15 research outputs found

    Nanofiber-based filters as novel barrier systems for nanomaterial exposure scenarios

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    In this article our latest advances in the development of efficient barrier systems against micro- and nano-particulate materials are presented. Nanofibrous polyamide 6 (PA6) mats were fabricated by electrospinning onto a nonwoven viscose substrate. The influence of electrospinning parameters including solution concentration, viscosity, and conductivity, were studied for the production of nonwovens with different fiber size distribution ranging from 74 to 261 nm in diameters. Moreover, the formation of nanowebs (30-40 nm) which are widely distributed among fibers was observed. By varying several process parameters, membranes with different thickness of the nanofiber layer and therefore air permeability and nanoparticle filtration efficiency were obtained.The financial support of this work was provided by MICINN (Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation) and ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) (ref: PSE-420000-2008-003)

    Occupational exposure to nano-TiO2 in the life cycle steps of new depollutant mortars used in construction

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    The present work is focused on the measurement of workers exposure to nano-TiO2 in the life cycle steps of depollutant mortars. It has been done in the framework of the SCAFFOLD project, which aims at the management of potential risks arising from the use of manufactured nanomaterials in construction. Main findings can be summarized as follows: (1) The occupational exposure to nano- TiO2 is below 0.3 mg/m3 for all measured scenarios. The highest concentrations were measured during the cleaning task (in the nano- TiO2 manufacturing process) and during the application (spraying) of depollutant coatings on a wall. (2) It was found a high release of particles above the background in several tasks as expected due to the nature of the activities performed. The maximum concentration was measured during drilling and during adding powder materials (mean total particle concentration up to 5.591E+04 particles/cm3 and 5.69E+04 particles/cm3). However, considering data on total particle concentration released, no striking differences have been observed when tasks have been performed using conventional materials in the sector (control) and when using materials doped with nano-objects.European Commission's FP

    Revista de Vertebrados de la Estación Biológica de Doñana

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    Tiempo y orden de aparición de las escamas en el salmón del Atlántico (Salmo salar)Estudios sobre el sapo corredor (Bufo calamita) en el sur de España.III. ReproducciónInfluencia de las carecterísticas del medio acuático sobre las poblaciones de larvas de anfibios en lala Reserva Biológica de Doñana(Huelva, EspañaDieta de la cigüeñuela (Himantopus himantopus) en las salinas del estuario del GuadianaOrientación y selección del lugar del nido en el gorrión moruno (Passer hispaniolensis)la avifauna de las Vegas Bajas del Guadianala reproducción de la malvasía (Oxyura leucocephala) en el sur de la provincia de Córdoba, España.La alimentación de la curruca cabecinegra (Sylvia melanocephala, Gmelin 1788) en olivares de la provincia de Jaén (otoño-invierno)Consideraciones sobre el efecto de los conejos y los grandes herbívoros en los pastizales de la Vera de DoñanaAnálisis factorial de las expresiones faciales del babuino sagrado (Papio hamadryas)Contaminación xenobiótica del Parque Nacionalde Doñana. II. Residuos de insecticidas organoclorados, bifenilos policlorados, (PGBs) y metales pesados en Falconiformes y StrigiformesTransferencia total y del y bioacumulación de mercurio y metilmercurio en ecosistemas del Parque Nacional de DoñanaNota sobre la alimentación de larvas de anfibios: I. Pleurodeles waltl en charcas temporaleNota sobre nuevas especies parasitada por el críalo (Clamator glandarius) en EspañaEstructura de la jerarquización en la predación de huevos y pichones en Spheniscus magellanicusPasser domesticus, nueva specie para Bolivia¿Están realmente subalimentados los cernícalos primilla en el valle del Guadalquivir durante el periodo no reproductor?.Nidificación del paiño común (Hydrobates pelagicus) en las Islas Canarias.Nuevos datos sobre la presencia del visón europeo (Mustela lutreola L.) en NavarraLa población de gamos del Parque Nacional de Doñana en 1979Puntualización a la nota "predacción de Falco peregrino y Falco subbuteo sobre quirópteros" de Aymerich y García de Castro aparecida en el vol. 9 de esta revista.Peer reviewe

    Registro Español de Trasplante Cardiaco. XXXI Informe Oficial de la Asociación de Insuficiencia Cardiaca de la Sociedad Española de Cardiología

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    Introducción y objetivos Se presentan las características clínicas y los resultados de los trasplantes cardiacos realizados en España con la actualización correspondiente a 2019. Métodos Se describen las características clínicas y los resultados de los trasplantes cardiacos realizados en 2019, así como las tendencias de estos en el periodo 2010-2018. Resultados En 2019 se realizaron 300 trasplantes (8.794 desde 1984; 2.745 entre 2010 y 2019). Respecto a años previos, los cambios más llamativos son el descenso hasta el 38% de los trasplantes realizados en código urgente, y la consolidación en el cambio de asistencia circulatoria pretrasplante, con la práctica desaparición del balón de contrapulsación (0, 7%), la estabilización del uso del oxigenador extracorpóreo de membrana (9, 6%) y el aumento de los dispositivos de asistencia ventricular (29%). La supervivencia en el trienio 2016-2018 es similar a la del trienio 2013-2015 (p = 0, 34), y ambas mejores que la del trienio 2010-2012 (p = 0, 002 y p = 0, 01 respectivamente). Conclusiones Se mantienen estables tanto la actividad del trasplante cardiaco en España como los resultados en supervivencia en los últimos 2 trienios. Hay una tendencia a realizar menos trasplantes urgentes, la mayoría con dispositivos de asistencia ventricular. Introduction and objectives: The present report describes the clinical characteristics and outcomes of heart transplants in Spain and updates the data to 2019. Methods: We describe the clinical characteristics and outcomes of heart transplants performed in Spain in 2019, as well as trends in this procedure from 2010 to 2018. Results: In 2019, 300 transplants were performed (8794 since 1984; 2745 between 2010 and 2019). Compared with previous years, the most notable findings were the decreasing rate of urgent transplants (38%), and the consolidation of the type of circulatory support prior to transplant, with an almost complete disappearance of counterpulsation balloon (0.7%), stabilization in the use of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (9.6%), and an increase in the use of ventricular assist devices (29.0%). Survival from 2016 to 2018 was similar to that from 2013 to 2015 (P = .34). Survival in both these periods was better than that from 2010 to 2012 (P = .002 and P = .01, respectively). Conclusions: Heart transplant activity has remained stable during the last few years, as have outcomes (in terms of survival). There has been a trend to a lower rate of urgent transplants and to a higher use of ventricular assist devices prior to transplant

    Extracting Emotions and Communication Styles from Prosody

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    According to many psychological and social studies, vocal messages contain two distinct channels—an explicit, linguistic channel, and an implicit, paralinguistic channel. In particular, the latter contains information about the emotional state of the speaker, providing clues about the implicit meaning of the message. Such information can improve applications requiring human-machine interactions (for example, Automatic Speech Recognition systems or Conversational Agents), as well as support the analysis of human-human interactions (for example, clinic or forensic applications). PrEmA, the tool we present in this work, is able to recognize and classify both emotions and communication style of the speaker, relying on prosodic features. In particular, recognition of communication-styles is, to our knowledge, new, and could be used to infer interesting clues about the state of the interaction. PrEmA uses two LDA-based classifiers, which rely on two sets of prosodic features. Experimenting PrEmA with Italian speakers we obtained Ac = 71% for emotions and Ac = 86% for communication styles