339 research outputs found

    Peranan Camat dalam Pemberdayaan Masyarakat di Kecamatan Rainis Kabupaten Kepulaun Talaud

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    The purpose of this study was to determime how camat rolein empowering communities in the districtRainis Talaud islands district. The method used is descriptive gualitative method. The focus of research includes: The subdistrict govermments to encourage public participation in delelopment planning in the district; role toguide the work units implementing the orogram/community developmend activities in the district; successfulresearch informants interviewd as many as 10 persons namely : 2 sub-district government officials, 2 villageheads 2, 2 Orang LMP members, two community leaders, and two villagers data collection technigues usedwere interviews. Data was analysed using qualitative descriptive analysis technigues-interactive model of Milesand Huberann. Based on the results of the study conclude : (1) role toencourage public participation indevelopment planning in the discussion forum of development planning in the district has done fairiy weill; (2)role to provide guidance to the working units of government and community organization in the district havebeen done fairily well ; (3) role in empowering communities through the role to supervise theprogram/community development activities whether perpetrated by units of government work and civil societyorganizations have also done fairly well. Based on these conciusions suggested : (1) let more active inmobilizing the community to engage in development planning at the vollage and sub-district; (2) let moreeffective coordination meeting forum/consultation on guidance to the work units that acted uponprogram/activities of people in the district pemerdayaan; (3) let improve the implementation ofmonitoring/pemantauan and reporting systems on a regular basis about the implementation ofprogram/community development activities in the district

    Kriteria Manajemen Pelayanan pada Penyusunan Program Kerja di Badan Kesatuan Bangsa dan Politik Kabupaten Minahasa Utara

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    In carrying out the service management criteria there are also various complicated matters,such as in government agencies, especially the unity of the nation and politics are also inseparable fromthe various problems that convolve I. Judging from the reality of some problems such is not beingconsidered the criteria of service management to the planning in the preparation of work programs,such us professionalism and skill, attitudes and behavior, accessibility and flexibility, reability andtrustworthiness, recovery, reputation credibilityRresearch by as much as 10 (ten) informant: 1 person head of department, 1 secretary, 1 head of sub.Planning, 1 head of sub. General, 6 civil state apparatus. Data collection techniques used are interview,observation, and documentation. As well as data analysis techniques used are data reduction,presentation, and conclusion

    The Influence of Internal Communication Against the Effectiveness of the Service in the Office of the Head of Mandolang Regency of Minahasa in North Sulawesi Province

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    The purpose of this research is to know the extent of the influence of communication internalagainst the effectiveness of the sevices in the Office of the head of Mandolang District Minahasa in NorthSulawesi Province. This research using quantitative research methods. With the samples used is SaturatedSampling are 35 people. Based on a simple linier regression analysis showed that there is influence ofinternal communication between (X) and (Y) work efficiency. It is evident simple linier regression equationof Y=14,613 + 0,538 X + e. for calculation of the correlation relationship is category of being, This evidencedby the r value 0,565 interpretation advanced by Sugiono are in the interval (0,00-0,199). And the value ofthe coefficient of determination is 31,9% indicating that the influence of internal commucation against theeffectiveness of the service namely 31,9% and the rest is 68,1% influenced by variables that are not includedin this research.From the results of the comparism of the value of a sig (0,03) a (0,05) these authors conclude thatinternal influential communication significantly to the effectiveness of the sevices Head Office Mandolangin the Regency of Minahasa in North Sulawesi province. Then the hypothesis in this study was acceptedH1and H0 denied

    Cosmic cookery : making a stereoscopic 3D animated movie.

