1,975 research outputs found

    The kk-th derivatives of the immanant and the χ\chi-symmetric power of an operator

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    In recent papers, R. Bhatia, T. Jain and P. Grover obtained formulas for directional derivatives, of all orders, of the determinant, the permanent, the mm-th compound map and the mm-th induced power map. In this paper we generalize these results for immanants and for other symmetric powers of a matrix

    On derivatives and norms of generalized matrix functions and respective symmetric powers

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    In recent papers, the authors obtained formulas for directional derivatives of all orders, of the immanant and of the m-th xi-symmetric tensor power of an operator and a matrix, when xi is a character of the full symmetric group. The operator norm of these derivatives was also calculated. In this paper, similar results are established for generalized matrix functions and for every symmetric tensor power

    Propranolol in Infantile Hemangioma Treatment. Experience in 2 Cases

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    Introdução: O Hemangioma infantil é o tumor benigno mais frequente na idade pediátrica. A maioria tem evolução favorável, no entanto dependendo da sua localização, podem levar à distorsão de estruturas anatómicas ou a outras complicações locais ou sistémicas, tornando necessária uma abordagem terapêutica precoce e eficaz. Neste contexto, desde que Léauté-Labréze e colaboradores publicaram a sua experiência com o propranolol em 2008, têm-se multiplicado na literatura internacional, casos clínicos e pequenas séries em que este fármaco é utilizado “off-label” como terapêutica de primeira linha. O presente trabalho visa reportar a experiência de um serviço na utilização de propranolol como terapêutica de primeira linha no tratamento do hemangioma infantil em 2 doentes. Casos clínicos: O doente 1, do sexo feminino, tinha um hemangioma infantil desde as 5 semanas, localizado na pirâmide nasal. O doente 2, do sexo masculino, tinha dois hemangiomas infantis ulcerados: um localizado na face, com atingimento do mento, lábio inferior, mucosa gengival e labial; um segundo de localização escrotal. Ambos os doentes realizaram indução terapêutica com propranolol em regime de internamento com uma dose alvo de 2 a 3 mg/Kg/dia. Ao fim de 6 meses de follow-up, assistiu-se a uma resposta muito satisfatória, sem complicações documentadas. Discussão: O propranolol constitui uma alternativa segura e eficaz no tratamento do hemangioma. Embora não tenham ocorrido complicações, elas estão descritas e ocorrem principalmente durante a fase de indução terapêutica, tornando importante a monitorização durante esse período

    Statistical stability of equilibrium states for interval maps

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    We consider families of multimodal interval maps with polynomial growth of the derivative along the critical orbits. For these maps Bruin and Todd have shown the existence and uniqueness of equilibrium states for the potential ϕt:xtlogDf(x)\phi_t:x\mapsto-t\log|Df(x)|, for tt close to 1. We show that these equilibrium states vary continuously in the weak^* topology within such families. Moreover, in the case t=1t=1, when the equilibrium states are absolutely continuous with respect to Lebesgue, we show that the densities vary continuously within these families.Comment: More details given and the appendices now incorporated into the rest of the pape

    Nonextensivity in the Solar Neighborhood

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    In the present study, we analyze the radial velocity distribution as a function of different stellar parameters such as stellar age, mass, rotational velocity and distance to the Sun for a sample of 6781 single low--mass field dwarf stars, located in the solar neighborhood. We show that the radial velocity distributions are best fitted by qq--Gaussians that arise within the Tsallis nonextensive statistics. The obtained distributions cannot be described by the standard Gaussian that emerges within Boltzmann-Gibbs (B--G) statistical mechanics. The results point to the existence of a hierarchical structure in phase space, in contrast to the uniformly occupied phase space of B--G statistical mechanics, driven by the qq--Central Limit Theorem, consistent with nonextensive statistical mechanics.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures: EPL accepte

    Relação fósforo e magnésio na fertilidade do solo, estado nutricional e produção da alfafa.

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    Com o objetivo de avaliar a influência da relação P:Mg na fertilidade do solo, estado nutricional e produção de matéria seca da alfafa, foi conduzido em vasos com Latossolo Vermelho Amarelo distrófico um experimento em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em esquema de parcelas subdivididas, com três repetições. Os tratamentos foram constituídos de combinações de P (doses: 0, 100, 200 e 400 mg kg- 1, fonte: superfosfato triplo) e Mg (doses: 0, 100 e 200 mg kg-1, fonte: cloreto de magnésio), nas proporções de 0, 0,5, 1, 2 e 4. No período, foram realizados três cortes, com intervalo de 30 dias (subparcelas). Os resultados demonstraram que o incremento da relação P:Mg e das doses de P e de Mg aumentam a produção de matéria seca. O teor de P e as combinações de P:Mg no tecido vegetal apresentaram estreita relação com a proporção desses nutrientes no solo. A relação 2:1 acarretou maior teor de clorofila e N na matéria seca, enquanto altas quantidades

    Probiotic ingestion, obesity, and metabolic-related disorders: Results from NHANES, 1999–2014

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    Gut microbiota dysbiosis has been recognized as having key importance in obesity- and metabolic-related diseases. Although there is increasing evidence of the potential benefits induced by probiotics in metabolic disturbances, there is a lack of large cross-sectional studies to assess population-based prevalence of probiotic intake and metabolic diseases. Our aim was to evaluate the association of probiotic ingestion with obesity, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and dyslipidemia. A cross-sectional study was designed using data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), 1999–2014. Probiotic ingestion was considered when a subject reported consumption of yogurt or a probiotic supplement during the 24-hour dietary recall or during the Dietary Supplement Use 30-Day questionnaire. We included 38,802 adults and 13.1% reported probiotic ingestion. The prevalence of obesity and hypertension was lower in the probiotic group (obesity-adjusted Odds Ratio (OR): 0.84, 95% CI 0.76–0.92, p < 0.001; hypertension-adjusted OR: 0.79, 95% CI 0.71–0.88, p < 0.001). Accordingly, even after analytic adjustments, body mass index (BMI) was significantly lower in the probiotic group, as were systolic and diastolic blood pressure and triglycerides; high-density lipoprotein (HDL) was significantly higher in the probiotic group for the adjusted model. In this large-scale study, ingestion of probiotic supplements or yogurt was associated with a lower prevalence of obesity and hypertension

    Iron and zinc retention in common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) after home cooking.

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    Background: According to the World Health Organization (WHO), iron, iodine, and Vitamin A deficiencies are the most common forms of malnutrition, leading to severe public health consequences. The importance of iron and zinc in human nutrition and the number of children found to be deficient in these nutrients make further studies on retention in cooked grains and cooked bean broth important. Objectives: This work aimed to evaluate iron and zinc retention in six common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cultivars under the following conditions: raw beans, regular pot cooking, pressure cooking, with and without previous water soaking, and broth. Design: Determination of iron and zinc content in the raw, cooked bean grains and broth samples was carried out by Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) Optical Emission Spectrometry (Spectro Analytical Instrument Spectroflame P). All experiments and analyses were carried out in triplicate. Results: Overall, regardless of the cooking method, with or without previous water soaking, the highest zinc concentration was found in the cooked bean grains. However, pressure cooking and previous water soaking diminished iron retention in the cooked grains, while increasing it in the bean broth. Conclusion: The common bean was confirmed to be an excellent source of iron and zinc for human consumption, and it was suggested that beans should be consumed in a combined form, i.e. grain with bean broth