111 research outputs found

    Supercapacitive Admittance Tomoscopy

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    A sensor for measuring adsorption on a substrate has been designed including a contactless detection scheme, called supercapacitive admittance tomoscopy (SCAT). The sensor comprises a thin dielectric layer with two parallel band electrodes on the one side and a chemically modified surface on the other onto which the adsorption of molecules occurs. Upon application of a high frequency ac voltage between the two electrodes, a capacitive coupling is established across the dielectric layer, and the admittance measured depends on the surface state of the chemically modified interface. On the basis of this principle, a flow sensor has been developed to measure sensorgrams to follow the dynamics of the adsorption and has been tested for the adsorption of IgG on the modified surface

    BRAMS: The Belgian RAdio Meteor Stations

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    In the last months, the Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy has been developing a Belgian network for observing radio meteors using forward scattering technique. This network is called BRAMS for Belgian RAdio Meteor Stations. Two beacons emitting a circularly polarized pure sine wave toward the zenith act as the transmitters at frequencies of 49.97 and 49.99 MHz. The first one located in Dourbes (Southern Belgium) emits a constant power of 150 Watts while the one located in Ieper (Western Belgium) emits a constant power of 50 Watts. The receiving network consists of about 20 stations hosted mainly by radio amateurs. Two stations have crossed-Yagi antennas measuring horizontal and vertical polarizations of the waves reflected off meteor trails. This will enable a detailed analysis of the meteor power profiles from which physical parameters of the meteoroids can be obtained. An interferometer consisting of 5 Yagi-antennas will be installed at the site of Humain in order to determine the angular detection of one reflection point, allowing us to determine meteoroid trajectories. We describe this new meteor observing facility and present the goals we expect to achieve with the network

    Étude de la corrosion du cuivre par microĂ©lectrochimie: Comparaison entre microĂ©lectrode et microcellule

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    Ce travail prĂ©sente la comparaison de mesures Ă©lectrochimiques rĂ©alisĂ©es Ă  l'aide d'une microcellule et de microĂ©lectrodes conventionnelles. Des mesures de voltamĂ©trie cyclique et d’impĂ©dances Ă©lectrochimiques ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es sur des Ă©lectrodes de cuivre pur, Ă©lectrode classique couplĂ©e Ă  des capillaires et microĂ©lectrodes, au potentiel de corrosion dans une solution NaCl 0,1 M, La comparaison entre ces deux types de mesure apporte des informations relatives Ă  leurs sensibilitĂ©s et limitations. En particulier, le domaine des basses frĂ©quences du diagramme d’impĂ©dance est sensible Ă  la gĂ©omĂ©trie de la microcellule ainsi qu'au positionnement relatif des Ă©lectrodes

    Nanomosaic Network for the Detection of Proteins Without Direct Electrical Contact

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    A nanomosaic network of metallic nanoparticles for the detection of ultralow concentrations of proteins is reported, which uses two planar microelectrodes embedded in a microchip that permit generation of capacitive coupling to the nanomosaic system without the need for direct electrical contact with the channel. By tailoring the microchannel surface using a sandwich configuration of polyethylene terephthalate/gold nanoparticles/poly(L-lysine), the surface charge can be modified following biomolecular interactions and monitored using a noncontact admittance technique. This nanodevice system behaves like a tunable capacitor and can be employed for the detection of any kind of molecule. The femtomolar detection of an anionic protein, such as b- lactoglobulin in phosphatebuffered saline medium, is taken as an example

    Electroacoustic miniaturized DNA-biosensor

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    A micrometer-sized electroacoustic DNA-biosensor was developed. The device included a thin semi-crystalline polyethylene terephthalate (PET) dielectric layer with two Ag microband electrodes on one side and a DNA thiol-labeled monolayer adsorbed on a gold surface on the other. A resonance wave was observed at 29 MHz with a network analyzer, upon AC voltage application between the two Ag electrodes, corresponding to electromechanical coupling induced by molecular dipoles of the PET polymer chain in the dielectric layer. It was found that the device size and geometry were well adapted to detect DNA hybridization, by measuring the capacity of the resonance response evolution: hybridization induced polarization of the dielectric material that affected the electromechanical coupling established in the dielectric layer. The 0.2 mm2 sensor sensitive area allows detection in small volumes and still has higher detection levels for bioanalytical applications, the non-contact configuration adopted avoids electric faradic reactions that may damage biosensor sensitive layers, and finally, PET is a costless raw material, easy to process and well adapted for large scale production. The well-balanced technological and economic advantages of this kind of device make it a good candidate for biochip integration

