9,816 research outputs found

    International capital mobility in an era of globalisation: adding a political dimension to the 'Feldstein–Horioka Puzzle'

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    The debate about the scope of feasible policy-making in an era of globalisation continues to be set within the context of an assumption that national capital markets are now perfectly integrated at the international level. However, the empirical evidence on international capital mobility contradicts such an assumption. As a consequence, a significant puzzle remains. Why is it, in a world in which the observed pattern of capital flows is indicative of a far from globalised reality, that public policy continues to be constructed in line with more extreme variants of the globalisation hypothesis? I attempt to solve this puzzle by arguing that ideas about global capital market integration have an independent causal impact on political outcomes which extends beyond that which can be attributed to the extent of their actual integration

    Aircraft and avionic related research required to develop an effective high-speed runway exit system

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    Research was conducted to increase airport capacity by studying the feasibility of the longitudinal separation between aircraft sequences on final approach. The multidisciplinary factors which include the utility of high speed exits for efficient runway operations were described along with recommendations and highlights of these studies

    A study of the mechanisms of corrosion inhibition of AA2024-T3 by vanadates using the split cell technique

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    The mechanisms of corrosion inhibition of AA2024-T3 by vanadates were studied in this work using the split cell technique and polarization curves. The electrochemical behavior of clear solutions containing metavanadates and orange solutions containing decavanadates was clearly distinctive. Injection of metavanadates to the cathode side of the different split cell setups greatly reduced the galvanic current, indicating a potent inhibition of the oxygen reduction kinetics. The galvanic current never exhibited a transient current peak, suggesting that metavanadates inhibit AA2024-T3 corrosion by a mechanism that does not involve electrochemical reduction. Injection of metavanadate to the anode side of the different split cells had no effect on the galvanic current. Injection of orange decavanadate to the cathode side of the AA2024-T3 split cell resulted in a large current peak, associated with the electrochemical reduction of decavanadate. However, decavanadates did not impart significant corrosion protection.This work was partially funded by AFOSR under award F 49620-02-0321, Major J. Gresham, PhD, contract monitor. JK’s travel expenses were paid by NATO under grant PST.CLG.979370

    Analytic solutions of the 1D finite coupling delta function Bose gas

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    An intensive study for both the weak coupling and strong coupling limits of the ground state properties of this classic system is presented. Detailed results for specific values of finite NN are given and from them results for general NN are determined. We focus on the density matrix and concomitantly its Fourier transform, the occupation numbers, along with the pair correlation function and concomitantly its Fourier transform, the structure factor. These are the signature quantities of the Bose gas. One specific result is that for weak coupling a rational polynomial structure holds despite the transcendental nature of the Bethe equations. All these new results are predicated on the Bethe ansatz and are built upon the seminal works of the past.Comment: 23 pages, 0 figures, uses rotate.sty. A few lines added. Accepted by Phys. Rev.


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    The interorganizational structures necessary to implement and achieve the logistical performance improvements identified in the Efficient Consumer Response (ECR) initiative and related supply chain management concepts are difficult to develop. Firms continue to struggle to implement integrated programs and techniques, particularly with respect to changing operating structures, relationships, and mindsets to facilitate true supply chain integration. This research explores the logistical strategies and structures used by selected food and consumer goods firms to integrate their supply chains. It illustrates effective integration strategies and identifies critical success factors and barriers to successful ECR implementation. A framework is used to guide managers in developing the competencies essential to integrating the supply chain and to establishing the relationships necessary to operate in an ECR environment. The framework, entitled Supply Chain 2000, depicts supply chain value creation as achieving synchronization and coordination across four critical supply chain flows: product/service; market accommodation; information; and cash.Industrial Organization,

    Asymptotic corrections to the eigenvalue density of the GUE and LUE

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    We obtain correction terms to the large N asymptotic expansions of the eigenvalue density for the Gaussian unitary and Laguerre unitary ensembles of random N by N matrices, both in the bulk of the spectrum and near the spectral edge. This is achieved by using the well known orthogonal polynomial expression for the kernel to construct a double contour integral representation for the density, to which we apply the saddle point method. The main correction to the bulk density is oscillatory in N and depends on the distribution function of the limiting density, while the corrections to the Airy kernel at the soft edge are again expressed in terms of the Airy function and its first derivative. We demonstrate numerically that these expansions are very accurate. A matching is exhibited between the asymptotic expansion of the bulk density, expanded about the edge, and the asymptotic expansion of the edge density, expanded into the bulk.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Coupling nonpolar and polar solvation free energies in implicit solvent models

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    Recent studies on the solvation of atomistic and nanoscale solutes indicate that a strong coupling exists between the hydrophobic, dispersion, and electrostatic contributions to the solvation free energy, a facet not considered in current implicit solvent models. We suggest a theoretical formalism which accounts for coupling by minimizing the Gibbs free energy of the solvent with respect to a solvent volume exclusion function. The resulting differential equation is similar to the Laplace-Young equation for the geometrical description of capillary interfaces, but is extended to microscopic scales by explicitly considering curvature corrections as well as dispersion and electrostatic contributions. Unlike existing implicit solvent approaches, the solvent accessible surface is an output of our model. The presented formalism is illustrated on spherically or cylindrically symmetrical systems of neutral or charged solutes on different length scales. The results are in agreement with computer simulations and, most importantly, demonstrate that our method captures the strong sensitivity of solvent expulsion and dewetting to the particular form of the solvent-solute interactions.Comment: accpted in J. Chem. Phy

    Taylor dispersion of gyrotactic swimming micro-organisms in a linear flow

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    The theory of generalized Taylor dispersion for suspensions of Brownian particles is developed to study the dispersion of gyrotactic swimming micro-organisms in a linear shear flow. Such creatures are bottom-heavy and experience a gravitational torque which acts to right them when they are tipped away from the vertical. They also suffer a net viscous torque in the presence of a local vorticity field. The orientation of the cells is intrinsically random but the balance of the two torques results in a bias toward a preferred swimming direction. The micro-organisms are sufficiently large that Brownian motion is negligible but their random swimming across streamlines results in a mean velocity together with diffusion. As an example, we consider the case of vertical shear flow and calculate the diffusion coefficients for a suspension of the alga <i>Chlamydomonas nivalis</i>. This rational derivation is compared with earlier approximations for the diffusivity

    Massive spinor fields in flat spacetimes with non-trivial topology

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    The vacuum expectation value of the stress-energy tensor is calculated for spin 121\over 2 massive fields in several multiply connected flat spacetimes. We examine the physical effects of topology on manifolds such as R3×S1R^3 \times S^1, R2×T2R^2\times T^2, R1×T3R^1 \times T^3, the Mobius strip and the Klein bottle. We find that the spinor vacuum stress tensor has the opposite sign to, and twice the magnitude of, the scalar tensor in orientable manifolds. Extending the above considerations to the case of Misner spacetime, we calculate the vacuum expectation value of spinor stress-energy tensor in this space and discuss its implications for the chronology protection conjecture.Comment: 18 pages, Some of the equations in section VI as well as typographical errors corrected, 5 figures, Revtex
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