28 research outputs found

    The importance of sedimenting organic matter, relative to oxygen and temperature, in structuring lake profundal macroinvertebrate assemblages

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    We quantified the role of a main food resource, sedimenting organic matter (SOM), relative to oxygen (DO) and temperature (TEMP) in structuring profundal macroinvertebrate assemblages in boreal lakes. SOM from 26 basins of 11 Finnish lakes was analysed for quantity (sedimentation rates), quality (C:N:P stoichiometry) and origin (carbon stable isotopes, d13C). Hypolimnetic oxygen and temperature were measured from each site during summer stratification. Partial canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) and partial regression analyses were used to quantify contributions of SOM, DO and TEMP to community composition and three macroinvertebrate metrics. The results suggested a major contribution of SOM in regulating the community composition and total biomass. Oxygen best explained the Shannon diversity, whereas TEMP had largest contribution to the variation of Benthic Quality Index. Community composition was most strongly related to d13C of SOM. Based on additional d13C and stoichiometric analyses of chironomid taxa, marked differences were apparent in their utilization of SOM and body stoichiometry; taxa characteristic of oligotrophic conditions exhibited higher C:N ratios and lower C:P and N:P ratios compared to the species typical of eutrophic lakes. The results highlight the role of SOM in regulating benthic communities and the distributions of individual species, particularly in oligotrophic systems

    Does the buffer width matter:testing the effectiveness of forest certificates in the protection of headwater stream ecosystems

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    Abstract Forest harvest has multiple impacts on adjoining freshwater ecosystems, particularly headwater streams which typically receive minimal protection against forestry. However, evidence on the effectiveness of differently sized riparian buffers remains limited. Using data from two discrete regions of Finland, we assessed the effectiveness of riparian buffers in providing protection for the riparian and stream environment, benthic invertebrate diversity and species composition, and ecosystem functioning of boreal headwater streams. Our study included streams with both wide (>15 m) and narrow (<15 m) riparian buffers, enabling comparison of the two dominant forest certificates (FSC and PEFC). Compared to unharvested reference streams, nutrient concentrations as well as stream and riparian light intensity and temperature were higher at forestry-impacted sites. The amount of woody debris, cover of aquatic mosses and particulate organic matter standing stock were strongly reduced in streams draining harvested forests, especially in narrowly buffered streams. Changes in light and nutrient conditions induced a transition towards more autotrophic conditions. Organic matter decomposition rates were elevated in forestry-impacted sites only in the southern region. Forest harvest decreased macroinvertebrate diversity and evenness, and altered community composition in the northern region, but much weaker changes were observed in the southern region. Our findings support the retention of riparian buffers, but also confirm that their effectiveness depends on the environmental context and thus remains poorly predictable. Our results also suggest that the widely applied PEFC certification does not provide sufficient protection for stream ecosystems and more stringent protocols are needed to ensure ecological sustainability of forestry

    Dark matters : contrasting responses of stream biofilm to browning and loss of riparian shading

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    Concentrations of terrestrial-derived dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in freshwater ecosystems have increased consistently, causing freshwater browning. The mechanisms behind browning are complex, but in forestry-intensive regions browning is accelerated by land drainage. Forestry actions in streamside riparian forests alter canopy shading, which together with browning is expected to exert a complex and largely unpredictable control over key ecosystem functions. We conducted a stream mesocosm experiment with three levels of browning (ambient vs. moderate vs. high, with 2.7 and 5.5-fold increase, respectively, in absorbance) crossed with two levels of riparian shading (70% light reduction vs. open canopy) to explore the individual and combined effects of browning and loss of shading on the quantity (algal biomass) and nutritional quality (polyunsaturated fatty acid and sterol content) of the periphytic biofilm. We also conducted a field survey of differently colored (4.7 to 26.2 mg DOC L-1) streams to provide a ‘reality check’ for our experimental findings. Browning reduced greatly the algal biomass, suppressed the availability of essential polyunsaturated fatty acids, especially eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and sterols, but increased the availability of terrestrial-derived long-chain saturated fatty acids (LSAFA). In contrast, loss of shading increased primary productivity, which resulted in elevated sterol and EPA content of the biofilm. The field survey largely repeated the same pattern: biofilm nutritional quality decreased significantly with increasing DOC, as indicated particularly by a decrease of the ω-3:ω-6 ratio and increase in LSAFA content. Algal biomass, in contrast, was mainly controlled by dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) concentration, while DOC concentration was of minor importance. The ongoing browning process is inducing a dramatic reduction in the nutritional quality of the stream biofilm. Such degradation of the major high-quality food source available for stream consumers may reduce the trophic transfer efficiency in stream ecosystems, potentially extending across the stream-forest ecotone.peerReviewe

