10 research outputs found

    Postoperative lumbar fusion paraspinal desmoid tumor case report

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    Desmoid tumors are rare soft tissue tumors with slow growth and high recurrence rates. They typically arise sporadically in the abdominal wall or retroperitoneum, with a few rare cases reported after trauma and surgery. Postoperative desmoid tumors in adults are very rare with only 7 reported cases involving the paraspinal location. This is the first reported case of a male patient with a postoperative paraspinal desmoid tumor

    Management Algorithm for Osseous Metastatic Disease: What the Treatment Teams Want to Know

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    Radiologists play a primary role in identifying, characterizing, and classifying spinal metastases and can play a lifesaving role in the care of these patients by triaging those with instability to urgent spine surgery consultation. For this reason, an understanding of current treatment algorithms and principles of spinal stability in patients with cancer is vital for all who interpret spine studies. In addition, advances in imaging allow radiologists to provide more accurate diagnoses and characterize pathology, thereby improving patient safety

    [1-11C]-Butanol Positron Emission Tomography reveals an impaired brain to nasal turbinates pathway in aging amyloid positive subjects

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    Abstract Background Reduced clearance of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) has been suggested as a pathological feature of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). With extensive documentation in non-human mammals and contradictory human neuroimaging data it remains unknown whether the nasal mucosa is a CSF drainage site in humans. Here, we used dynamic PET with [1-11C]-Butanol, a highly permeable radiotracer with no appreciable brain binding, to test the hypothesis that tracer drainage from the nasal pathway reflects CSF drainage from brain. As a test of the hypothesis, we examined whether brain and nasal fluid drainage times were correlated and affected by brain amyloid. Methods 24 cognitively normal subjects (≥ 65 years) were dynamically PET imaged for 60 min. using [1-11C]-Butanol. Imaging with either [11C]-PiB or [18F]-FBB identified 8 amyloid PET positive (Aβ+) and 16 Aβ- subjects. MRI-determined regions of interest (ROI) included: the carotid artery, the lateral orbitofrontal (LOF) brain, the cribriform plate, and an All-turbinate region comprised of the superior, middle, and inferior turbinates. The bilateral temporalis muscle and jugular veins served as control regions. Regional time-activity were used to model tracer influx, egress, and AUC. Results LOF and All-turbinate 60 min AUC were positively associated, thus suggesting a connection between the brain and the nose. Further, the Aβ+ subgroup demonstrated impaired tracer kinetics, marked by reduced tracer influx and slower egress. Conclusion The data show that tracer kinetics for brain and nasal turbinates are related to each other and both reflect the amyloid status of the brain. As such, these data add to evidence that the nasal pathway is a potential CSF drainage site in humans. These data warrant further investigation of brain and nasal contributions to protein clearance in neurodegenerative disease

    The political economy of expulsion: the regulation of Jewish moneylending in medieval England

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    Taxation, Usury, Rent creation, Parliament,