79,087 research outputs found

    Marginal Fermi liquid behavior from 2d Coulomb interaction

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    A full, nonperturbative renormalization group analysis of interacting electrons in a graphite layer is performed, in order to investigate the deviations from Fermi liquid theory that have been observed in the experimental measures of a linear quasiparticle decay rate in graphite. The electrons are coupled through Coulomb interactions, which remain unscreened due to the semimetallic character of the layer. We show that the model flows towards the noninteracting fixed-point for the whole range of couplings, with logarithmic corrections which signal the marginal character of the interaction separating Fermi liquid and non-Fermi liquid regimes.Comment: 7 pages, 2 Postscript figure

    Herschel-ATLAS: Blazars in the science demonstration phase field

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    To investigate the poorly constrained sub-mm counts and spectral properties of blazars we searched for these in the Herschel-ATLAS (H-ATLAS) science demonstration phase (SDP) survey catalog.

We cross-matched 500 μm sources brighter than 50 mJy with the FIRST radio catalogue. We found two blazars, both previously known. Our study is among the first blind blazar searches at sub-mm wavelengths, i.e., in the spectral regime where little is still known about the blazar SEDs, but where the synchrotron peak of the most luminous blazars is expected to occur. Our early results are consistent with educated extrapolations of lower frequency counts and question indications of substantial spectral curvature downwards and of spectral upturns at mm wavelengths. One of the two blazars is identified with a Fermi/LAT γ-ray source and a WMAP source. The physical parameters of the two blazars are briefly discussed. These observations demonstrate that the H-ATLAS survey will provide key information about the physics of blazars and their contribution to sub-mm counts

    Reflection formulas for order derivatives of Bessel functions

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    From new integral representations of the nn-th derivative of Bessel functions with respect to the order, we derive some reflection formulas for the first and second order derivative of Jν(t)J_{\nu }\left( t\right) and % Y_{\nu }\left( t\right) for integral order, and for the nn-th order derivative of Iν(t)I_{\nu }\left( t\right) and Kν(t)K_{\nu }\left( t\right) for arbitrary real order. As an application of the reflection formulas obtained for the first order derivative, we extend some formulas given in the literature to negative integral order. Also, as a by-product, we calculate an integral which does not seem to be reported in the literature.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1808.0560

    Renormalization group approach to chiral symmetry breaking in graphene

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    We investigate the development of a gapped phase in the field theory of Dirac fermions in graphene with long-range Coulomb interaction. In the large-N approximation, we show that the chiral symmetry is only broken below a critical number of two-component Dirac fermions Nc=32/π2N_c = 32/\pi^2, that is exactly half the value found in quantum electrodynamics in 2+1 dimensions. Adopting otherwise a ladder approximation, we give evidence of the existence of a critical coupling at which the anomalous dimension of the order parameter of the transition diverges. This result is consistent with the observation that chiral symmetry breaking may be driven by the long-range Coulomb interaction in the Dirac field theory, despite the divergent scaling of the Fermi velocity in the low-energy limit.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, extended version with technical detail