3,358 research outputs found

    Inlet spillage drag tests and numerical flow-field analysis at subsonic and transonic speeds of a 1/8-scale, two-dimensional, external-compression, variable-geometry, supersonic inlet configuration

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    Accurate spillage drag and pressure data are presented for a realistic supersonic inlet configuration. Results are compared with predictions from a finite-differencing, inviscid analysis computer procedure. The analytical technique shows good promise for the evaluation of inlet drag, but necessary refinements were identified. A detailed description of the analytical procedure is contained in the Appendix

    The Teacher and the State

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    The Case of Equality in the Dobrushin–Deutsch–Zenger Bound

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    Suppose that A=(ai,j) is an n×n real matrix with constant row sums μ. Then the Dobrushin–Deutsch–Zenger (DDZ) bound on the eigenvalues of A other than μ is given by Z(A) = 1 2 max 1_s,t_n n Xr=1 |as,r − at,r| . When A a transition matrix of a finite homogeneous Markov chain so that μ = 1, Z(A) is called the coefficient of ergodicity of the chain as it bounds the asymptotic rate of convergence, namely, max{|_| | _ 2 _(A) \ {1}} , of the iteration xTi = xT i−1A, to the stationary distribution vector of the chain. In this paper we study the structure of real matrices for which the DDZ bound is sharp. We apply our results to the study of the class of graphs for which the transition matrix arising from a random walk on the graph attains the bound. We also characterize the eigenvalues λ of A for which for some stochastic matrix A

    Coccidioidomycosis: a reemerging infectious disease.

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    Coccidioides immitis, the primary pathogenic fungus that causes coccidioidomycosis, is most commonly found in the deserts of the southwestern United States and Central and South America. During the early 1990s, the incidence of coccidioidomycosis in California increased dramatically. Even though most infections are subclinical or self-limited, the outbreak is estimated to have cost more than $66 million in direct medical expenses and time lost from work in Kern County, California, alone. In addition to the financial loss, this pathogen causes serious and life-threatening disseminated infections, especially among the immunosuppressed, including AIDS patients. This article discusses factors that may be responsible for the increased incidence of coccidioidomycosis (e.g., climatic and demographic changes and the clinical problems of coccidioidomycosis in the immunocompromised) and new approaches to therapy and prevention

    Nonnegative alternating circulants leading to M-matrix group inverses

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    AbstractLet C be the set of all an n × n nonnegative irreducible alternating circulant matrices. We characterize a subset C of C such that if B ∈ C and the Perron root of B is r, then the group inverse (rI − B)# of the singular and irreducible M-matrixrI − B is also an M-matrix. This is equivalent to the fact that for each such B, the Perron root at B is a concave function in each of the off-diagonal entries. The characterization for the case when n is odd presents more difficulties than for the case when n is even, so the two cases are treated separately

    Direct detection of electron backscatter diffraction patterns.

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    We report the first use of direct detection for recording electron backscatter diffraction patterns. We demonstrate the following advantages of direct detection: the resolution in the patterns is such that higher order features are visible; patterns can be recorded at beam energies below those at which conventional detectors usefully operate; high precision in cross-correlation based pattern shift measurements needed for high resolution electron backscatter diffraction strain mapping can be obtained. We also show that the physics underlying direct detection is sufficiently well understood at low primary electron energies such that simulated patterns can be generated to verify our experimental data