43 research outputs found

    Oceans and Coastal Ecosystems and Their Services

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    Ocean and coastal ecosystems support life on Earth and many aspects of human well-being. Covering two-thirds of the planet, the ocean hosts vast biodiversity and modulates the global climate system by regulating cycles of heat, water and elements, including carbon. Marine systems are central to many cultures, and they also provide food, minerals, energy and employment to people. Since previous assessments1 , new laboratory studies, field observations and process studies, a wider range of model simulations, Indigenous knowledge, and local knowledge have provided increasing evidence on the impacts of climate change on ocean and coastal systems, how human communities are experiencing these impacts, and the potential solutions for ecological and human adaptation.Peer reviewe

    Kelps and environmental changes in Kongsfjorden: Stress perception and responses

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    Data for: Antarctic and sub-Antarctic Nacella limpets reveal novel evolutionary characteristics of mitochondrial genomes in Patellogastropoda

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    Raw data of 13 protein coding genes and 2 rRNAs used for phylogenetic reconstruction

    Data for: Antarctic and sub-Antarctic Nacella limpets reveal novel evolutionary characteristics of mitochondrial genomes in Patellogastropoda

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    Cleaned individual alignments and best partition models used for the phylogenetic reconstructio

    Data for: Antarctic and sub-Antarctic Nacella limpets reveal novel evolutionary characteristics of mitochondrial genomes in Patellogastropoda

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    Cleaned individual alignments and best partition models used for the phylogenetic reconstructionTHIS DATASET IS ARCHIVED AT DANS/EASY, BUT NOT ACCESSIBLE HERE. TO VIEW A LIST OF FILES AND ACCESS THE FILES IN THIS DATASET CLICK ON THE DOI-LINK ABOV

    Data for: Antarctic and sub-Antarctic Nacella limpets reveal novel evolutionary characteristics of mitochondrial genomes in Patellogastropoda

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    Characterization of the Antarctic sea urchin (Sterechinus neumayeri) transcriptome and mitogenome: A molecular resource for phylogenetics, ecophysiology and global change biology

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    © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. This is the first de novo transcriptome and complete mitochondrial genome of an Antarctic sea urchin species sequenced to date. Sterechinus neumayeri is an Antarctic sea urchin and a model species for ecology, development, physiology and global change biology. To identify transcripts important to ocean acidification (OA) and thermal stress, this transcriptome was created pooling, and 13 larval samples representing developmental stages on day 11 (late gastrula), 19 (early pluteus) and 30 (mid pluteus) maintained at three CO 2 levels (421, 652, and 1071 μatm) as well as four additional heat-shocked samples. The normalized cDNA pool was sequenced using emulsion PCR (pyrosequencing) resulting in 1.34M reads with an average read length of 492 base pairs. 40 994 isotigs were identified, averaging 1188 bp with a median coverage of 11×. Additional primer design and gap sequencing were required to complete the mitochondrial genome. The mitogenome of S. neumayeri is a circular DNA molecule with a length of 15 684 bp that contains all 37 genes normally found in metazoans. We detail the main features of the transcriptome and the mitogenome architecture and investigate the phylogenetic relationships of S. neumayeri within Echinoidea. In addition, we provide comparative analyses of S. neumayeri with its closest relative, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, including a list of potential OA gene targets. The resources described here will support a variety of quantitative (genomic, proteomic, multistress and comparative) studies to interrogate physiological responses to OA and other stressors in this important Antarctic calcifier.Link_to_subscribed_fulltex

    Mitogenomics of electric rays: evolutionary considerations within Torpediniformes (Batoidea; Chondrichthyes)

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    © 2016 The Linnean Society of London Torpediniformes (electric rays) is a relatively diverse group of benthic coastal elasmobranchs found in all shallow tropical to temperate waters around the world. Despite its ecological and evolutionary importance, the inter-relationships within this lineage of cartilaginous fishes and its phylogenetic position within Batoidea remain controversial. In this study, we report the first complete sequences of two tropical electric rays, Narcine bancroftii and Narcine brasiliensis, using a combination of 454 and Sanger sequencing technologies. These species are a common bycatch of artisanal fishery communities on the north-east Caribbean coast of Colombia and are considered Critically Endangered according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature classification system. Overall, the two newly sequenced mitogenomes exhibit similarities in size, transcriptional orientation, gene order, and nucleotide composition in comparison to other batoids. Based on the concatenated alignment of protein-coding genes, our phylogenetic analyses support the hypothesis that electric rays are closely related to thornback rays (Platyrhinidae), forming a clade in a sister position to a group containing the remaining three batoid orders. Within Torpediniformes, our results reject the nonmonophyletic hypothesis of the genus Narcine reported in previous morphological and molecular studies.Link_to_subscribed_fulltex

    Geographical gradients in selection can reveal genetic constraints for evolutionary responses to ocean acidification

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    Geographical gradients in selection can shape different genetic architectures in natural populations, reflecting potential genetic constraints for adaptive evolution under climate change. Investigation of natural pH/pCO(2) variation in upwelling regions reveals different spatio-temporal patterns of natural selection, generating genetic and phenotypic clines in populations, and potentially leading to local adaptation, relevant to understanding effects of ocean acidification (OA). Strong directional selection, associated with intense and continuous upwellings, may have depleted genetic variation in populations within these upwelling regions, favouring increased tolerances to low pH but with an associated cost in other traits. In contrast, diversifying or weak directional selection in populations with seasonal upwellings or outside major upwelling regions may have resulted in higher genetic variances and the lack of genetic correlations among traits. Testing this hypothesis in geographical regions with similar environmental conditions to those predicted under climate change will build insights into how selection may act in the future and how populations may respond to stressors such as OA