61 research outputs found

    Red Imported Fire Ants: Impact on Biodiversity

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    The red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren (hereafter referred to as imported fire ant), long considered a regional problem, is receiving renewed attention nationwide, with infestations found in Arizona, Maryland, Nevada, New Mexico, and Virginia (Mitchell 1996). Recently, infestations discovered in several regions of California caused great public concern (Brennan 1999, Schrader 1999). Initially, infestations appeared to be isolated in almond groves in Kern County; presumably these infestations originated from bee hives transported interstate for the purpose of pollinating crops. Separately, ornamental plants arriving in Las Vegas, NV, were infested with fire ants, and records showed that the point of origin was a nursery in Orange County, CA. Further inspections revealed infestations in over 16,000 acres of Orange County. Finally, infestations were identified in some desert irrigated agricultural regions of the Coachella Valley in Riverside County, CA. Subsequently, a toll-free telephone number was established for reporting fire ant mounds in the state of California (800-491-1899)

    ARF and p53 coordinate tumor suppression of an oncogenic IFN-β-STAT1-ISG15 signaling axis

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    SummaryThe ARF and p53 tumor suppressors are thought to act in a linear pathway to prevent cellular transformation in response to various oncogenic signals. Here, we show that loss of p53 leads to an increase in ARF protein levels, which function to limit the proliferation and tumorigenicity of p53-deficient cells by inhibiting an IFN-β-STAT1-ISG15 signaling axis. Human triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) tumor samples with coinactivation of p53 and ARF exhibit high expression of both STAT1 and ISG15, and TNBC cell lines are sensitive to STAT1 depletion. We propose that loss of p53 function and subsequent ARF induction creates a selective pressure to inactivate ARF and propose that tumors harboring coinactivation of ARF and p53 would benefit from therapies targeted against STAT1 and ISG15 activation

    Analytical performance of an immunoprofiling assay based on RNA models

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    As immuno-oncology drugs grow more popular in the treatment of cancer, better methods are needed to quantify the tumor immune cell component to determine which patients are most likely to benefit from treatment. Methods such as flow cytometry can accurately assess the composition of infiltrating immune cells; however, they show limited use in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) specimens. This article describes a novel hybrid-capture RNA sequencing assay, ImmunoPrism, that estimates the relative percentage abundance of eight immune cell types in FFPE solid tumors. Immune health expression models were generated using machine learning methods and used to uniquely identify each immune cell type using the most discriminatively expressed genes. The analytical performance of the assay was assessed using 101 libraries from 40 FFPE and 32 fresh-frozen samples. With defined samples, ImmunoPrism had a precision of ±2.72%, a total error of 2.75%, and a strong correlation (

    Red Imported Fire Ants: Impact on Biodiversity

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    Citizen science reveals widespread negative effects of roads on amphibian distributions

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    Landscape structure is important for shaping the abundance and distribution of amphibians, but prior studies of landscape effects have been species or ecosystem-specific. Using a large-scale, citizen science-generated database, we examined the effects of habitat composition, road disturbance, and habitat split (i.e. the isolation of wetland from forest by intervening land use) on the distribution and richness of frogs and toads in the eastern and central United States. Undergraduates from nine biology and environmental science courses collated occupancy data and characterized landscape structure at 1617 sampling locations from the North American Amphibian Monitoring Program. Our analysis revealed that anuran species richness and individual species distributions were consistently constrained by both road density and traffic volume. In contrast, developed land around wetlands had small, or even positive effects on anuran species richness and distributions after controlling for road effects. Effects of upland habitat composition varied among species, and habitat split had only weak effects on species richness or individual species distributions. Mechanisms underlying road effects on amphibians involve direct mortality, behavioral barriers to movement, and reduction in the quality of roadside habitats. Our results suggest that the negative effects of roads on amphibians occur across broad geographic regions, affecting even common species, and they underscore the importance of developing effective strategies to mitigate the impacts of roads on amphibian populations

    Regional and scale-specific effects of land use on amphibian diversity [poster]

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    Background/Question/Methods Habitat loss and degradation influence amphibian distributions and are important drivers of population declines. Our previous research demonstrated that road disturbance, development and wetland area consistently influence amphibian richness across regions of the U.S. Here, we examined the relative importance of these factors in different regions and at multiple spatial scales. Understanding the scales at which habitat disturbance may be affecting amphibian distributions is important for conservation planning. Specifically, we asked: 1) Over what spatial scales do distinct landscape features affect amphibian richness? and 2) Do road types (non-rural and rural) have similar effects on amphibian richness? This is the second year of a collaborative, nationwide project involving 11 U.S. colleges integrated within undergraduate biology curricula. We summarized North American Amphibian Monitoring Program data in 13 Eastern and Central U.S states and used geographic information systems to extract landscape data for 471 survey locations. We developed models to quantify the influence of landscape variables on amphibian species richness and site occupancy across five concentric buffers ranging from 300m to 10,000m. Results/Conclusions Across spatial scales, development, road density and agriculture were the best predictors of amphibian richness and site occupancy by individual species. Across regions, we found that scale did not exert a large influence on how landscape features influenced amphibian richness as effects were largely comparable across buffers. However, development and percent impervious surface had stronger influence on richness at smaller spatial scales. Richness was lower at survey locations with higher densities of non-rural and rural roads, and non-rural road density had a larger negative effect at smaller scales. Within regions, landscape features driving patterns of species richness varied. The scales at which these factors were associated with richness were highly variable within regions, suggesting the scale effects may be region specific. Our project demonstrates that networks of undergraduate students can collaborate to compile and analyze large ecological data sets, while engaging students in authentic and inquiry-based learning in landscape-scale ecology

    Short-term memory capacity predicts willingness to expend cognitive effort for reward

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    The materials, data, and code for the manuscript "Working memory ability and effort motivation predict choice latency in a cognitively effortful choice task"


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    Maladaptive Transfer of Cognitive Effort in Emotional Situations

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    Arts, Faculty ofPsychology, Department ofUnreviewedUndergraduateGraduateFacult