342 research outputs found

    Effect of nose ringing and stocking rate of pregnant and lactating outdoor sows on exploratory behavior, grass cover and nutrient loss potential

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    Nose ringing of outdoor sows is practiced to reduce grass sward damage for environmental reasons but conflicts with natural behaviour considerations. We investigated effects of ringing pregnant and lactating outdoor sows on foraging and explorative behaviour, grass cover and nutrient deposition. The experiment included both ringed and unringed sows. For unringed sows the paddocks were either used continuously throughout the experiment or divided into two and sows were moved half way through the experimental period leaving the first used paddock for regrowth. Ringing did not prevent the sow’s rooting, but rooting was less pronounced, when sows were ringed. On average, ringing increased grass cover from 14 to 38% and from 64 to 81% in paddocks with pregnant and lactating sows, respectively. In paddocks with unringed sows kept at a double density and followed by a resting period, the grass cover in autumn was restored to a high degree in paddocks with pregnant sows. In lactating sow paddocks the level of inorganic N was high but with no significant relation to extent of grass cover. In pregnant sow paddocks the soil inorganic N content was significantly reduced by increased grass cover and at 60% grass cover soil inorganic N content was at a low level. From the experiment it was evident that although ringing did have a positive environmental effect, it was not the main factor influencing potential losses. Management choices in terms of feeding, animal density and nutrient distribution are considered to be at least as important

    Sow body condition at weaning and reproduction performance in organic piglet production

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    The objective was to investigate the variation in backfat at weaning and its relations to reproduction results in organic sow herds in Denmark. The study included eight herds and 573 sows. The average backfat at weaning mean�13 mm; SD�4.2 mm) ranging from 10.5 to 17.3 mm among herds shows that it is possible to avoid poor body condition at weaning even with a lactation length of seven weeks or more. No main effect of backfat at weaning on reproduction performance was found, but the probability of a successful reproduction after weaning tended to decrease with decreasing backfat for first parity sows, whereas the opposite was the case for multiparous sows

    Linear response functions for a vibrational configuration interaction state

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    Linear response functions are implemented for a vibrational configuration interaction state allowing accurate analytical calculations of pure vibrational contributions to dynamical polarizabilities. Sample calculations are presented for the pure vibrational contributions to the polarizabilities of water and formaldehyde. We discuss the convergence of the results with respect to various details of the vibrational wave function description as well as the potential and property surfaces. We also analyze the frequency dependence of the linear response function and the effect of accounting phenomenologically for the finite lifetime of the excited vibrational states. Finally, we compare the analytical response approach to a sum-over-states approac

    The mating behavior and reproduction performance in a multi-sire mating system for pigs

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    Abstract An important aim of organic animal production is to allow natural animal behaviour. Regarding reproduction techniques, artificial insemination is permitted but natural mating is preferred. The outdoor multi-sire system, where the sows are placed in large paddocks with a group of boars, is one example of a service system, which complies well with the organic ideals of facilitating natural animal behavior. However, very little knowledge is available about such system. Seven groups of in total of 47 sows and 31 boars were observed to study the mating behavior in an outdoor multi-sire mating system and the subsequent reproduction results. The time of start of courtship, behavior and the cause of disruption if the courtship was terminated, were recorded each time a boar courted a sow. All aggressive interactions between the boars were also recorded to estimate the boar ranking order. The observations revealed numerous poor quality matings, a huge variation in the number of times sows are mated, and overworked boars. Only 35% of all copulations lasted 2 min or more and 63% of all copulations were disrupted, mainly by competitor boars. The higher social status of the boar, the more copulations did it disrupt ( p < 0.05). The outcome was an unacceptable variation in reproduction results. Only 71% of all estrus sows conceived, corresponding to a pregnancy rate of 77% of all mated sows. A large inter-group variation in reproduction performance was observed, indicating scope for improvements. In some groups all sows showed estrus and all sows conceived. Recommendations for improvement of the system are proposed.

    Substrate selectivity and inhibition of histidine JmjC hydroxylases MINA53 and NO66.

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    Non-haem Fe(II) and 2-oxoglutarate (2OG) dependent oxygenases catalyse oxidation of multiple proteins in organisms ranging from bacteria to humans. We describe studies on the substrate selectivity and inhibition of the human ribosomal oxygenases (ROX) MINA53 and NO66, members of the JmjC 2OG oxygenase subfamily, which catalyse C-3 hydroxylation of histidine residues in Rpl27a and Rpl8, respectively. Assays with natural and unnatural histidine analogues incorporated into Rpl peptides provide evidence that MINA53 and NO66 have narrow substrate selectivities compared to some other human JmjC hydroxylases, including factor inhibiting HIF and JMJD6. Notably, the results of inhibition assays with Rpl peptides containing histidine analogues with acyclic side chains, including Asn, Gln and homoGln, suggest the activities of MINA53/NO66, and by implication related 2OG dependent protein hydroxylases/demethylases, might be regulated in vivo by competition with non-oxidised proteins/peptides. The inhibition results also provide avenues for development of inhibitors selective for MINA53 and NO66

    Effect of reduced dietary protein on productivity and plasma, urine, and milk metabolites in organic sows during winter conditions

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    Oversupply of protein is a challenge in organic sow production. Currently, organic sow feed is composed in accordance with feeding standards of conventional sows, which do not take the higher daily feed allowance and nutritional contribution from roughage into consideration. The objective of the current study was to investigate the effect of reduced dietary protein in gestational compound feed for organic outdoor sows during winter conditions, using metabolites in plasma, urine, and milk as indicators of sows’ metabolic status. In total, 20 sows (Topigs Norsvin; TN70) were included in the experiment, lasting from d30 of gestation until weaning at d49 of lactation under outdoor conditions during winter. During gestation, sows were fed one of two isoenergetic diets containing 88 g SID CP pr. kg DM (Control) and 72 g SID CP pr. kg DM (Low protein), corrresponding to 16% and 31% below the current recommendation for indoor sows. In lactation, all sows were fed a standard diet containing 125 g SID CP pr. kg DM. Sow performance traits were not affected by dietary protein level during gestation. An interaction indicated that sows fed the control diet had 23% and 11% higher urinary urea concentrations at d60 and d100 of gestation, respectively, compared with the low protein diet. During lactation, the milk yield of sows fed low protein in gestation increased more than that of control sows (P < 0.05). Concurrently, the litter gain of the low protein sows was improved, and their litters were heavier at d49 compared to control sows (276 kg vs. 238 kg; P < 0.001). In conclusion, organic outdoor sows benefitted from reduced dietary protein during gestation in winter conditions, as indicated by urinary urea concentration, milk yield, and litter gain