401 research outputs found

    Effects of early castration on carcass composition, yield and quality characteristics of meat from young reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) bulls and steers

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    Thirty male reindeer; n=16 bulls (control treatment) and n=14 steers (castrated males) were used to evaluate the effects of early castration on carcass yield and meat quality attributes. The reindeer were castrated at 2 and 13 months of age, and then slaughtered at 2 and 3 years of age. Live weights and carcass weights were significantly highest in the 3 year old bulls and steers. Dressing percentage did not differ between the 2 and 3 year old reindeer steers castrated at 2 months; however these values were higher than for 2 year old steers castrated at 13 months. Meat ultimate pH values (measured in the striploin; LD) were significantly highest in 2 year old steers castrated at 13 months and their corresponding control group of 2 year old bulls, indicating low muscle glycogen stores at slaughter. Castration had an effect on fat content with 3 year old steers having a higher fat content than bulls. No significant differences were found in any sensory attribute when the trained panel compared the meat from 2 year old reindeer bulls and steers. Abstract in Swedish / Sammanfattning:Effekter av tidig kastrering på slaktkroppssammansättning, styckningsutbyte och köttkvalitet hos unga renarTrettio hanrenar; n=16 tjurar (kontrolldjur) och n=14 kastrater (härkar) ingick i denna studie för att utvärdera effekterna av tidig kastrering på slaktkroppssammansättning och köttkvalitetsparametrar. Renarna kastrerades vid 2 respektive 13 månaders ålder och slaktades sedan när de var antingen 2 eller 3 år gamla. Levandevikt och slaktkroppsvikt var högst för 3 år gamla tjurar och härkar. Slaktutbytet skiljde sig inte mellan 2 och 3 år gamla härkar som kastrerats vid 2 månaders ålder, men deras slaktutbyte var högre än för de 2-åriga härkarna som kastrerats vid 13 månaders ålder. Köttets pH-värde (mätt i ytterfilén) var signifikant högst hos de 2-åriga härkarna som kastrerats vid 13 månaders ålder och deras tillhörande kontrollgrupp av 2-åriga tjurar, vilket tydde på låga nivåer av muskelglykogen vid slakt. Kastrering hade en signifikant effekt på fettinnehållet i slaktkropparna hos de 3-åriga renarna, med de högsta fetthalterna hos härkarna. Inga skillnader i ätkvalitet rapporterades när kött från 2-åriga rentjurar och härkar jämfördes

    Feeding soy or fish meal to Alaskan reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) – effects on animal performance and meat quality

