170 research outputs found

    In crowdfunding we trust : a trust-building model in lending crowdfunding

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    Trust critically affects the perceived probability of receiving expected returns on investment. Crowdfunding differs in many ways from traditional forms of investing. We have to ask what builds trust in this particular context. Based on literature regarding the formation of initial trust, we developed a model to explain which factors lead to crowdfunders’ trust in a crowdfunding project. We tested it on data collected from actual investors in a real project on a crowdlending platform. Our results show that trust in the crowdfunding platform and the information quality are more important factors of project trust than trust in the creator

    Histopathological patterns of nephrocalcinosis: a phosphate type can be distinguished from a calcium type

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    Background. The etiology of nephrocalcinosis is variable. In this study, we wanted to elucidate whether the histopathological appearance of calcium phosphate deposits provides information about possible etiology. Methods. Autopsy cases from the years 1988 to 2007 and native kidney biopsies from a 50-year period (1959-2008) with nephrocalcinosis were identified. The biopsy cases were re-evaluated by light microscopy. The autopsy cases were analysed according to the underlying disease. The biopsy cases were grouped with respect to the likely etiology of nephrocalcinosis. Total number, density, localization, size and pattern of all calcification foci were documented and correlated with clinical and laboratory data. Results. About 223 of 12 960 autopsy cases (1.7%) had nephrocalcinosis, 111 of which (49.8%) suffered from advanced malignant tumours. Nephrocalcinosis was the main diagnosis in 48 of 12 480 native kidney biopsies (0.4%). Clinicopathological correlation revealed a specific pattern of calcification associated with hyperphosphataemia and/or hyperphosphaturia: these cases showed predominant globular or shell-like calcifications (phosphate type). In contrast, the biopsies of the hypercalcaemic/hypercalciuric group had a different predominant pattern with clumpy or finely granular calcifications (calcium type). Conclusions. Our results indicate that hyperphosphaturia-associated cases of nephrocalcinosis can be distinguished from hypercalciuria-associated cases histopathologicall

    Orientation dependence of thermal and mechanical hysteresis in Ni51Fe18Ga27Co4 single crystals

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    The orientation dependence of thermal Δб and mechanical Δσ hysteresis was investigated in Ni51Fe18Ga27Co4 single crystals as-grown with isobaric (shape memory effect) and isothermal (superelasticity) experiments. Single crystals oriented along the [001]-direction show a high reversible deformation of 001 Đ­ĐŸĐ€ Δ = (4,0 ± 0,2) % for martensitic transformations, small thermal hysteresis Δб = (22 ± 2) K and mechanical Δσ001 = (47 ± 2) МПа hysteresis, as compared with to single crystals oriented along the [110]-direction. Such orientation dependence is determined by the contribution of the L10-martensite under the Δdetw in deformation of transformation

    The MentDis_ICF65+ study protocol: prevalence, 1-year incidence and symptom severity of mental disorders in the elderly and their relationship to impairment, functioning (ICF) and service utilisation.

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    Background: The EU currently lacks reliable data on the prevalence and incidence of mental disorders in older people. Despite the availability of several national and international epidemiological studies, the size and burden of mental disorders in the elderly remain unclear due to various reasons. Therefore, the aims of the MentDis_ICF65+ study are (1) to adapt existing assessment instruments, and (2) to collect data on the prevalence, the incidence, and the natural course and prognosis of mental disorders in the elderly. Method/design: Using a cross-sectional and prospective longitudinal design, this multi-centre study from six European countries and associated states (Germany, Great Britain, Israel, Italy, Spain, and Switzerland) is based on age-stratified, random samples of elderly people living in the community. The study program consists of three phases: (1) a methodological phase devoted primarily to the adaptation of age- and gender-specific assessment tools for older people (e.g., the Composite International Diagnostic Interview, CIDI) as well as psychometric evaluations including translation, back translation; (2) a baseline community study in all participating countries to assess the lifetime, 12 month and 1 month prevalence and comorbidity of mental disorders, including prior course, quality of life, health care utilization and helpseeking, impairments and participation and, (3) a 12 month follow-up of all baseline participants to monitor course and outcome as well as examine predictors. Discussion: The study is an essential step forward towards the further development and improvement of harmonised instruments for the assessment of mental disorders as well as the evaluation of activity impairment and participation in older adults. This study will also facilitate the comparison of cross-cultural results. These results will have bearing on mental health care in the EU and will offer a starting point for necessary structural changes to be initiated for mental health care policy at the level of mental health care politics

    ADAMTS13 and VWF activities guide individualized caplacizumab treatment in patients with aTTP

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    Introduction of the nanobody caplacizumab was shown to be effective in the treatment of acquired thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (aTTP) in the acute setting. The official recommendations include plasma exchange (PEX), immunosuppression, and the use of caplacizumab for a minimum of 30 days after stopping daily PEX. This study was a retrospective, observational analysis of the use of caplacizumab in 60 patients from 29 medical centers in Germany. Immunosuppressive treatment led to a rapid normalization of ADAMTS13 activities (calculated median, 21 days). In 35 of 60 patients, ADAMTS13 activities started to normalize before day 30 after PEX; in 11 of 60 patients, the treatment was extended beyond day 30; and in 5 patients, it was extended even beyond day 58 due to persistent autoimmune activity. In 34 of 60 instances, caplacizumab was stopped before day 30 with a favorable outcome whenever ADAMTS13 activities were >10%. In contrast, 11 of 34 patients with ADAMTS13 activities <10% at the time of stopping caplacizumab treatment developed a nonfavorable outcome (disease exacerbation or relapse). In some cases, prolongation of the treatment interval to every other day was feasible and resulted in a sustained reduction of von Willebrand factor activity. ADAMTS13 activity measurements are central for a rapid diagnosis in the acute setting but also to tailor disease management. An ADAMTS13 activity-guided approach seems safe for identifying the individual time point when to stop caplacizumab to prevent overtreatment and undertreatment; this approach will result in significant cost savings without jeopardizing the well-being of patients. In addition, von Willebrand factor activity may serve as a biomarker for drug monitoring