    Downstream impacts of peatland drainage on headwater stream biodiversity and ecosystem functioning

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    Abstract Intensive peatland drainage alters the physico-chemical status of the recipient streams, potentially leading to the loss of biodiversity and impaired ecosystem functioning. However, the extent of these changes, and particularly their impacts on downstream ecosystems, remain poorly understood. We studied the downstream effects of peatland drainage on stream biodiversity (aquatic bryophytes and macroinvertebrates) and key ecosystem processes (primary productivity, organic matter (OM) decomposition and OM standing stock). Our survey design comprised upstream (directly below drainage network) and downstream (∼300 m downstream) locations in 18 boreal headwater streams encompassing an extensive gradient of peatland drainage intensity (0–48 %). Drainage modified environmental conditions, with nutrient (TP, TN) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations and inorganic sediment cover increasing with intensifying drainage, in both upstream and downstream sites. Species richness of both benthic macroinvertebrates and bryophytes was strongly reduced with increasing drainage intensity. Upstream and downstream sites responded in a similar manner, suggesting wide-ranging impacts of drainage on stream biodiversity. Regardless of site location, ecosystem processes were unrelated to drainage intensity. Our results confirm that intense peatland drainage not only modifies environmental conditions and biodiversity in adjoining streams, but these impacts propagate further downstream in the stream network. To prevent further degradation of drainage-impacted freshwater ecosystems, large-scale peatland restoration is needed, with prioritization of sites with the greatest potential (least drainage-induced damage) for biodiversity recovery

    Bacterial communities in a subarctic stream network:spatial and seasonal patterns of benthic biofilm and bacterioplankton

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    Abstract Water-column bacterial communities are assembled by different mechanisms at different stream network positions, with headwater communities being controlled by mass effects (advection of bacteria from terrestrial soils) while downstream communities are mainly driven by environmental sorting. Conversely, benthic biofilms are colonized largely by the same set of taxa across the entire network. However, direct comparisons of biofilm and bacterioplankton communities along whole stream networks are rare. We used 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing to explore the spatiotemporal variability of benthic biofilm (2 weeks old vs. mature biofilm) and water-column communities at different network positions of a subarctic stream from early summer to late autumn. Amplicon sequence variant (ASV) richness of mature biofilm was about 2.5 times higher than that of early biofilm, yet the pattern of seasonality was the same, with the highest richness in midsummer. Biofilm bacterial richness was unrelated to network position whereas bacterioplankton diversity was negatively related to water residence time and distance from the source. This pattern of decreasing diversity along the network was strongest around midsummer and diminished greatly as water level increased towards autumn. Biofilm communities were phylogenetically clustered at all network positions while bacterioplankton assemblages were phylogenetically clustered only at the most downstream site. Both early and mature biofilm communities already differed significantly between upstream (1st order) and midstream (2nd order) sections. Network position was also related to variation in bacterioplankton communities, with upstream sites harbouring substantially more unique taxa (44% of all upstream taxa) than midstream (20%) or downstream (8%) sites. Some of the taxa that were dominant in downstream sections were already present in the upmost headwaters, and even in riparian soils, where they were very rare (relative abundance <0.01%). These patterns in species diversity and taxonomic and phylogenetic community composition of the riverine bacterial metacommunity were particularly strong for water-column communities, whereas both early and mature biofilm exhibited weaker spatial patterns. Our study demonstrated the benefits of studying bacterioplankton and biofilm communities simultaneously to allow testing of ecological hypotheses about biodiversity patterns in freshwater bacteria

    Drainage-induced browning causes both loss and change of benthic biodiversity in headwater streams

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    Abstract Concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) have increased over the past few decades, causing freshwater browning. Impacts of browning on biodiversity have been little studied, despite many of the individual stressors associated with browning being known to control freshwater communities. We explored the responses of benthic invertebrates along a wide gradient of DOC concentrations (3.6–27 mg L⁻¹) in 63 boreal streams variously impacted by peatland drainage or peat production. DOC was a prime determinant of macroinvertebrate diversity and abundance, with the strongest negative response in algal scrapers. Threshold indicator taxa analysis indicated an abrupt community change at 12–13 mg DOC L⁻¹, with only four taxa increasing, while 13 taxa decreased along the gradient. Our findings of both a gradual loss and abrupt change of biodiversity along a browning gradient provide a benchmark against which changes to stream biodiversity relative to the predicted browning trend can be gauged

    Dark matters:contrasting responses of stream biofilm to browning and loss of riparian shading

