1,727 research outputs found

    Design of compensated ferrimagnetic Heusler alloys for giant tunable exchange bias

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    The discovery of materials with improved functionality can be accelerated by rational material design. Heusler compounds with tunable magnetic sublattices allow to implement this concept to achieve novel magnetic properties. Here, we have designed a family of Heusler alloys with a compensated ferrimagnetic state. In the vicinity of the compensation composition in Mn-Pt-Ga, a giant exchange bias (EB) of more than 3 T and a similarly large coercivity are established. The large exchange anisotropy originates from the exchange interaction between the compensated host and ferrimagnetic clusters that arise from intrinsic anti-site disorder. We demonstrate the applicability of our design concept on a second material, Mn-Fe-Ga, with a magnetic transition above room temperature, exemplifying the universality of the concept and the feasibility of room-temperature applications. Our study points to a new direction for novel magneto-electronic devices. At the same time it suggests a new route for realizing rare-earth free exchange-biased hard magnets, where the second quadrant magnetization can be stabilized by the exchange bias.Comment: Four figure

    Magnetic properties of triangular lattice antiferromagnets Ba3RB9O18 (R = Yb, Er)

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    Frustration, spin correlations and interplay between competing degrees of freedom are some of the key ingredients that underlie exotic states with fractional excitations in quantum materials. Rare-earth based two dimensional magnetic lattice wherein crystal electric field, spin-orbit coupling, anisotropy and electron correlation between rare-earth moments offer a new paradigm in this context. Herein, we present crystal structure, magnetic susceptibility and specific heat accompanied by crystal electric field calculations on the polycrystalline sample of Ba3RB9O18 (R = Yb, Er) in which R3+ ions form a perfect triangular lattice without anti-site disorder. The localized R3+ spins show neither long-range order nor spin-glass state down to 1.9 K in Ba3RB9O18. Magnetization data reveal a pseudospin Jeff = 1/2 ( Yb3+) in the Kramers doublet state and a weak antiferromagnetic interaction between Jeff = 1/2 moments in the Yb variant. On the other hand, the effective moment {\mu}eff = 8.8 {\mu}B was obtained from the Curie-Weiss fit of the low-temperature susceptibility data of Er variant suggests the admixture of higher crystal electric field states with the ground state. The Curie-Weiss fit of low-temperature susceptibility data for Er system unveils the presence of a relatively strong antiferromagnetic interaction between Er3+ moments compared to its Yb3+ analog. Ba3ErB9O18 does not show long-range magnetic ordering down to 500 mK. Furthermore, our crystal electric field calculations based on magnetization data of Ba3ErB9O18 suggest the presence of a small gap between the ground and first excited Kramers doublets. The broad maximum around 4 K in magnetic specific heat in zero-field is attributed to the thermal population of the first CEF excited state in Ba3ErB9O18, which is consistent with our CEF calculations

    Magnetism and field-induced effect in a spin-orbit entangled Jeff = 1/2 honeycomb lattice

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    The interplay between spin-orbit coupling, frustration-induced anisotropic magnetic interaction, and spin correlations can lead to novel states with exotic excitations in rare-earth-based quantum magnets. Herein, we present the crystal structure, magnetization, electron spin resonance (ESR), specific heat, and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments on the polycrystalline samples of Ba9Yb2Si6O24 in which Yb3+ ions form a perfect honeycomb lattice without detectable anti-site disorder. Magnetization data reveal antiferromagnetically coupled spin-orbit entangled Jeff = 1/2 degrees of freedom of Yb3+ ions in the Kramers doublet state where the Curie-Weiss temperature is - 2.97 K, as obtained from the low-temperature magnetic susceptibility data. The ESR measurements reveal that the first excited Kramers doublet is 32.3(7) meV above the ground state. The specific heat results suggest the presence of an antiferromagnetic phase transition at 2.26 K. The long-range antiferromagnetic order is completely suppressed upon the application of magnetic field and a field-induced disordered state is observed in an applied magnetic field of 2.5 T, which is also confirmed by NMR measurements. Furthermore, the NMR spin-lattice relaxation rate reveals the presence of a field-induced gap that is attributed to the Zeeman splitting of Kramers doublet state in this quantum material. Our experiments suggest the presence of a phase transition and short-range spin correlations appearing well above the antiferromagnetic phase transition temperature and a field-induced disordered state in this spin-orbit entangled Jeff =1/2 rare-earth magnet on a honeycomb lattice

    Towards More Specific Personality Research in Entrepreneurship: Relating Conscientiousness Facets to Venture Performance

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    Purpose. The literature has long recognized the importance of the conscientious entrepreneurial personality. This study explores how seven of its facets/sub-dimensions (Achievement-Striving, Efficiency, Responsibility, Industriousness, Self-Control, Conventionality, and Persistence) relate to three performance outcomes (Ventures Started, Years at Current Venture, and Annual Sales.) Design/methodology/approach. 166 active entrepreneurs were surveyed via an entrepreneurship center at a Western US university. Data was then modeled via Ordinary Least Squares to obtain regression estimates for the dependent variables. Findings. Counter to expectations, results indicate that facet measures relate very differently in terms of magnitude, direction, and significance to the performance outcomes. These more nuanced relations are lost when using broad/aggregate dimensional measures. Research implications. Broad personality measures, as conventionally used, are suboptimal for entrepreneurial research as they potentially yield misleading results. Studies should instead apply the more-specific facet measures, which offer more accurate personality assessments. Practical implications. Practitioners should also use the more-specific facet measures. Doing so will be of value across a variety of public, private, and educational settings. Originality/Value. For decades, entrepreneurship has addressed the effects of broad/aggregate personality dimensions. This article is the first to approach the entrepreneurial personality from a more-specific facet level, an approach offering substantial research opportunities

