540 research outputs found

    Resonance-Induced Effects in Photonic Crystals

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    For the case of a simple face-centered-cubic photonic crystal of homogeneous dielectric spheres, we examine to what extent single-sphere Mie resonance frequencies are related to band gaps and whether the width of a gap can be enlarged due to nearby resonances. Contrary to some suggestions, no spectacular effects may be expected. When the dielectric constant of the spheres ϵs\epsilon_s is greater than the dielectric constant ϵb\epsilon_b of the background medium, then for any filling fraction ff there exists a critical ϵc\epsilon_c above which the lowest lying Mie resonance frequency falls inside the lowest stop gap in the (111) crystal direction, close to its midgap frequency. If ϵs<ϵb\epsilon_s <\epsilon_b, the correspondence between Mie resonances and both the (111) stop gap and a full gap does not follow such a regular pattern. If the Mie resonance frequency is close to a gap edge, one can observe a resonance-induced widening of a relative gap width by 5\approx 5%.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figs., RevTex. For more info look at http://www.amolf.nl/external/wwwlab/atoms/theory/index.htm

    Inductive power transfer in e-textile applications: Reducing the effects of coil misalignment

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    Wireless power transfer (WPT) is an attractive approach for recharging wearable technologies and therefore textile implementations are of interest. Such textile WPT systems are inherently flexible and prone to misalignments of the inductively coupled coils which affects performance. This paper investigates two methods to reduce the effect of coil misalignment in inductive WPT in e-textile applications: a single large transmitter coil and a switched transmitter coil array. Transmission efficiency and maximum received power are determined for both methods, and compared against the baseline system that uses a single small transmitter coil. All coils used in this study were fabricated using automated stitching of PTFE insulated flexible wire onto a polyester/cotton textile. This fabrication method allows coils to be sewn directly to existing garments

    Nanoscale-length control of the flagellar driveshaft requires hitting the tethered outer membrane

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    The bacterial flagellum exemplifies a system where even small deviations from the highly regulated flagellar assembly process can abolish motility and cause negative physiological outcomes. Consequently, bacteria have evolved elegant and robust regulatory mechanisms to ensure that flagellar morphogenesis follows a defined path, with each component self-assembling to predetermined dimensions. The flagellar rod acts as a driveshaft to transmit torque from the cytoplasmic rotor to the external filament. The rod self-assembles to a defined length of ~25 nanometers. Here, we provide evidence that rod length is limited by the width of the periplasmic space between the inner and outer membranes. The length of Braun's lipoprotein determines periplasmic width by tethering the outer membrane to the peptidoglycan layer

    Giant flagellins form thick flagellar filaments in two species of marine γ-proteobacteria

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    Flagella, the primary means of motility in bacteria, are helical filaments that function as microscopic propellers composed of thousands of copies of the protein flagellin. Here, we show that many bacteria encode “giant” flagellins, greater than a thousand amino acids in length, and that two species that encode giant flagellins, the marine γ-proteobacteria Bermanella marisrubri and Oleibacter marinus, produce monopolar flagellar filaments considerably thicker than filaments composed of shorter flagellin monomers. We confirm that the flagellum from B. marisrubri is built from its giant flagellin. Phylogenetic analysis reveals that the mechanism of evolution of giant flagellins has followed a stepwise process involving an internal domain duplication followed by insertion of an additional novel insert. This work illustrates how “the” bacterial flagellum should not be seen as a single, idealised structure, but as a continuum of evolved machines adapted to a range of niches

    Inversion of Randomly Corrugated Surfaces Structure from Atom Scattering Data

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    The Sudden Approximation is applied to invert structural data on randomly corrugated surfaces from inert atom scattering intensities. Several expressions relating experimental observables to surface statistical features are derived. The results suggest that atom (and in particular He) scattering can be used profitably to study hitherto unexplored forms of complex surface disorder.Comment: 10 pages, no figures. Related papers available at http://neon.cchem.berkeley.edu/~dan

    Photonic Band Gaps of Three-Dimensional Face-Centered Cubic Lattices

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    We show that the photonic analogue of the Korringa-Kohn-Rostocker method is a viable alternative to the plane-wave method to analyze the spectrum of electromagnetic waves in a three-dimensional periodic dielectric lattice. Firstly, in the case of an fcc lattice of homogeneous dielectric spheres, we reproduce the main features of the spectrum obtained by the plane wave method, namely that for a sufficiently high dielectric contrast a full gap opens in the spectrum between the eights and ninth bands if the dielectric constant ϵs\epsilon_s of spheres is lower than the dielectric constant ϵb\epsilon_b of the background medium. If ϵs>ϵb\epsilon_s> \epsilon_b, no gap is found in the spectrum. The maximal value of the relative band-gap width approaches 14% in the close-packed case and decreases monotonically as the filling fraction decreases. The lowest dielectric contrast ϵb/ϵs\epsilon_b/\epsilon_s for which a full gap opens in the spectrum is determined to be 8.13. Eventually, in the case of an fcc lattice of coated spheres, we demonstrate that a suitable coating can enhance gap widths by as much as 50%.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figs., plain latex - a section on coated spheres, two figures, and a few references adde

    General model with experimental validation of electrical resonant frequency tuning of electromagnetic vibration energy harvesters

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    This paper presents a general model and its experimental validation for electrically tunable electromagnetic energy harvesters. Electrical tuning relies on the adjustment of the electrical load so that the maximum output power of the energy harvester occurs at a frequency which is different from the mechanical resonant frequency of the energy harvester. Theoretical analysis shows that for this approach to be feasible the electromagnetic vibration energy harvester’s coupling factor must be maximized so that its resonant frequency can be tuned with the minimum decrease of output power. Two different-sized electromagnetic energy harvesters were built and tested to validate the model. Experimentally, the micro-scale energy harvester has a coupling factor of 0.0035 and an untuned resonant frequency of 70.05 Hz. When excited at 30 mg, it was tuned by 0.23 Hz by changing its capacitive load from 0 to 4000 nF; its effective tuning range is 0.15 Hz for a capacitive load variation from 0 to 1500 nF. The macro-scale energy harvester has a coupling factor of 552.25 and an untuned resonant frequency of 95.1 Hz and 95.5 Hz when excited at 10 mg and 25 mg, respectively. When excited at 10 mg, it was tuned by 3.8 Hz by changing its capacitive load from 0 to 1400 nF; it has an effective tuning range of 3.5 Hz for a capacitive load variation from 0 to 1200 nF. When excited at 25 mg, its resonant frequency was tuned by 4.2 Hz by changing its capacitive load from 0 to 1400 nF; it has an effective tuning range of about 5 Hz. Experimental results were found to agree with the theoretical analysis to within 10%