with regions containing complex, highly entangled states of matter. In this work we study the driven two-rung triangular Hubbard model and evolve these states out of equilibrium, observing how the interplay between the driving and the initial state unexpectedly shuts down the particle-hole excitation pathway. This restriction, which symmetry arguments fail to predict, dictates the transient dynamics of the system, causing the available particle-hole degrees of freedom to manifest uniform long-range order. We discuss implications of our results for a recent experiment on photo-induced superconductivity in κ(BEDTTTF)2Cu[N(CN)2]Br{\rm \kappa - (BEDT-TTF)_{2}Cu[N(CN)_{2}]Br} molecules.Comment: Main Text: 7 Pages, 4 Figures, Supplementary: 4 Pages, 3 Figure


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    The aim of this study was thecomparison between the cerclage associatedto articular cartilage curettage with the injectionof monoiodoacetate to induce ankylosis of theproximal interphalangeal joint (PIJ) in horses.Twelve horses were randomly allotted in two groups(n=6): surgical arthrodesis (CerG) and chemicalarthrodesis (MiaG), observed during seven months.After each treatment, animals were evaluated forlameness on days 7, 14 and 30, and also every30 days until the end of follow up. They were alsoevaluated for radiographic signs of osteoarthritis on days 30, 90, 120, 150, 180 e 210. During thefirst 24 hours (M0), MiaG showed more discomfortwhen compared to CerG, with lameness grade 5 inall animals. But, at M210, there was no differenceon lameness between groups. Radiographic signsfor osteoarthritis were observed on both groups,but they indicated greater tendency to ankylosis inCerG. Therefore, fusion was not observed in anygroup. It was concluded that both techniques werenot efficient for the induction of ankylosis in the PIJin horses.O objetivo da presente pesquisa foi acomparação entre a cerclagem óssea associada aoestímulo osteogênico e a injeção intraarticular demonoiodoacetato de sódio para indução de artrodeseda articulação interfalangeana proximal (AIP) emeqüinos. Foram utilizados 12 eqüinos dispostos aleatoriamenteem dois grupos (n=6): artrodese cirúrgica(CerG) e artrodese química (MiaG), acompanhadospor um período de sete meses. Após cada procedimento,os indivíduos foram avaliados quanto ao graude claudicação nos dias 7, 14 e 30 e a cada 30 diasaté o final do período de acompanhamento e, também,quanto aos sinais radiográficos de osteoartritenos dias 30, 90, 120, 150, 180 e 210. Nas primeiras24 horas (M0), o MiaG apresentou maior desconfortoem relação ao CerG, com grau 5 de claudicaçãopara todos os animais. Porém, em M210, não houvediferença no grau de claudicação entre os grupos.Os sinais radiográficios indicativos de osteoartriteforam evidentes para ambos os grupos e indicaramuma tendência maior à anquilose no CerG. Entretanto,a fusão não foi observada em nenhum animal tratado.Conclui-se que ambas as técnicas estudadasmostraram ser métodos ineficientes de indução de artrodese na AIP em equinos

    The ATLAS discovery potential for MSSM neutral Higgs bosons decaying to a mu+mu- pair in the mass range up to 130 GeV

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    Results are presented on the discovery potential for MSSM neutral Higgs bosons in the Mh-{max}scenario. The region of large tan beta, between 15 and 50, and mass between ~ 95 and 130 GeV is considered in the framework of the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), for a centre-of-mass energy = 14 TeV. This parameter region is not fully covered by the present data either from LEP or from Tevatron. The h/A bosons, supposed to be very close in mass in that region, are studied in the channel h/A -> mu+mu- accompanied by two b-jets. The study includes a method to control the most copious background, Zo -> mu+mu- accompanied by two b-jets. A possible contribution of the H boson to the signal is also considered

    A Model of Vertical Oligopolistic Competition

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    This paper develops a model of successive oligopolies with endogenous market entry, allowing for varying degrees of product differentiation and entry costs in both markets. Our analysis shows that the downstream conditions dominate the overall profitability of the two-tier structure while the upstream conditions mainly affect the distribution of profits. We compare the welfare effects of upstream versus downstream deregulation policies and show that the impact of deregulation may be overvalued when ignoring feedback effects from the other market. Furthermore, we analyze how different forms of vertical restraints influence the endogenous market structure and show when they are welfare enhancing

    Prenatal experience with language shapes the brain

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    Human infants acquire language with notable ease compared to adults, but the neural basis of their remarkable brain plasticity for language remains little understood. Applying a scaling analysis of neural oscillations to address this question, we show that newborns' electrophysiological activity exhibits increased long-range temporal correlations after stimulation with speech, particularly in the prenatally heard language, indicating the early emergence of brain specialization for the native language.</p