1,229 research outputs found

    The Effect of Varying Drying Temperatures on the Recyclability of Thermomechanical Pulps

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    There has been conflicting data regarding the effects of recycling on pulps. Strength properties go down for chemical pulps after being recycled, but the strength properties go up for mechanical pulps after recycling. The objective of the thesis will be to study the effects of varying the drying temperature on the recycled fiber properties of thermomechanical pulp. A never-dried thermomechanical pulp furnish was obtained, from which three samples were separated out. Pulp sample one was air dried at approximately 77°F, sample two was dried at a temperature of 155°F, and the third sample was dried at a temperature of 250°F. Handsheets were made, dried, conditioned and tested for each of the three pulp samples. The paper was then soaked, disintegrated and dried at the same temperature as before. This continued to three recycles. It was imperative that the pulps remained free of contaminants and dried at the same temperature each time. Strength properties were tested and the following key results were obtained. Density of all three samples increased slightly due to the unravelling of the fibers. The breaking length decreased for the samples dried at 155 and 250°F up to the second recycle, the sample that was dried at 250°F had the largest decrease in breaking length. The 250°F sample had an initial breaking length of 3.36km and this dropped to a value of 2.82 (km) after the second recycle. This is in comparison to an initial of 2.97 (km) and a value of 2.81 (km) after the second recycle for the 155°F sample. The air dried sample did not show an increase or decrease in overall breaking length strength. Upon examination of the wet breaking length data, it was shown that because of the 250°F samples underwent crystallization and did not absorb as much water as the 155°F or air dried sample, they had the highest wet breaking strength. The value of the wet breaking length for 250°F after three recycles was .132 (km) as compared to .122 (km) and .0859 (km) for the 155°F and the air dried samples, respectively. Scott Bond test showed a slight decrease in bond strength up through the second recycle and the zero span test showed that the fiber strength increased slightly. This explains that the loss of breaking length strength for the samples is due to loss of bond area and strength and not loss of fiber strength. The data supports the hypothesis that drying at higher temperatures does have the greatest negative effect on the recyclability of thermomechanical pulp. However, and more importantly, the data also shows that as the number of recycles increases, the effect of temperature on the sheet properties decreases

    Service Quality Banquet Novotel Surabaya Hotel and Suites

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    Kualitas layanan banquet Novotel Surabaya Hotel and Suites menjadi topik yang dipilih karena Novotel merupakan satu-satunya hotel yang memiliki ruangan meeting terbanyak dibandingkan dengan hotel lainnya. Service Quality yang disampaikan oleh Banquet Novotel Surabaya Hotel and Suites kepada pelanggan memiliki 5 indikator yaitu keterandalan, kecepatan dan ketanggapan, kepercayaan, perhatian serta bukti fisik. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif deskriptif. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori service quality dan teori mengenai banquet. Dalam hal ini, penyampaian kualitas layanan banquet Novotel Surabaya Hotel and Suites sudah bai

    Pembelajaran Fisika Melalui Inkuiri Terbimbing Dengan Metode Eksperimen Dan Demonstrasi Ditinjau Dari Aktivitas Dan Perhatian Mahasiswa1)