    Real-world data confirm the effectiveness of caplacizumab in acquired thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura

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    Acquired thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (aTTP) is a rare but life-threatening condition. In 2018, the nanobody caplacizumab was approved for the treatment of adults experiencing an acute episode of aTTP, in conjunction with plasma exchange (PEX) and immunosuppression for a minimum of 30 days after stopping daily PEX. We performed a retrospective, observational analysis on the use of caplacizumab in 60 patients from 29 medical centers in Germany during acute disease management. Caplacizumab led to a rapid normalization of the platelet count (median, 3 days; mean 3.78 days). One patient died after late treatment initiation due to aTTP-associated complications. In 2 patients with initial disease presentation and in 4 additional patients with laboratory signs of an exacerbation or relapse after the initial therapy, PEX-free treatment regimens could be established with overall favorable outcome. Caplacizumab is efficacious in the treatment of aTTP independent of timing and ancillary treatment modalities. Based on this real-world experience and published literature, we propose to administer caplacizumab immediately to all patients with an acute episode of aTTP. Treatment decisions regarding the use of PEX should be based on the severity of the clinical presentation and known risk factors. PEX might be dispensable in some patients

    Enhancing medical students' communication skills: development and evaluation of an undergraduate training program

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>There is a relative lack of current research on the effects of specific communication training offered at the beginning of the medical degree program. The newly developed communication training "Basics and Practice in Communication Skills" was pilot tested in 2008 and expanded in the following year at the University Medical Centre Hamburg-Eppendorf in Germany. The goal was to promote and improve the communicative skills of participants and show the usefulness of an early offered intervention on patient-physician communication within the medical curriculum.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The students participating in the project and a comparison group of students from the standard degree program were surveyed at the beginning and end of the courses. The survey consisted of a self-assessment of their skills as well as a standardised expert rating and an evaluation of the modules by means of a questionnaire.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Students who attended the communication skills course exhibited a considerable increase of communication skills in this newly developed training. It was also observed that students in the intervention group had a greater degree of self-assessed competence following training than the medical students in the comparison group. This finding is also reflected in the results from a standardised objective measure.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The empirical results of the study showed that the training enabled students to acquire specialised competence in communication through the course of a newly developed training program. These findings will be used to establish new communication training at the University Medical Centre Hamburg-Eppendorf.</p

    Circulating Endothelial Progenitor Cells in Kidney Transplant Patients

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    Background: Kidney transplantation (RTx) leads to amelioration of endothelial function in patients with advanced renal failure. Endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) may play a key role in this repair process. The aim of this study was to determine the impact of RTx and immunosuppressive therapy on the number of circulating EPCs. Methods: We analyzed 52 RTx patients (58613 years; 33 males, mean 6 SD) and 16 age- and gender-matched subjects with normal kidney function (57617; 10 males). RTx patients received a calcineurin inhibitor (CNI)-based (65%) or a CNI-free therapy (35%) and steroids. EPC number was determined by double positive staining for CD133/VEGFR2 and CD34/VEGFR2 by flow cytometry. Stromal cell-derived factor 1 alpha (SDF-1) levels were assessed by ELISA. Experimentally, to dissociate the impact of RTx from the impact of immunosuppressants, we used the 5/6 nephrectomy model. The animals were treated with a CNI-based or a CNI-free therapy, and EPCs (Sca+cKit+) and CD26+ cells were determined by flow cytometry. Results: Compared to controls, circulating number of CD34+/VEGFR2+ and CD133+/VEGFR2+ EPCs increased in RTx patients. There were no correlations between EPC levels and statin, erythropoietin or use of renin angiotensin system blockers in our study. Indeed, multivariate analysis showed that SDF-1 – a cytokine responsible for EPC mobilization – is independently associated with the EPC number. 5/6 rats presented decreased EPC counts in comparison to control animals. Immunosuppressive therapy was able to restore normal EPC values in 5/6 rats. These effects on EPC number were associated with reduced number of CD26+ cells, which might be related to consequent accumulation of SDF-1. Conclusions: We conclude that kidney transplantation and its associated use of immunosuppressive drugs increases the number of circulating EPCs via the manipulation of the CD26/SDF-1 axis. Increased EPC count may be associated to endothelial repair and function in these patients.

    Landsat-derived glacier inventory for Jotunheimen, Norway, and deduced glacier changes since the 1930s

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    A Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) scene from 2003 covering the Jotunheimen and Breheimen region has been used to map the recent glacier extents using thresholded ratio images (TM3/TM5). Orthoprojected aerial photographs and glacier outlines from digital maps have been used to validate the method and control the results. We further calculated glacier changes by comparing the Landsat-derived 2003 glacier outlines with previous maps and inventories from the 1930s, 1960s and 1980s. Our results confirm that the applied automatic mapping method is very robust and agrees precisely with the reference data used. Some manual editing was necessary to correct the outline at ice-lake contacts and at debris covered glaciers. However, for most of the glaciers no corrections were required. The most laborious task has been to assign ID numbers and couple the new Landsat inventory to previous inventories to assess area changes. The glaciers investigated shrank since the 1930s with an overall area reduction of about 23% for 38 glaciers. Since the 1960s the area reduction was 12% for 164 glaciers. Although the general trend is glacier retreat and area reduction, some glaciers have increased their size or remained nearly unchanged over the last decades
