1,535 research outputs found

    The antiferromagnetic phase of the Floquet-driven Hubbard model

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    A saddle point plus fluctuations analysis of the periodically driven half-filled two-dimensional Hubbard model is performed. For drive frequencies below the equilibrium gap, we find discontinuous transitions to time-dependent solutions. A highly excited, generically non-thermal distribution of magnons occurs even for drive frequencies far above the gap. Above a critical drive amplitude, the low-energy magnon distribution diverges as the frequency tends to zero and antiferromagnetism is destroyed, revealing the generic importance of collective mode excitations arising from a non-equilibrium drive

    Pair breaking by nonmagnetic impurities in the noncentrosymmetric superconductor CePt3Si

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    We have studied the effect of Ge substitution and pressure on the heavy-fermion superconductor CePt3Si. Ge substitution on the Si site acts as negative chemical pressure leading to an increase in the unit-cell volume but also introduces chemical disorder. We carried out electrical resistivity and ac heat-capacity experiments under hydrostatic pressure on CePt3Si1-xGex (x=0, 0.06). Our experiments show that the suppression of superconductivity in CePt3Si1-xGex is mainly caused by the scattering potential, rather than volume expansion, introduced by the Ge dopants. The antiferromagnetic order is essentially not affected by the chemical disorder.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Magnetotransport in the CeIrIn5{_5} system: The influence of antiferromagnetic fluctuations

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    We present an overview of magnetotransport measurements on the heavy-fermion superconductor CeIrIn5_5. Sensitive measurements of the Hall effect and magnetoresistance (MR) are used to elucidate the low temperature phase diagram of this system. The normal-state magnetotransport is highly anomalous, and experimental signatures of a pseudogap-like precursor state to superconductivity as well as evidence for two distinct scattering times governing the Hall effect and the MR are observed. Our observations point out the influence of antiferromagnetic fluctuations on the magnetotransport in this class of materials. The implications of these findings, both in the context of unconventional superconductivity in heavy-fermion systems as well as in relation to the high temperature superconducting cuprates are discussed

    Competition of local-moment ferromagnetism and superconductivity in Co-substituted EuFe2As2

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    In contrast to SrFe2As2, where only the iron possesses a magnetic moment, in EuFe2As2 an additional large, local magnetic moment is carried by Eu2+. Like SrFe2As2, EuFe2As2 exhibits a spin-density wave transition at high temperatures, but in addition the magnetic moments of the Eu2+ order at around 20 K. The interplay of pressure-induced superconductivity and the Eu2+ order leads to a behavior which is reminiscent of re-entrant superconductivity as it was observed, for example, in the ternary Chevrel phases or in the rare-earth nickel borocarbides. Here, we study the delicate interplay of the ordering of the Eu2+ moments and superconductivity in EuFe1.9Co0.1As2, where application of external pressure makes it possible to sensitively tune the ratio of the magnetic (T_C) and the superconducting (T_{c,onset}) critical temperatures. We find that superconductivity disappears once T_C > T_{c,onset}.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to the proceedings of SCES201

    Enhancement of the upper critical field in codoped iron-arsenic high-temperature superconductors

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    We present the first study of codoped iron-arsenide superconductors of the 122 family (Sr/Ba)_(1-x)K_xFe_(2-y)Co_yAs_2 with the purpose to increase the upper critical field H_c2 compared to single doped (Sr/Ba)Fe_2As_2 materials. H_c2 was investigated by measuring the magnetoresistance in high pulsed magnetic fields up to 64 T. We find, that H_c2 extrapolated to T = 0 is indeed enhanced significantly to ~ 90 T for polycrystalline samples of Ba_0.55K_0.45Fe_1.95Co_0.05As_2 compared to ~75 T for Ba_0.55K_0.45Fe_2As_2 and BaFe_1.8Co_0.2As_2 single crystals. Codoping thus is a promising way for the systematic optimization of iron-arsenic based superconductors for magnetic-field and high-current applications.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Journal of Applied Physic

    Strain and order-parameter coupling in Ni-Mn-Ga Heusler alloys from resonant ultrasound spectroscopy