    Experimental signatures of quantum and topological states in frustrated magnetism

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    Frustration in magnetic materials arising from competing exchange interactions can prevent the system from adopting long-range magnetic order and can instead lead to a diverse range of novel quantum and topological states with exotic quasiparticle excitations. Here, we review prominent examples of such emergent phenomena, including magnetically-disordered and extensively degenerate spin ices, which feature emergent magnetic monopole excitations, highly-entangled quantum spin liquids with fractional spinon excitations, topological order and emergent gauge fields, as well as complex particle-like topological spin textures known as skyrmions. We provide an overview of recent advances in the search for magnetically-disordered candidate materials on the three-dimensional pyrochlore lattice and two-dimensional triangular, kagome and honeycomb lattices, the latter with bond-dependent Kitaev interactions, and on lattices supporting topological magnetism. We highlight experimental signatures of these often elusive phenomena and single out the most suitable experimental techniques that can be used to detect them. Our review also aims at providing a comprehensive guide for designing and investigating novel frustrated magnetic materials, with the potential of addressing some important open questions in contemporary condensed matter physics

    119Sn solid state NMR and M\"ossbauer spectroscopic studies of the intermediate-valent stannide CeRuSn

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    The ternary stannide CeRuSn is a static mixed-valent cerium compound with an or-dering of trivalent and intermediate-valent cerium on two distinct crystallographic sites. 119Sn M\"ossbauer spectra showed two electronically almost identical tin atoms at 323 K, while at 298 K and below (77 and 4.2 K) two tin sites can clearly be distinguished. 119Sn solid state NMR experiments are performed to probe the local hyperfine fields at the two different Sn sites. 119Sn NMR powder spectra are nicely fitted with two Sn sites with nearly the same magnetic anisotropy, but with different absolute shift values. Both Sn sites are strongly affected by crossover-like transitions between 100 and 280 K. This local-site study confirms the superstructure modulations found in previous investiga-tions. Towards lower temperatures the powder spectra are broadened giving strong evidence for the antiferromagnetically ordered ground state

    Magnetization and spin dynamics of the spin S=1/2 hourglass nanomagnet Cu5(OH)2(NIPA)4*10H2O

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    We report a combined experimental and theoretical study of the spin S=1/2 nanomagnet Cu5(OH)2(NIPA)4*10H2O (Cu5-NIPA). Using thermodynamic, electron spin resonance and 1H nuclear magnetic resonance measurements on one hand, and ab initio density-functional band-structure calculations, exact diagonalizations and a strong coupling theory on the other, we derive a microscopic magnetic model of Cu5-NIPA and characterize the spin dynamics of this system. The elementary five-fold Cu2+ unit features an hourglass structure of two corner-sharing scalene triangles related by inversion symmetry. Our microscopic Heisenberg model comprises one ferromagnetic and two antiferromagnetic exchange couplings in each triangle, stabilizing a single spin S=1/2 doublet ground state (GS), with an exactly vanishing zero-field splitting (by Kramer's theorem), and a very large excitation gap of \Delta~68 K. Thus, Cu5-NIPA is a good candidate for achieving long electronic spin relaxation (T1) and coherence (T2) times at low temperatures, in analogy to other nanomagnets with low-spin GS's. Of particular interest is the strongly inhomogeneous distribution of the GS magnetic moment over the five Cu2+ spins. This is a purely quantum-mechanical effect since, despite the non-frustrated nature of the magnetic couplings, the GS is far from the classical collinear ferrimagnetic configuration. Finally, Cu5-NIPA is a rare example of a S=1/2 nanomagnet showing an enhancement in the nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate 1/T1 at intermediate temperatures.Comment: 18 pages, 16 figures, 3 table

    A strategic value appropriation path for cloud computing

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    Cloud-based information management is one of the leading competitive differentiation strategies for firms. With the increasing criticality of information management in value creation and process support, establishing an integrated capability with cloud computing is vital for organizational success in the changing landscape of business competition. These issues have received scant attention, however. We draw on the resource-based view, dynamic capability hierarchy concepts, and the perspective of operand and operant resources to suggest a cloud value appropriation model for firms. We argue that, to appropriate business value from cloud computing, the firm needs to effectively deploy cloud computing and leverage cloud operant resources as firm capabilities in a hierarchical fashion toward the development of cloud computing-based service models in order to reliably achieve the desired business outcomes. We propose a model encompassing the principles of infrastructure and cloud platform deployment, integration and service orientation, and alignment with business processes that explain the linkage from cloud computing to firm performance. We test this approach to value creation with a cloud computing implementation assessment model using a sample of 147 firms that have implemented cloud computing in India. Our analysis uncovers a strategic value appropriation path from cloud technological capability to firm performance via cloud integration capability, cloud service portfolio capability, and business flexibility. This research offers new insights regarding the underlying mechanisms for how cloud computing affects firm performance via cloud-enabled capabilities and the business functions that are supported by cloud capabilities