997 research outputs found

    The Kahler Structure of Supersymmetric Holographic RG Flows

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    We study the metrics on the families of moduli spaces arising from probing with a brane the ten and eleven dimensional supergravity solutions corresponding to renormalisation group flows of supersymmetric large n gauge theory. In comparing the geometry to the physics of the dual gauge theory, it is important to identify appropriate coordinates, and starting with the case of SU(n) gauge theories flowing from N=4 to N=1 via a mass term, we demonstrate that the metric is Kahler, and solve for the Kahler potential everywhere along the flow. We show that the asymptotic form of the Kahler potential, and hence the peculiar conical form of the metric, follows from special properties of the gauge theory. Furthermore, we find the analogous Kahler structure for the N=4 preserving Coulomb branch flows, and for an N=2 flow. In addition, we establish similar properties for two eleven dimensional flow geometries recently presented in the literature, one of which has a deformation of the conifold as its moduli space. In all of these cases, we notice that the Kahler potential appears to satisfy a simple universal differential equation. We prove that this equation arises for all purely Coulomb branch flows dual to both ten and eleven dimensional geometries, and conjecture that the equation holds much more generally.Comment: 26 pages. Late

    On the long-term correlation between the flux in the Ca II H & K and Halpha lines for FGK stars

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    The re-emission in the cores of the Ca II H & K and Hα\alpha lines, are well known proxies of stellar activity. However, these activity indices probe different activity phenomena, the first being more sensitive to plage variation, while the other one being more sensitive to filaments. In this paper we study the long-term correlation between logRHK\log R'_{HK} and logIHα\log I_{H\alpha}, two indices based on the Ca II H & K and Hα\alpha lines respectively, for a sample of 271 FGK stars using measurements obtained over a \sim9 year time span. Because stellar activity is one of the main obstacles to the detection of low-mass and long-period planets, understanding further this activity index correlation can give us some hints about the optimal target to focus on, and ways to correct for these activity effects. We found a great variety of long-term correlations between logRHK\log R'_{HK} and logIHα\log I_{H\alpha}. Around 20% of our sample has strong positive correlation between the indices while about 3% show strong negative correlation. These fractions are compatible with those found for the case of early-M dwarfs. Stars exhibiting a positive correlation have a tendency to be more active when compared to the median of the sample, while stars showing a negative correlation are more present among higher metallicity stars. There is also a tendency for the positively correlated stars to be more present among the coolest stars, a result which is probably due to the activity level effect on the correlation. Activity level and metallicity seem therefore to be playing a role on the correlation between logRHK\log R'_{HK} and logIHα\log I_{H\alpha}. Possible explanations based on the influence of filaments for the diversity in the correlations between these indices are discussed in this paper.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Impact of micro-telluric lines on precise radial velocities and its correction

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    Context: In the near future, new instruments such as ESPRESSO will arrive, allowing us to reach a precision in radial-velocity measurements on the order of 10 cm/s. At this level of precision, several noise sources that until now have been outweighed by photon noise will start to contribute significantly to the error budget. The telluric lines that are not neglected by the masks for the radial velocity computation, here called micro-telluric lines, are one such noise source. Aims: In this work we investigate the impact of micro-telluric lines in the radial velocities calculations. We also investigate how to correct the effect of these atmospheric lines on radial velocities. Methods: The work presented here follows two parallel lines. First, we calculated the impact of the micro-telluric lines by multiplying a synthetic solar-like stellar spectrum by synthetic atmospheric spectra and evaluated the effect created by the presence of the telluric lines. Then, we divided HARPS spectra by synthetic atmospheric spectra to correct for its presence on real data and calculated the radial velocity on the corrected spectra. When doing so, one considers two atmospheric models for the synthetic atmospheric spectra: the LBLRTM and TAPAS. Results: We find that the micro-telluric lines can induce an impact on the radial velocities calculation that can already be close to the current precision achieved with HARPS, and so its effect should not be neglected, especially for future instruments such as ESPRESSO. Moreover, we find that the micro-telluric lines' impact depends on factors, such as the radial velocity of the star, airmass, relative humidity, and the barycentric Earth radial velocity projected along the line of sight at the time of the observation.Comment: Accepted in A&

    Preparation and Use of Preconstructed Orders, Order Sets, and Order Menus in a Computerized Provider Order Entry System

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    Objective: To describe the configuration and use of the computerized provider order entry (CPOE) system used for inpatient and outpatient care at the authors' facility. Design: Description of order configuration entities, use patterns, and configuration changes in a production CPOE system. Measurements: The authors extracted and analyzed the content of order configuration entities (order dialogs, preconfigured [quick] orders, order sets, and order menus) and determined the number of orders entered in their production order entry system over the previous three years. The authors measured use of these order configuration entities over a six-month period. They repeated the extract two years later to measure changes in these entities. Results: CPOE system configuration, conducted before and after first production use, consisted of preparing 667 order dialogs, 5,982 preconfigured (quick) orders, and 513 order sets organized in 703 order menus for particular contexts, such as admission for a particular diagnosis. Fifty percent of the order dialogs, 57% of the quick orders, and 13% of the order sets were used within a six-month period. Over the subsequent two years, the volume of order configuration entities increased by 26%. Conclusions: These order configuration steps were time-consuming, but the authors believe they were important to increase the ordering speed and acceptability of the order entry software. Lessons learned in the process of configuring the CPOE ordering system are given. Better understanding of ordering patterns may make order configuration more efficient because many of the order configuration entities that were created were not used by clinician