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    The objective of the research are to know : (1) the effect of guided inquiryphysics learning using eksperiment and demonstration method to theconcept?óÔé¼Ôäós mastery in dynamic electricity, (2) the effect of high, medium andlow activity in physics learning to the concept?óÔé¼Ôäós mastery in dynamicelectricity, (3) the effect of high, medium and low physics learning collagestudent attention in physics learning to the concept?óÔé¼Ôäós mastery in dynamicelectricity, (4) interaction in physics learning between learning method andactivity to the concept?óÔé¼Ôäós mastery in dynamic electricity, (5) interaction inphysics learning between learning method and physics learning collegestudent attention to the concept?óÔé¼Ôäós mastery in dynamic electricity; (6)interaction in physics learning between activity and physics learning collagestudent attention to the concept?óÔé¼Ôäós mastery in dynamic electricity, (7)interaction in physics learning between learning method, activity and physicslearning collage student attention to the concept?óÔé¼Ôäós mastery in dynamicelectricity. The research is using experiment method. The technique ofanalyzing data is ANAVA three ways different cell. Based on the result of theresearch are concluded : (1) there is an effect of guided inquiry physicslearning using eksperiment and demonstration method to the concept?óÔé¼Ôäósmastery in dynamic electricity, (2) there is an effect of high, medium and lowactivity in physics learning to the concept?óÔé¼Ôäós mastery in dynamic electricity,(3) there is an effect of high, medium and low physics learning collagestudent attention in physics learning to the concept?óÔé¼Ôäós mastery in dynamicelectricity, (4) there is no interaction in physics learning between learningmethod and activity to the concept?óÔé¼Ôäós mastery in dynamic electricity, (5) thereis no interaction in physics learning between learning method and physicslearning second collage student attention to the concept?óÔé¼Ôäós mastery indynamic electricity; (6) there is no interaction in physics learning betweenactivity and physics learning collage student attention to the concept?óÔé¼Ôäósmastery in dynamic electricity, (7) there is no interaction in physics learningbetween learning method, activity and physics learning collage studentattention to the concept?óÔé¼Ôäós mastery in dynamic electricity

    Privatization and the Market for Corporate Control

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    We study the wealth effects of the mergers of privatized firms. Our sample entails 39 privatized firms that subsequently become targets of a takeover and 52 privatized firms that become bidders in mergers. Our results indicate that target firms experience a 12 percent increase in equity value at the announcement of a merger. The bidding firms experience a positive but insignificant change in equity value at merger announcement. The results indicate that mergers result in net wealth creation for privatized firms and are consistent with property rights/agency cost theory. The results also offer global, non-U.S. evidence that mergers create wealth.

    Rulemaking Versus Adjudication: A Psychological Perspective

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    Beyond Stonewall: The Mattachine Society of the Niagara Frontier and Gay Liberation

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    Fasilitas Retreat Di Tawangmangu Jawa Tengah

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    Fasilitas Retreat di Tawangmangu Jawa Tengah” ini merupakan fasilitas yang diharapkan mampu mewadahi aktivitas dalam kegiatan retreat bagi masyarakat perkotaan terutama warga kristiani yang berada di sekitar tawangmangu Jawa Tengah yang ingin berefreshing dari kegiatan sehari – hari. Di dukung dengan lokasi dari tawangmangu sendiri yang berada di kawasan wisata dataran tinggi sehingga jauh dari kehidupan perkotaan yang sangat ramai dan juga memiliki hawa yang sejuk. Ditambah lagi view dari gunung lawu dan alam sekitar yang masih asri. Berdasarkan data terakhir BPS (19/7/2012) propinsi dengan jumlah penduduk miskin terbanyak pertama adalah Jawa Timur dan yang kedua Jawa Tengah. Oleh karena itu proyek ini menggunakan pendekatan sequences dan pendalamannya karakter ruang sehingga desain pada bangunan ini cenderung kearah mewah dan berskala gigantis di bandingkan dengan manusia sehingga manusia yang masuk dapat merasakan ruang-ruang didalamny

    Pola Distribusi Hujan Jam-jaman Daerah Minahasa Selatan Dan Tenggara

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    Design rainfall is an input for analyzing the ungagged cathment design flood. Daily rainfall should be transformed into hourly rainfall. Transforming the daily rainfall to hourly rainfall by using the Storm Pattern of each own area. Until now there is no research about Storm Pattern of South Minahasa and South East Minahasa area therefor in design flood analysis still using the Storm Pattern from another area. The aim of this research is to get the Storm Pattern of the South Minahasa and the South East Minahasa area. The hourly rainfall data from 2003 to 2014 was taken from the Automatic Rain gage station at Tumani-Tompasobaru station, Buyat station, and Noongan station. Data was analyzed by using Statistics Methods. The rainfall data that used is the rainfall that has depth more than 50 mm in one rainfall series. Data is analyzed to get the frequency of each rainfall duration and then determine the rainfall duration that can represent the storm pattern of the research area. The result shows that the duration of storm pattern of this area is six to ten hours which 63% in first hour, 8% in second hour, 19% in third hour, 7% in fourth hour, 2% in fifth hour and 1% in sixth to tenth hour