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    This paper describes our experience making a short stereoscopic movie visualizing the development of structure in the universe during the 13.7 billion years from the Big Bang to the present day. Aimed at a general audience for the Royal Society's 2005 Summer Science Exhibition, the movie illustrates how the latest cosmological theories based on dark matter and dark energy are capable of producing structures as complex as spiral galaxies and allows the viewer to directly compare observations from the real universe with theoretical results. 3D is an inherent feature of the cosmology data sets and stereoscopic visualization provides a natural way to present the images to the viewer, in addition to allowing researchers to visualize these vast, complex data sets. The presentation of the movie used passive, linearly polarized projection onto a 2m wide screen but it was also required to playback on a Sharp RD3D display and in anaglyph projection at venues without dedicated stereoscopic display equipment. Additionally lenticular prints were made from key images in the movie. We discuss the following technical challenges during the stereoscopic production process; 1) Controlling the depth presentation, 2) Editing the stereoscopic sequences, 3) Generating compressed movies in display speci¯c formats. We conclude that the generation of high quality stereoscopic movie content using desktop tools and equipment is feasible. This does require careful quality control and manual intervention but we believe these overheads are worthwhile when presenting inherently 3D data as the result is signi¯cantly increased impact and better understanding of complex 3D scenes

    Toilet Sanitation Management in Supporting the Implementation of Public Services

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    Good toilet sanitation management will not only provide added value in service satisfaction but is also a reflection of personal and environmental hygiene. However, toilet sanitation is one of the problems that people often complain about when they are in government offices. The availability of good toilet sanitation facilities has not been a concern of the government until now. This research was conducted using a qualitative design, collecting data directly or using google form and making direct observations of the condition of the toilet and its management. Data collection was also carried out using researchgate, google scholars and google scholars. By using systematic literature review technique data analysis and the use of primary data, it was found that the management of toilet sanitation in government offices was not good as seen from the quality of cleanliness and availability of facilities. There is no work unit available and responsible for toilet sanitation hygiene. The government can fix this by collaborating with third parties with a cleaning service workforce outsourcing system

    Good covers are algorithmically unrecognizable

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    A good cover in R^d is a collection of open contractible sets in R^d such that the intersection of any subcollection is either contractible or empty. Motivated by an analogy with convex sets, intersection patterns of good covers were studied intensively. Our main result is that intersection patterns of good covers are algorithmically unrecognizable. More precisely, the intersection pattern of a good cover can be stored in a simplicial complex called nerve which records which subfamilies of the good cover intersect. A simplicial complex is topologically d-representable if it is isomorphic to the nerve of a good cover in R^d. We prove that it is algorithmically undecidable whether a given simplicial complex is topologically d-representable for any fixed d \geq 5. The result remains also valid if we replace good covers with acyclic covers or with covers by open d-balls. As an auxiliary result we prove that if a simplicial complex is PL embeddable into R^d, then it is topologically d-representable. We also supply this result with showing that if a "sufficiently fine" subdivision of a k-dimensional complex is d-representable and k \leq (2d-3)/3, then the complex is PL embeddable into R^d.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figures; result extended also to acyclic covers in version

    Creating mock catalogues of stellar haloes from cosmological simulations

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    We present a new technique for creating mock catalogues of the individual stars that make up the accreted component of stellar haloes in cosmological simulations and show how the catalogues can be used to test and interpret observational data. The catalogues are constructed from a combination of methods. A semi-analytic galaxy formation model is used to calculate the star formation history in haloes in an N-body simulation and dark matter particles are tagged with this stellar mass. The tags are converted into individual stars using a stellar population synthesis model to obtain the number density and evolutionary stage of the stars, together with a phase-space sampling method that distributes the stars while ensuring that the phase-space structure of the original N-body simulation is maintained. A set of catalogues based on the Λ cold dark matter Aquarius simulations of Milky Way mass haloes have been created and made publicly available on a website. Two example applications are discussed that demonstrate the power and flexibility of the mock catalogues. We show how the rich stellar substructure that survives in the stellar halo precludes a simple measurement of its density profile and demonstrate explicitly how pencil-beam surveys can return almost any value for the slope of the profile. We also show that localized variations in the abundance of particular types of stars, a signature of differences in the composition of stellar populations, allow streams to be easily identified