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    Abstract Concentrations of terrestrial-derived dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in freshwater ecosystems have increased consistently, causing freshwater browning. The mechanisms behind browning are complex, but in forestry-intensive regions browning is accelerated by land drainage. Forestry actions in streamside riparian forests alter canopy shading, which together with browning is expected to exert a complex and largely unpredictable control over key ecosystem functions. We conducted a stream mesocosm experiment with three levels of browning (ambient vs. moderate vs. high, with 2.7 and 5.5-fold increase, respectively, in absorbance) crossed with two levels of riparian shading (70% light reduction vs. open canopy) to explore the individual and combined effects of browning and loss of shading on the quantity (algal biomass) and nutritional quality (polyunsaturated fatty acid and sterol content) of the periphytic biofilm. We also conducted a field survey of differently colored (4.7 to 26.2 mg DOC L−1) streams to provide a ‘reality check’ for our experimental findings. Browning reduced greatly the algal biomass, suppressed the availability of essential polyunsaturated fatty acids, especially eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and sterols, but increased the availability of terrestrial-derived long-chain saturated fatty acids (LSAFA). In contrast, loss of shading increased primary productivity, which resulted in elevated sterol and EPA contents of the biofilm. The field survey largely repeated the same pattern: biofilm nutritional quality decreased significantly with increasing DOC, as indicated particularly by a decrease of the ω-3:ω-6 ratio and increase in LSAFA content. Algal biomass, in contrast, was mainly controlled by dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) concentration, while DOC concentration was of minor importance. The ongoing browning process is inducing a dramatic reduction in the nutritional quality of the stream biofilm. Such degradation of the major high-quality food source available for stream consumers may reduce the trophic transfer efficiency in stream ecosystems, potentially extending across the stream-forest ecotone

    Cutting edge:a comparison of contemporary practices of riparian buffer retention around small streams in Canada, Finland, and Sweden

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    Abstract Forested riparian buffers are recommended to mitigate negative effects of forest harvesting on recipient freshwater ecosystems. Most of the current best practices of riparian buffer retention aim at larger streams. Riparian protection along small streams is thought to be lacking; however, it is not well documented. We surveyed 286 small streams flowing through recent clearcuts in three timber‐producing jurisdictions—British Columbia, Canada (BC), Finland, and Sweden. The three jurisdictions differed in riparian buffer implementation. In BC, forested buffers are not required on the smallest streams, and 45% of the sites in BC had no buffer. The average (±SE) width of voluntarily retained buffers was 15.9 m (±2.1) on each side of the stream. An operation‐free zone is mandatory around the smallest streams in BC, and 90% of the sites fulfilled these criteria. Finland and Sweden had buffers allocated to most of the surveyed streams, with average buffer width of 15.3 m (±1.4) in Finland and 4 m (±0.4) in Sweden. Most of the streams in the two Nordic countries had additional forestry‐associated impairments such as machine tracks, or soil preparation within the riparian zone. Riparian buffer width somewhat increased with stream size and slope of the riparian area, however, not in all investigated regions. We concluded that the majority of the streams surveyed in this study are insufficiently protected. We suggest that a monitoring of forestry practices and revising present forestry guidelines is needed in order to increase the protection of our smallest water courses

    Bacterial communities at a groundwater-surface water ecotone:gradual change or abrupt transition points along a contamination gradient?

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    Summary Microbial communities contribute greatly to groundwater quality, but the impacts of land-use practices on bacteria in groundwaters and groundwater-dependent ecosystems remain poorly known. With 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing, we assessed bacterial community composition at the groundwater-surface water ecotone of boreal springs impacted by urbanization and agriculture, using spring water nitrate-N as a surrogate of contamination. We also measured the rate of a key ecosystem process, organic matter decomposition. We documented a recurrent pattern across all major bacterial phyla where diversity started to decrease at unexpectedly low nitrate-N concentrations (100–300 μg L−1). At 400 NO3−-N μg L−1, 25 bacterial exact sequence variants showed a negative response, resulting in a distinct threshold in bacterial community composition. Chthonomonas, Acetobacterales and Hyphomicrobium were the most sensitive taxa, while only three taxa (Duganella, Undibacterium and Thermoanaerobaculaceae) were enriched due to increased contamination. Decomposition rate responded unimodally to increasing nitrate-N concentration, with a peak rate at ~400 NO3−-N μg L−1, parallelly with a major shift in bacterial community composition. Our results emphasize the utility of bacterial communities in the assessment of groundwater-dependent ecosystems. They also call for a careful reconsideration of threshold nitrate values for defining groundwater ecosystem health and protecting their microbial biodiversity