    Determination of Acaricide Resistance in Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus (Acari: Ixodidae) Field Populations of Argentina, South Africa, and Australia With the Larval Tarsal Test

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    Infestations with ticks have an important economic impact on the cattle industry worldwide and resistance to acaricides has become a widespread phenomenon. To optimize their treatment strategy, farmers need to know if and against which classes potential acaricide-resistance does occur. Bioassays are used to assess the resistance level and pattern of Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus populations. The objective of the current study was to assess the susceptibility of field populations originating from Argentina (8), South Africa (3), and Australia (2) using the Larval Tarsal Test. Nine acaricidal compounds from five major classes were tested: organosphosphates, synthetic pyrethroids (SP), macrocyclic lactones, phenylpyrazols, and amidines. The resistance ratios at concentrations inducing 50 and 90% mortality were used to detect established and emerging resistance. This study confirmed the newly reported presence of amitraz resistance in populations from Argentina. In addition, resistance to SP appeared to be widespread (88%) in the Argentinean farms, which had been selected based on the observation of lack of treatment efficacy by farmers. In South Africa one of the three populations was found to be resistant to SP and to a phenylpyrazol compound (pyriprol). Furthermore, resistance to organosphosphates and SP was observed in Australia. Finally, the Larval Tarsal Test proved to be a suitable test to evaluate the susceptibility of R. microplus field populations to the most relevant acaricidal classe

    Metallicities for 13 nearby open clusters from high-resolution spectroscopy of dwarf and giant stars. Stellar metallicity, stellar mass, and giant planets

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    We present a study of accurate stellar parameters and iron abundances for 39 giants and 16 dwarfs in the 13 open clusters IC2714, IC4651, IC4756, NGC2360, NGC2423, NGC2447 (M93), NGC2539, NGC2682 (M67), NGC3114, NGC3680, NGC4349, NGC5822, NGC6633. The analysis was done using a set of high-resolution and high-S/N spectra obtained with the UVES spectrograph (VLT). These clusters are currently being searched for planets using precise radial velocities. For all the clusters, the derived average metallicities are close to solar. Interestingly, the values derived seem to depend on the line-list used. This dependence and its implications for the study of chemical abundances in giants stars are discussed. We show that a careful choice of the lines may be crucial for the derivation of metallicities for giant stars on the same metallicity scale as those derived for dwarfs. Finally, we discuss the implications of the derived abundances for the metallicity- and mass-giant planet correlation. We conclude that a good knowledge of the two parameters is necessary to correctly disentangle their influence on the formation of giant planets.Comment: accepted for publication in A&

    Selection of ThAr lines for wavelength calibration of echelle spectra and implications for variations in the fine-structure constant

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    Echelle spectrographs currently provide some of the most precise and detailed spectra in astronomy, the interpretation of which sometimes depends on the wavelength calibration accuracy. In some applications, such as constraining cosmological variations in the fundamental constants from quasar absorption lines, the wavelength calibration is crucial. Here we detail an algorithm for selecting thorium-argon (ThAr) emission lines for wavelength calibration which incorporates the properties of both a new laboratory wavelength list and the spectrograph of interest. We apply the algorithm to the Very Large Telescope Ultraviolet and Visual Echelle Spectrograph (UVES) and demonstrate a factor of ≳3 improvement in the wavelength calibration residuals (i.e. random errors) alone. It is also found that UVES spectra calibrated using a previous, widely distributed line-list contain systematic ±30 -75 m s−1 distortions of the wavelength scale over both short and long wavelength ranges. These distortions have important implications for current UVES constraints on cosmological variations in the fine-structure constant. The induced systematic errors are most severe for Mg/Feii quasar absorbers in the redshift range 1.2 ≲zabs≲ 2.3, with individual absorbers studied by recent authors containing systematic errors up to four times larger than quoted statistical error

    Selection of ThAr lines for wavelength calibration of echelle spectra and implications for variations in the fine-structure constant

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    Echelle spectrographs currently provide some of the most precise and detailed spectra in astronomy, the interpretation of which sometimes depends on the wavelength calibration accuracy. In some applications, such as constraining cosmological variations in the fundamental constants from quasar absorption lines, the wavelength calibration is crucial. Here we detail an algorithm for selecting thorium-argon (ThAr) emission lines for wavelength calibration which incorporates the properties of both a new laboratory wavelength list and the spectrograph of interest. We apply the algorithm to the Very Large Telescope Ultraviolet and Visual Echelle Spectrograph (UVES) and demonstrate a factor of >3 improvement in the wavelength calibration residuals (i.e. random errors) alone. It is also found that UVES spectra calibrated using a previous, widely distributed line-list contain systematic +/-30-75 m/s distortions of the wavelength scale over both short and long wavelength ranges. These distortions have important implications for current UVES constraints on cosmological variations in the fine-structure constant. The induced systematic errors are most severe for Mg/FeII quasar absorbers in the redshift range 1.2 < z < 2.3, with individual absorbers studied by recent authors containing systematic errors up to 4 times larger than quoted statistical errors.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figures (16 EPS files). Accepted by MNRAS. Supplementary material, including electronic versions of all input and output ThAr atlases and colour versions of Fig. 3(right) available at http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/~mim/pub.htm