1,496 research outputs found

    A close-up of colon cancer

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    Understanding development of colorectal cancer requires knowledge on homeostasis of the normal intestinal epithelium as well as intestinal tumorigenesis. In the current thesis, a number of aspects of these two intricately connected subjects are further discussed

    Streamers in air splitting into three branches

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    We investigate the branching of positive streamers in air and present the first systematic investigation of splitting into more than two branches. We study discharges in 100 mbar artificial air that is exposed to voltage pulses of 10 kV applied to a needle electrode 160 mm above a grounded plate. By imaging the discharge with two cameras from three angles, we establish that about every 200th branching event is a branching into three. Branching into three occurs more frequently for the relatively thicker streamers. In fact, we find that the surface of the total streamer cross-sections before and after a branching event is roughly the same.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    Unraveling Coordination Problems

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    Strategic uncertainty complicates policy design in coordination games. To rein in strategic uncertainty, the planner in this paper connects the problem of policy design to that of equilibrium selection using a global games approach. We characterize the subsidy scheme that induces coordination on a given outcome of the game as its unique equilibrium. Optimal subsidies are symmetric for identical players, continuous functions of model parameters, and do not make the targeted strategies strictly dominant for any of the players; these properties differ starkly from canonical results in the literature. Uncertainty about payoffs impels policy moderation as aggressive intervention might itself induce coordination failure. JEL codes: D81, D82, D83, D86, H20. Keywords: mechanism design, global games, contracting with externalities, unique implementation

    A Unified Algebraic Framework for Fuzzy Image Compression and Mathematical Morphology

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    In this paper we show how certain techniques of image processing, having different scopes, can be joined together under a common "algebraic roof"

    Multiresolution signal decomposition schemes

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    [PNA-R9810] Interest in multiresolution techniques for signal processing and analysis is increasing steadily. An important instance of such a technique is the so-called pyramid decomposition scheme. This report proposes a general axiomatic pyramid decomposition scheme for signal analysis and synthesis. This scheme comprises the following ingredients: (i) the pyramid consists of a (finite or infinite) number of levels such that the information content decreases towards higher levels; (ii) each step towards a higher level is constituted by an (information-reducing) analysis operator, whereas each step towards a lower level is modeled by an (information-preserving) synthesis operator. One basic assumption is necessary: synthesis followed by analysis yields the identity operator, meaning that no information is lost by these two consecutive steps. In this report, several examples are described of linear as well as nonlinear (e.g., morphological) pyramid decomposition schemes. Some of these examples are known from the literature (Laplacian pyramid, morphological granulometries, skeleton decomposition) and some of them are new (morphological Haar pyramid, median pyramid). Furthermore, the report makes a distinction between single-scale and multiscale decomposition schemes (i.e. without or with sample reduction).#[PNA-R9905] In its original form, the wavelet transform is a linear tool. However, it has been increasingly recognized that nonlinear extensions are possible. A major impulse to the development of nonlinea

    Multiresolution signal decomposition schemes. Part 2: Morphological wavelets

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    In its original form, the wavelet transform is a linear tool. However, it has been increasingly recognized that nonlinear extensions are possible. A major impulse to the development of nonlinear wavelet transforms has been given by the introduction of the lifting scheme by Sweldens. The aim of this report, which is a sequel to a previous report devoted exclusively to the pyramid transform, is to present an axiomatic framework encompassing most existing linear and nonlinear wavelet decompositions. Furthermore, it introduces some, thus far unknown, wavelets based on mathematical morphology, such as the morphological Haar wavelet, both in one and two dimensions. A general and flexible approach for the construction of nonlinear (morphological) wavelets is provided by the lifting scheme. This paper discusses one example in considerable detail, the max-lifting scheme, which has the intriguing property that it preserves local maxima in a signal over a range of scales, depending on how local or global these maxima are

    Early Postoperative Care After Cardiac Surgery

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