691 research outputs found

    Tagged particle process in continuum with singular interactions

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    By using Dirichlet form techniques we construct the dynamics of a tagged particle in an infinite particle environment of interacting particles for a large class of interaction potentials. In particular, we can treat interaction potentials having a singularity at the origin, non-trivial negative part and infinite range, as e.g., the Lennard-Jones potential.Comment: 27 pages, proof for conservativity added, tightened presentatio

    Spherical codes, maximal local packing density, and the golden ratio

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    The densest local packing (DLP) problem in d-dimensional Euclidean space Rd involves the placement of N nonoverlapping spheres of unit diameter near an additional fixed unit-diameter sphere such that the greatest distance from the center of the fixed sphere to the centers of any of the N surrounding spheres is minimized. Solutions to the DLP problem are relevant to the realizability of pair correlation functions for packings of nonoverlapping spheres and might prove useful in improving upon the best known upper bounds on the maximum packing fraction of sphere packings in dimensions greater than three. The optimal spherical code problem in Rd involves the placement of the centers of N nonoverlapping spheres of unit diameter onto the surface of a sphere of radius R such that R is minimized. It is proved that in any dimension, all solutions between unity and the golden ratio to the optimal spherical code problem for N spheres are also solutions to the corresponding DLP problem. It follows that for any packing of nonoverlapping spheres of unit diameter, a spherical region of radius less than or equal to the golden ratio centered on an arbitrary sphere center cannot enclose a number of sphere centers greater than one more than the number that can be placed on the region's surface.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure. Accepted for publication in the Journal of Mathematical Physic

    Universal correlations of trapped one-dimensional impenetrable bosons

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    We calculate the asymptotic behaviour of the one body density matrix of one-dimensional impenetrable bosons in finite size geometries. Our approach is based on a modification of the Replica Method from the theory of disordered systems. We obtain explicit expressions for oscillating terms, similar to fermionic Friedel oscillations. These terms are universal and originate from the strong short-range correlations between bosons in one dimension.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures. Published versio

    Markov evolutions and hierarchical equations in the continuum I. One-component systems

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    General birth-and-death as well as hopping stochastic dynamics of infinite particle systems in the continuum are considered. We derive corresponding evolution equations for correlation functions and generating functionals. General considerations are illustrated in a number of concrete examples of Markov evolutions appearing in applications.Comment: 47 page

    Gravitational lensing: a unique probe of dark matter and dark energy

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    I review the development of gravitational lensing as a powerful tool of the observational cosmologist. After the historic eclipse expedition organized by Arthur Eddington and Frank Dyson, the subject lay observationally dormant for 60 years. However, subsequent progress has been astonishingly rapid, especially in the past decade, so that gravitational lensing now holds the key to unravelling the two most profound mysteries of our Universe—the nature and distribution of dark matter, and the origin of the puzzling cosmic acceleration first identified in the late 1990s. In this non-specialist review, I focus on the unusual history and achievements of gravitational lensing and its future observational prospects

    One-dimensional classical adjoint SU(2) Coulomb Gas

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    The equation of state of a one-dimensional classical nonrelativistic Coulomb gas of particles in the adjoint representation of SU(2) is given. The problem is solved both with and without sources in the fundamental representation at either end of the system. The gas exhibits confining properties at low densities and temperatures and deconfinement in the limit of high densities and temperatures. However, there is no phase transition to a regime where the string tension vanishes identically; true deconfinement only happens for infinite densities and temperatures. In the low density, low temperature limit, a new type of collective behavior is observed.Comment: 6 pages, 1 postscript figur

    Longitudinal patterns in an Arkansas River Valley stream: an Application of the River Continuum Concept

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    The River Continuum Concept (RCC) provides the framework for studying how lotic ecosystems vary from headwater streams to large rivers. The RCC was developed in streams in eastern deciduous forests of North America, but watershed characteristics and land uses differ across ecoregions, presenting unique opportunities to study how predictions of the RCC may differ across regions. Additionally, RCC predictions may vary due to the influence of fishes, but few studies have used fish taxa as a metric for evaluating predictions of the RCC. Our goal was to determine if RCC predictions for stream orders 1 through 5 were supported by primary producer, macroinvertebrate, and fish communities in Cadron Creek of the Arkansas River Valley. We sampled chlorophyll a, macroinvertebrates, and fishes at five stream reaches across a gradient of watershed size. Contrary to RCC predictions, chlorophyll a did not increase in concentration with catchment size. As the RCC predicts, fish and macroinvertebrate diversity increased with catchment size. Shredding and collecting macroinvertebrate taxa supported RCC predictions, respectively decreasing and increasing in composition as catchment area increased. Herbivorous and predaceous fish did not follow RCC predictions; however, surface-water column feeding fish were abundant at all sites as predicted. We hypothesize some predictions of the RCC were not supported in headwater reaches of this system due to regional differences in watershed characteristics and altered resource availability due to land use surrounding sampling sites

    Three-coloring statistical model with domain wall boundary conditions. I. Functional equations

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    In 1970 Baxter considered the statistical three-coloring lattice model for the case of toroidal boundary conditions. He used the Bethe ansatz and found the partition function of the model in the thermodynamic limit. We consider the same model but use other boundary conditions for which one can prove that the partition function satisfies some functional equations similar to the functional equations satisfied by the partition function of the six-vertex model for a special value of the crossing parameter.Comment: 16 pages, notations changed for consistency with the next part, appendix adde

    Correlation functions and momentum distribution of one-dimensional Bose systems

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    The ground-state correlation properties of a one-dimensional Bose system described by the Lieb-Liniger Hamiltonian are investigated by using exact quantum Monte Carlo techniques. The pair distribution function, static structure factor, one-body density matrix and momentum distribution of a homogeneous system are calculated for different values of the gas parameter ranging from the Tonks-Girardeau to the mean-field regime. Results for the momentum distribution of a harmonically trapped gas in configurations relevant to experiments are also presented.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure