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    Fourteen reindeer (8 steers and 6 females) were used to compare the effects of two different reindeer diets (a feed mix based on barley, brome hay and soybean meal (SBM) or fishmeal (WFM) as protein source) on animal growth performance, feed conversion efficiency and ultimate meat quality. Samples from free-ranging reindeer (n=4; 2 steers and 2 females) on the Seward Peninsula were included to provide comparisons with the traditional reindeer meat produced in Alaska. No significant difference was observed in overall weight gain between the WFM and SBM animals or between females and steers; however, the feed conversion efficiency was significantly higher for the reindeer fed the WFM mix. Carcass dressing percentage from the SBM group was higher compared with the WFM animals. No differences were found in live weight, carcass characteristics, meat pH, temperature decline, shear force, meat color or cooking loss when comparing the treatment groups. The meat samples (M. longissimus) from the free-range group had the highest amount of omega-3 fatty acids and also the highest amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). Meat from the animals fed SBM was significantly higher in triglyceride content and lower in phospholipid content compared with the two other groups. No significant differences were found when the trained panel compared the sensory attributes of the meat. Off-flavor attributes related to “wild’ or “gamey” flavor was reported by consumers for samples from the WFM and free-range reindeer (15 and 24 per cent of the consumers, respectively). No “fish-related” flavor was reported. In conclusion, no negative effects in either animal performance or meat quality characteristics by using fish meal as opposed to soybean meal as a protein supplement in a milled reindeer diet were found.Abstract in Swedish / Sammandrag:Utfordring av ren med soja- eller fiskmjøl – effekter på tillväxt, foderutnyttjande och köttkvalitet I vår undersökning ingick 14 renar (8 kastrerade sarvar (härkar)och 6 vajor) för att jämföra effekter av två olika renfoder (baserade på korn, hö och soja- (SBM) eller fiskmjöl (WFM) som proteintillskott) med avseende på tillväxt, foderutnyttjande och köttkvalitet. Köttprover från naturbetande renar (n=4; 2 härkar och 2 vajor) från Seward Peninsula inkluderades i studien för att representera kvaliteten på traditionellt producerat renkött från Alaska. Inga signifikanta skillnader i tillväxt observerades, varken mellan SBM- och WFM-grupperna eller mellan härkar och vajor. Foderutnyttjandet var dock signifikant bättre hos WFM-renarna. Slaktutbytet var högst för renarna i SBM-gruppen, däremot rapporterades inga skillnader i levandevikt, slaktkroppsegenskaper, pH-värde och temperatur i ytterfilén, skärmotstånd, färg eller vattenhållande förmåga i köttet när de tre grupperna av renar jämfördes (SBM, WFM och naturbetande djur). Köttet från de naturbetande renarna hade det signifikant högsta innehållet av både omega-3-fettsyror och av fleromättade fettsyror. Kött från SBM-renarna hade det högsta innehållet av triglycerider och det lägsta innehållet av fosfolipider jämfört med de andra två grupperna. Den tränade smakpanelen kunde inte hitta några skillnader i sensoriska egenskaper hos köttet från renarna i de tre olika grupperna. I en konsumentundersökning rapporterades kommentarer om olika ”vilt-relaterade” bismaker i kött från naturbetande renar (24% av konsumenterna) och från WFM-gruppen (15% av konsumenterna), men inga ”fisk-liknande” bismaker i köttet kunde påvisas. Att byta ut sojamjöl mot fiskmjöl som proteintillskott i renfoder hade inga negativa effekter på renarnas tillväxt, foderutnyttjande eller på renköttets kvalitet

    Interspecific competition impacts the occupancy and range limits of two ptarmigan species along the elevation gradient in Norway

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    Many mountain species are expected to respond to climate change through upslope shifts of their range limits, but competition may restrict or alter this response. Under traditional range-limit theory, it is expected that lower-elevation species are better competitors than closely related higher-elevation species. However, recent work finds that this prediction is often unmet. We investigated evidence for the impact of competition during breeding season on the elevational range limits of a pair of closely related bird species, willow ptarmigan Lagopus lagopus and rock ptarmigan L. muta, in mainland Norway. The species share overlapping ranges that loosely divide slightly upslope from the treeline ecotone, with willow ptarmigan generally occupying lower sites and rock ptarmigan occupying higher sites. We used multi-species occupancy models to test four competing hypotheses for how competition may affect the range limit between willow ptarmigan and rock ptarmigan: 1) asymmetric competition that restricts the lower range limit of rock ptarmigan; 2) asymmetric competition that restricts the upper range limit of willow ptarmigan; 3) condition-specific competition that restricts both species’ range limits; and 4) range limits unaffected by competition. We found evidence for a negative pairwise interaction between the two species. Changes in interaction strength along the elevation gradient suggested evidence for condition-specific competition. However, a strong positive correlation between rock ptarmigan and higher-elevation habitat resulted in a highly asymmetric outcome, where the upper range limit of willow ptarmigan was restricted but rock ptarmigan occupancy was fairly independent of willow ptarmigan. This outcome is opposite to the prediction of traditional range-limit theory and may suggest a greater climate threat to willow ptarmigan than has been previously projected. Thus, our results demonstrate the importance of considering biotic interactions at both the higher and lower ends of species’ range limits along elevation gradients. elevation gradient, interspecific competition, occupancy, ptarmigan, range limitspublishedVersio