    Electroacoustic Polymer Microchip as an Alternative to Quartz Crystal Microbalance for Biosensor Development

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    Laser photoablation of poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET), a flexible dielectric organic polymer, was used to design an acoustic miniaturized DNA biosensor. The microchip device includes a 100-ÎŒm-thick PET layer, with two microband electrodes patterned in photoablated microchannels on one side and a depressed photoablated disk decorated by gold sputtered layer on the other side. Upon application of an electric signal between the two electrodes, an electroacoustic resonance phenomenon at ∌30 MHz was established through the microelectrodes/PET/ gold layer interface. The electroacoustic resonance response was fitted with a series RLC motional arm in parallel with a static C0 arm of a Buttlerworth-Van Dyke equivalent circuit: admittance spectra recorded after successive cycles of DNA hybridization on the gold surface showed reproducible changes on R, L, and C parameters. The same hybridizations runs were performed concomitantly on a 27-MHz (9 MHz, third overtone) quartz crystal microbalance in order to validate the PET device developed for bioanalysis applications. The electroacoustic PET device, ∌100 times smaller than a microbalance quartz crystal, is interesting for the large-scale integration of acoustic sensors in biochips

    Ultrahigh Surface Area Three-Dimensional Porous Graphitic Carbon from Conjugated Polymeric Molecular Framework

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    Porous graphitic carbon is essential for many applications such as energy storage devices, catalysts, and sorbents. However, current graphitic carbons are limited by low conductivity, low surface area, and ineffective pore structure. Here we report a scalable synthesis of porous graphitic carbons using a conjugated polymeric molecular framework as precursor. The multivalent cross-linker and rigid conjugated framework help to maintain micro- and mesoporous structures, while promoting graphitization during carbonization and chemical activation. The above unique design results in a class of highly graphitic carbons at temperature as low as 800 ??C with record-high surface area (4073 m2 g-1), large pore volume (2.26 cm-3), and hierarchical pore architecture. Such carbons simultaneously exhibit electrical conductivity >3 times more than activated carbons, very high electrochemical activity at high mass loading, and high stability, as demonstrated by supercapacitors and lithium-sulfur batteries with excellent performance. Moreover, the synthesis can be readily tuned to make a broad range of graphitic carbons with desired structures and compositions for many applications.clos

    Screening Methodology for the Efficient Pairing of Ionic Liquids and Carbonaceous Electrodes Applied to Electric Energy Storage

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    A model is presented that correlates the measured electric capacitance with the energy that comprises the desolvation, dissociation and adsorption energy of an ionic liquid into carbonaceous electrode (represented by single-wall carbon nanotubes). An original methodology is presented that allows for the calculation of the adsorption energy of ions in a host system that does not necessarily compensate the total charge of the adsorbed ions, leaving an overall net charge. To obtain overall negative (favorable) energies, adsorption energies need to overcome the energy cost for desolvation of the ion pair and its dissociation into individual ions. Smaller ions, such as BF4 −, generally show larger dissociation energies than anions such as PF6 − or TFSI−. Adsorption energies gradually increase with decreasing pore size of the CNT and show a maximum when the pore size is slightly greater than the dimensions of the adsorbed ion and the attractive van der Waals forces dominate the interaction. At smaller pore diameters, the adsorption energy sharply declines and becomes repulsive as a result of geometry deformations of the ion. Only for those diameters where the adsorption reaches maximum values is the adsorption energy sufficiently negative to balance the positive dissociation and desolvation energies. We present for each ion (and ionic liquid) what the most adequate electrode pore size should be for maximum capacitance
