259 research outputs found

    Het beleefde land : over beleving & meervoudig ruimtegebruik

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    Typical tourists : Research into the theoretical and methodological foundations of a typology of tourism and recreation experiences

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    Typical tourists are recognisable from a distance. They appear out of place with their loud coloured outfits, often sunburned, walking around loaded with cameras and video-equipment and studying city maps. Yet, tourists are not always all the same. Adventurous eco-tourists, with hiking boots and a good quality daypack, clearly search for a different experience than middle-aged cultural tourists do. Typologies have been developed to classify different groups of tourists and recreationists. However, problems have arisen since the various approaches are quite different and the classification schemes used 'arbitrary'. The question remains "which typology should have preference"? This book reports a long-term project to establish a theoretical and useful approach to develop a typology of experiences for tourism and recreation. The theoretical framework used as a starting point was Eric Cohen's (1979) phenomenology of tourist experiences. The research covers different activities (camping, sight seeing by car, hiking) and settings (nature areas, bungalow parks, Costa Rica, the Netherlands, Southeast Asia), while maintaining a degree of comparison with the theoretical framework adopted for this study. A detailed insight into the methodological aspects of the approach is provided to enable researchers and students alike to use and build upon the methodology and results. The approach is also meant to be a source of inspiration for policy development and planning for a diversified tourist environmen

    Constructies van beton; & Iemand die tegen zijn hond zegt: 'vlieg'

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    Elevated micro-topography boosts growth rates in <i>Salicornia procumbens</i> by amplifying a tidally driven oxygen pump:Implications for natural recruitment and restoration

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    • Background and Aims: The growth rate of pioneer species is known to be a critical component determining recruitment success of marsh seedlings on tidal flats. By accelerating growth, recruits can reach a larger size at an earlier date, which reduces the length of the disturbance-free window required for successful establishment. Therefore, the pursuit of natural mechanisms that accelerate growth rates at a local scale may lead to a better understanding of the circumstances under which new establishment occurs, and may suggest new insights with which to perform restoration. This study explores how and why changes in local sediment elevation modify the growth rate of recruiting salt marsh pioneers. • Methods: A mesocosm experiment was designed in which the annual salt marsh pioneer Salicornia procumbens was grown over a series of raised, flat and lowered sediment surfaces, under a variety of tidal inundation regimes and in vertically draining or un-draining sediment. Additional physical tests quantified the effects of these treatments on sediment water-logging and oxygen dynamics, including the use of a planar optode experiment. • Key Results: In this study, the elevation of sediment micro-topography by 2 cm was the overwhelming driver of plant growth rates. Seedlings grew on average 25 % faster on raised surfaces, which represented a significant increase when compared to other groups. Changes in growth aligned well with the amplifying effect of raised sediment beds on a tidally episodic oxygenation process wherein sediment pore spaces were refreshed by oxygen-rich water at the onset of high tide. • Conclusions: Overall, the present study suggests this tidally driven oxygen pump as an explanation for commonly observed natural patterns in salt marsh recruitment near drainage channels and atop raised sediment mounds and reveals a promising way forward to promote the establishment of pioneers in the field

    Growth forms and life-history strategies predict the occurrence of aquatic macrophytes in relation to environmental factors in a shallow peat lake complex

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    Aquatic ecosystems provide vital services, and macrophytes play a critical role in their functioning. Conceptual models indicate that in shallow lakes, plants with different growth strategies are expected to inhabit contrasting habitats. For shallow peat lakes, characterized by incohesive sediments, roles of growth forms, life-history strategies and environmental factors in determining the occurrence of aquatic vegetation remain unknown. In a field survey, we sampled 64 points in a peat lake complex and related macrophyte occurrence to growth forms (floating-leaved rooted and submerged), life-history strategies for overwintering (turions, seeds, rhizomes) and environmental factors (water depth, fetch, and porewater nutrients). Our survey showed that macrophyte occurrence relates to water depth, wind-fetch, and nutrients, and depends on growth form and life-history strategies. Specifically, rooted floating-leaved macrophytes occur at lower wind-fetch/shallower waters. Submerged macrophytes occur from low to greater wind-fetch/water depth, depending on life-history strategies; macrophytes with rhizomes occur at greater wind-fetch/depth relative to species that overwinter with seeds or turions. We conclude that growth form and life-history strategies for overwintering predict macrophytes occurrence regarding environmental factors in peat lakes. Therefore, we propose an adapted model for macrophyte occurrence for such lakes. Altogether, these results may aid in species-selection to revegetate peat lakes depending on its environment

    Life cycle informed restoration:Engineering settlement substrate material characteristics and structural complexity for reef formation

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    Ecosystems are degrading world-wide, with severe ecological and economic consequences. Restoration is becoming an important tool to regain ecosystem services and preserve biodiversity. However, in harsh ecosystems dominated by habitat-modifying organisms, restoration is often expensive and failure prone. Establishment of such habitat modifiers often hinges on self-facilitation feedbacks generated by traits that emerge when individuals aggregate, causing density- or patch size-dependent establishment thresholds. To overcome these thresholds, adult or juvenile habitat-forming species are often transplanted in clumped designs, or stress-mitigating structures are deployed. However, current restoration approaches focus on introducing or facilitating a single life stage, while many habitat modifiers experience multiple bottlenecks throughout their life as they transition through sequential life stages. Here, we define and experimentally test ‘life cycle informed restoration’, a restoration concept that focuses on overcoming multiple bottlenecks throughout the target species’ lifetime. To provide proof of concept, and show its general applicability, we carried out complementary experiments in intertidal soft-sediment systems in Florida and the Netherlands where oysters and mussels act as reef-building habitat modifiers. We used biodegradable structures designed to facilitate bivalve reef recovery by both stimulating settlement with hard and fibrous substrates and post-settlement survival by reducing predation. Our trans-Atlantic experiments demonstrate that these structures enabled bivalve reef formation by: (a) facilitating larval recruitment via species-specific settlement substrates, and (b) enhancing post-settlement survival by lowering predation. In the Netherlands, structures with coir rope most strongly facilitated mussels by providing fibrous settlement substrate, and predation-lowering spatially complex hard attachment substrate. In Florida, oysters were greatly facilitated by hard substrates, while coir rope proved unbeneficial. Synthesis and applications. Our findings demonstrate that artificial biodegradable reefs can enhance bivalve reef restoration across the Atlantic by mimicking emergent traits that ameliorate multiple bottlenecks over the reef-forming organism’ life cycle. This highlights the potential of our approach as a cost-effective and practical tool for nature managers to restore systems dominated by habitat modifiers whose natural recovery is hampered by multiple life stage-dependent bottlenecks. Therefore, investment in understanding how to achieve life cycle informed restoration on larger scales and whether the method it is applicable to restore other ecosystems is now required
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