155 research outputs found

    Analytical testing

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    Analytical methods for combining flight acceleration and strain data with shake test mobility data to predict the effects of structural changes on flight vibrations and strains are presented. This integration of structural dynamic analysis with flight performance is referred to as analytical testing. The objective of this methodology is to analytically estimate the results of flight testing contemplated structural changes with minimum flying and change trials. The category of changes to the aircraft includes mass, stiffness, absorbers, isolators, and active suppressors. Examples of applying the analytical testing methodology using flight test and shake test data measured on an AH-1G helicopter are included. The techniques and procedures for vibration testing and modal analysis are also described

    Analytical research on a synchronous gyroscopic vibration absorber

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    Synchronous gyroscopic vibration absorbe

    Exploring women's sensory experiences of undergoing colposcopy and related procedures: implications for preparatory sensory information provision

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    INTRODUCTION: Some women experience distress during colposcopy examinations which is partly related to women's fear, or experience, of pain during the procedure. However, little is known about women's sensory experiences of colposcopy (other than pain) or what might impact on these experiences. The aim of this study was to explore women's sensory experiences of colposcopy and related procedures and identify factors which influenced negative sensory experiences. METHODS: In-depth interviews were conducted with 23 women who had undergone, for the first time, a colposcopy (some with related procedures, including punch biopsies and loop excision) as part of follow-up for abnormal cervical cytology. Interviews were analysed thematically using the Framework Approach to organise the data and identify emerging higher-order themes. RESULTS: Women described a range of sensory experiences including pain or discomfort, cramping, stinging and cold sensations (due to the application of acetic acid to the cervix). Four key themes emerged as important aspects of the overall sensory experience: levels of pain, treatment-specific sensations, anaesthetic-specific sensations and solution-specific sensations. Factors that may influence women having a negative sensory experience were sensory expectations of the procedure(s) and lack of preparatory sensory information. DISCUSSION: Our study provides unique in-depth insight into women's sensory experiences of colposcopy and related procedures and suggests women require more preparatory sensory information. The issues identified as contributing to women having a negative sensory experience may help inform the development of pre-colposcopy information which may better prepare women with abnormal cervical cytology for follow-up examinations

    Trends in, and predictors of, anxiety and specific worries following colposcopy: a 12-month longitudinal study

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    Objective Little is known about which women are at greatest risk of adverse psychological after-effects following colposcopy. This study examined time trends in, and identified predictors of, anxiety and specific worries over 12 months. Methods Women attending two hospital-based colposcopy clinics for abnormal cervical cytology were invited to complete psychosocial questionnaires at 4, 8 and 12 months following colposcopy. General anxiety and screening-specific worries (about cervical cancer, having sex and future fertility) were measured. Generalised estimating equations were used to assess associations between socio-demographic, lifestyle and clinical variables and risk of psychological outcomes. Results Of 584 women initially recruited, 429, 343 and 303 completed questionnaires at 4, 8 and 12 months, respectively. Screening-specific worries declined significantly over time but were still relatively high at 12 months: 23%, 39% and 18% for worries about cervical cancer, fertility and having sex, respectively. Anxiety remained stable (20%) over time. Risks of cervical cancer worry and anxiety were both almost double in women without private health insurance (cervical cancer worry: OR = 1.80, 95% CI 1.25–2.61; anxiety: OR = 1.84, 95% CI 1.20–2.84). Younger women (<40 years) had higher risk of fertility worries. Non-Irish women had higher risk of anxiety (OR = 2.13, 95% CI 1.13–4.01). Conclusions Screening-specific worries declined over time but anxiety remained stable. Notable proportions of women still reported adverse outcomes 12 months following colposcopy, with predictors varying between outcomes. Women in socio-demographically vulnerable groups were at greatest risk of adverse psychological outcomes. This information could inform development of interventions to alleviate psychological distress post-colposcopy. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    Understanding Women's Differing Experiences of Distress after Colposcopy: A Qualitative Interview Study.

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    BACKGROUND: Women who have an abnormal cervical cytology test may be referred for a colposcopy. Accumulating evidence suggests some women may experience distress after colposcopy. This exploratory study examined women's differing experiences of post-colposcopy distress with the aim of identifying factors that are predictive of, or protective against, distress. METHODS: We carried out semistructured, qualitative interviews with 23 women who had undergone colposcopies. Interviews were transcribed verbatim, coded, and analyzed thematically. The Framework Approach was used to summarize and organize the data and identify emerging higher order themes. RESULTS: Two forms of post-colposcopy distress emerged: 1) short term and 2) long term. Short-term distress was experienced immediately after the colposcopy and in the days afterward, and was usually related to the physical experience of the colposcopy. Long-term distress typically persisted over time and was related to concerns about fertility, cervical cancer, and sexual intercourse. The drivers of short-term and long-term distress differed. Factors related to short-term distress were feeling unprepared for the procedure, having a negative experience of the procedure, and attending the clinic alone. Factors related to long-term distress were future intentions to have (more) children, having physical after-effects of the procedure that impacted on the woman's life, and being under on-going clinic surveillance. Absence of these factors (e.g., being accompanied to the clinic) was protective against short- and long-term distress. CONCLUSIONS: Colposcopy can lead to short- and long-term post-procedural distress for some women. We identified a range of factors, some potentially modifiable, that seem to influence the chances of experiencing distress. These results may inform the development of strategies or interventions aimed at preventing or minimizing distress after colposcopy and related procedures