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    Resonant ultrasound spectroscopy and magnetic susceptibility experiments have been used to characterize strain coupling phenomena associated with structural and magnetic properties of the shape-memory Heusler alloy series Ni50+x_{50+x}Mn25−x_{25-x}Ga25_{25} (x=0x=0, 2.5, 5.0, and 7.5). All samples exhibit a martensitic transformation at temperature TMT_M and ferromagnetic ordering at temperature TCT_C, while the pure end member (x=0x=0) also has a premartensitic transition at TPMT_{PM}, giving four different scenarios: TC>TPM>TMT_C>T_{PM}>T_M, TC>TMT_C>T_M without premartensitic transition, TC≈TMT_C\approx T_M, and TC<TMT_C<T_M. Fundamental differences in elastic properties i.e., stiffening versus softening, are explained in terms of coupling of shear strains with three discrete order parameters relating to magnetic ordering, a soft mode and the electronic instability responsible for the large strains typical of martensitic transitions. Linear-quadratic or biquadratic coupling between these order parameters, either directly or indirectly via the common strains, is then used to explain the stabilities of the different structures. Acoustic losses are attributed to critical slowing down at the premartensite transition, to the mobility of interphases between coexisting phases at the martensitic transition and to mobility of some aspect of the twin walls under applied stress down to the lowest temperatures at which measurements were made.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Two Superconducting Phases in CeRh_1-xIr_xIn_5

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    Pressure studies of CeRh_1-xIr_xIn_5 indicate two superconducting phases as a function of x, one with T_c >= 2 K for x < 0.9 and the other with T_c < 1.2 K for x > 0.9. The higher T_c phase, phase-1, emerges in proximity to an antiferromagnetic quantum-critical point; whereas, Cooper pairing in the lower T_c phase-2 is inferred to arise from fluctuations of a yet to be found magnetic state. The T-x-P phase diagram of CeRh_1-xIr_xIn_5, though qualitatively similar, is distinctly different from that of CeCu_2(Si_1-xGe_x)_2.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Direct measurements of the magnetocaloric effect in pulsed magnetic fields: The example of the Heusler alloy Ni50_{50}Mn35_{35}In15_{15}

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    We have studied the magnetocaloric effect (MCE) in the shape-memory Heusler alloy Ni50_{50}Mn35_{35}In15_{15} by direct measurements in pulsed magnetic fields up to 6 and 20 T. The results in 6 T are compared with data obtained from heat-capacity experiments. We find a saturation of the inverse MCE, related to the first-order martensitic transition, with a maximum adiabatic temperature change of ΔTad=−7\Delta T_{ad} = -7 K at 250 K and a conventional field-dependent MCE near the second-order ferromagnetic transition in the austenitic phase. The pulsed magnetic field data allow for an analysis of the temperature response of the sample to the magnetic field on a time scale of ∼10\sim 10 to 100 ms which is on the order of typical operation frequencies (10 to 100 Hz) of magnetocaloric cooling devices. Our results disclose that in shape-memory alloys the different contributions to the MCE and hysteresis effects around the martensitic transition have to be carefully considered for future cooling applications.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Large zero-field cooled exchange-bias in bulk Mn2PtGa

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    We report a large exchange-bias (EB) effect after zero-field cooling the new tetragonal Heusler compound Mn2PtGa from the paramagnetic state. The first-principle calculation and the magnetic measurements reveal that Mn2PtGa orders ferrimagnetically with some ferromagnetic (FM) inclusions. We show that ferrimagnetic (FI) ordering is essential to isothermally induce the exchange anisotropy needed for the zero-field cooled (ZFC) EB during the virgin magnetization process. The complex magnetic behavior at low temperatures is characterized by the coexistence of a field induced irreversible magnetic behavior and a spin-glass-like phase. The field induced irreversibility originates from an unusual first-order FI to antiferromagnetic transition, whereas, the spin-glass like state forms due to the existence of anti-site disorder intrinsic to the material.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, supplementary material included in a separate file; accepted for publication in PR

    A precursor state to unconventional superconductivity in CeIrIn5{_5}

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    We present sensitive measurements of the Hall effect and magnetoresistance in CeIrIn5{_5} down to temperatures of 50 mK and magnetic fields up to 15 T. The presence of a low temperature coherent Kondo state is established. Deviations from Kohler's rule and a quadratic temperature dependence of the cotangent of the Hall angle are reminiscent of properties observed in the high temperature superconducting cuprates. The most striking observation pertains to the presence of a \textit{precursor} state--characterized by a change in the Hall mobility--that appears to precede the superconductivity in this material, in similarity to the pseudogap in the cuprate high TcT_c superconductors.Comment: 4 figure
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