    Structural and electrical transport properties of superconducting Au{0.7}In{0.3} films: A random array of superconductor-normal metal-superconductor (SNS) Josephson junctions

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    The structural and superconducting properties of Au{0.7}In{0.3} films, grown by interdiffusion of alternating Au and In layers, have been studied. The films were found to consist of a uniform solid solution of Au{0.9}In{0.1}, with excess In precipitated in the form of In-rich grains of various Au-In phases (with distinct atomic compositions), including intermetallic compounds. As the temperature was lowered, these individual grains became superconducting at a particular transition temperature (Tc), determined primarily by the atomic composition of the grain, before a fully superconducting state of zero resistance was established. From the observed onset Tc, it was inferred that up to three different superconducting phases could have formed in these Au{0.7}In{0.3} films, all of which were embedded in a uniform Au{0.9}In{0.1} matrix. Among these phases, the Tc of a particular one, 0.8 K, is higher than any previously reported for the Au-In system. The electrical transport properties were studied down to low temperatures. The transport results were found to be well correlated with those of the structural studies. The present work suggests that Au{0.7}In{0.3} can be modeled as a random array of superconductor-normal metal-superconductor (SNS) Josephson junctions. The effect of disorder and the nature of the superconducting transition in these Au{0.7}In{0.3} films are discussed.Comment: 8 text pages, 10 figures in one separate PDF file, submitted to PR


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    photoluminescence, nanoclusters, erbium, Transmission electron microscopyWe have studied the 1.5 µm photoluminescence (PL) from Er ions after annealing two different sample sets in the temperature range 500 °C to 1100 °C. The different sample sets were made by magnetron sputtering from composite targets of Si+SiO2+Er and Ge+SiO2+Er respectively for the different sample sets. The annealing induces Si - and Ge-nanoclusters respectively in the different film sets. The PL peak reaches its maximum intensity after annealing at 700 °C for samples with Ge nanoclusters and after annealing at 800 °C for samples with Si. No luminescence from nanoclusters was detected in neither sample sets. This is interpreted as an energy transfer from the nanocluster to Er atoms. Transmission electron microscopy shows that after annealing to the respective temperature yielding the maximum PL intensity both the Ge and Si clusters are non-crystalline. Here we mainly compare the spectral shape of Er luminescence emitted in these different nanostructured matrixes. The PL spectral shapes are clearly different and witness a different local environment for the Er ions

    Globular-shaped variable lymphocyte receptors B antibody multimerized by a hydrophobic clustering in hagfish

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    In hagfish and lampreys, two representative jawless vertebrates, the humoral immunity is directly mediated by variable lymphocyte receptors B (VLRBs). Both monomeric VLRBs are structurally and functionally similar, but their C-terminal tails differ: lamprey VLRB has a Cys-rich tail that forms disulfide-linked pentamers of dimers, contributing to its multivalency, whereas hagfish VLRB has a superhydrophobic tail of unknown structure. Here, we reveal that VLRBs obtained from hagfish plasma have a globular-shaped multimerized form (approximately 0.6 to 1.7 MDa) that is generated by hydrophobic clustering instead of covalent linkage. Electron microscopy (EM) and single-particle analysis showed that the multimerized VLRBs form globular-shaped clusters with an average diameter of 28.7 ± 2.2 nm. The presence of VLRBs in the complex was confirmed by immune-EM analysis using an anti-VLRB antibody. Furthermore, the hydrophobic hagfish C-terminus (HC) was capable of triggering multimerization and directing the cellular surface localization via a glycophosphatidylinositol linkage. Our results strongly suggest that the hagfish VLRB forms a previously unknown globular-shaped antibody. This novel identification of a structurally unusual VLRB complex may suggest that the adaptive immune system of hagfish differs from that of lamprey
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