    Religiousness and preoperative anxiety: a correlational study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Major life changes are among factors that cause anxiety, and one of these changes is surgery. Emotional reactions to surgery have specific effects on the intensity and velocity as well as the process of physical disease. In addition, they can cause delay in patients recovery. This study is aimed at determining the relationship between religious beliefs and preoperative anxiety.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This survey is a correlational study to assess the relationship between religious beliefs and preoperative anxiety of patients undergoing abdominal, orthopaedic, and gynaecologic surgery in educational hospitals. We used the convenience sampling method. The data collection instruments included a questionnaire containing the Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), and another questionnaire formulated by the researcher with queries on religious beliefs and demographic characteristics as well as disease-related information. Analysis of the data was carried out with SPSS software using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results were arranged in three tables.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The findings showed that almost all the subjects had high level of religiosity and moderate level of anxiety. In addition, there was an inverse relationship between religiosity and intensity of anxiety, though this was not statistically significant.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results of this study can be used as evidence for presenting religious counselling and spiritual interventions for individuals undergoing stress. Finally, based on the results of this study, the researcher suggested some recommendations for applying results and conducting further research.</p

    Utilization of case presentations in medical microbiology to enhance relevance of basic science for medical students

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    Background : Small-group case presentation exercises (CPs) were created to increase course relevance for medical students taking Medical Microbiology (MM) and Infectious Diseases (ID) Methods : Each student received a unique paper case and had 10 minutes to review patient history, physical exam data, and laboratory data. Students then had three minutes to orally present their case and defend why they ruled in or out each of the answer choices provided, followed by an additional three minutes to answer questions. Results : Exam scores differed significantly between students who received the traditional lecture-laboratory curriculum (Group I) and students who participated in the CPs (Group II). In MM, median unit exam and final exam scores for Group I students were 84.4% and 77.8%, compared to 86.0% and 82.2% for Group II students (P&#x200A;&#60;&#x200A;0.018; P&#x200A;&#60;&#x200A;0.001; Mann-Whitney Rank Sum Test). Median unit and final ID exam scores for Group I students were 84.0% and 80.0%, compared to 88.0% and 86.7% for Group II students (P&#x200A;&#60;&#x200A;0.001; P&#x200A;&#60;&#x200A;0.001). Conclusion : Students felt that the CPs improved their critical thinking and presentation skills and helped to prepare them as future physicians

    International Study of Chaplains’ Attitudes About Research

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    An online survey was conducted by twelve professional chaplain organizations to assess chaplains’ attitudes about and involvement in research. A total of 2,092 chaplains from 23 countries responded to the survey. Over 80% thought research was definitely important and nearly 70% thought chaplains should definitely be research literate. Just over 40% said they regularly read research articles and almost 60% said they occasionally did. The respondents rated their own research literacy as 6.5 on a 0–10 scale. Significant positive inter-correlations were found among all four measures: importance of (a) research and (b) research literacy; (c) frequency of reading articles; and (d) research literacy rating. Approximately 35% were never involved, 37% had been involved, 17% were currently involved, and 11% expected to be involved in research. The last three groups were significantly more likely to think research and research literacy were important and to read research articles than chaplains who were never involved in research. Given chaplains’ interest in research, actions should be undertaken to facilitate further research engagement

    Cervical Human Papillomavirus Screening among Older Women

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    Rates of acquisition and clearance of cervical human papillomavirus (HPV) during a 3-year period in women 51 years of age were compared with rates in younger women to provide data on cervical screening for women >50 years of age. Paired, cytologically negative, archived cervical smears taken 3 years apart from 710 women in Nottingham, United Kingdom, were retrieved and tested for HPV infection with polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with GP5+/6+ primers. Seventy-one (21.3%) of 333 women 51 years of age who were HPV negative at baseline were positive 3 years later. This percentage was higher than the corresponding acquisition rates among women 21 (15.2%), 31 (14.1%), and 41 (13.3%) years of age, although these differences were not significant. This retrospective study shows that HPV-negative women >50 years of age can acquire HPV and, therefore, require cervical screening

    Physical after-effects of colposcopy and related procedures and their inter-relationship with psychological distress: a longitudinal survey

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    OBJECTIVES: To estimate prevalence of post-colposcopy physical after-effects and investigate associations between these and subsequent psychological distress. DESIGN: Longitudinal survey. SETTING: Two hospital-based colposcopy clinics. POPULATION: Women with abnormal cytology who underwent colposcopy (+/- related procedures). METHODS: Questionnaires were mailed to women 4-, 8- and 12-months post-colposcopy. Details of physical after-effects (pain, bleeding and discharge) experienced post-colposcopy were collected at 4-months. Colposcopy-specific distress was measured using the Process Outcome Specific Measure at all time-points. Linear mixed effects regression was used to identify associations between physical after-effects and distress over 12-months, adjusting for socio-demographic and clinical variables. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Prevalence of post-colposcopy physical after-effects. Associations between presence of any physical after-effects, awareness of after-effects and number of after-effects and distress. RESULTS: 584 women were recruited (response rate=73%, 59% and 52% at 4, 8 and 12-months, respectively). 82% of women reported one or more physical after-effect(s). Multiple physical after-effects were common (two after-effects=25%; three after-effects=25%). Psychological distress scores declined significantly over time. In adjusted analyses, women who experienced all three physical after-effects had on average a 4.58 (95% CI 1.10 to 8.05) higher distress scored than those who experienced no after-effects. Women who were unaware of the possibility of experiencing after-effects scored significantly higher for distress during follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: Prevalence of physical after-effects of colposcopy and related procedures is high. The novel findings of inter-relationships between awareness of the possibility of after-effects, and experiencing multiple after-effects, and post-colposcopy distress may be relevant to the development of interventions to alleviate post-colposcopy distress