215 research outputs found

    Exciton condensates in semiconductor quantum wells emit coherent light

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    We show that a quasi-two dimensional condensate of optically active excitons emits coherent light even in the absence of population inversion. This allows an unambiguous and clear experimental detection of the condensed phase. We prove that, due to the exciton-photon coupling, quantum and thermal fluctuations do not destroy condensation at finite temperature. Suitable conditions to achieve condensation are temperatures of a few K for typical exciton densities, and the use of a pulsed, and preferably circularly polarized, laser.Comment: 5 pages, no figure

    Cotunneling theory of inelastic STM spin spectroscopy

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    We propose cotunneling as the microscopic mechanism that makes possible inelastic electron spectroscopy of magnetic atoms in surfaces for a wide range of systems, including single magnetic adatoms, molecules and molecular stacks. We describe electronic transport between the scanning tip and the conducting surface through the magnetic system (MS) with a generalized Anderson model, without making use of effective spin models. Transport and spin dynamics are described with an effective cotunneling Hamiltonian in which the correlations in the magnetic system are calculated exactly and the coupling to the electrodes is included up to second order in the tip-MS and MS-substrate. In the adequate limit our approach is equivalent to the phenomenological Kondo exchange model that successfully describe the experiments . We apply our method to study in detail inelastic transport in two systems, stacks of Cobalt Phthalocyanines and a single Mn atom on Cu2_2N. Our method accounts both, for the large contribution of the inelastic spin exchange events to the conductance and the observed conductance asymmetry.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    On the origin of magnetic anisotropy in two dimensional CrI3_3

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    The observation of ferromagnetic order in a monolayer of CrI3_3 has been recently reported, with a Curie temperature of 45 Kelvin and off-plane easy axis. Here we study the origin of magnetic anisotropy, a necessary ingredient to have magnetic order in two dimensions, combining two levels of modeling, density functional calculations and spin model Hamiltonians. We find two different contributions to the magnetic anisotropy of the material, both favoring off-plane magnetization and contributing to open a gap in the spin wave spectrum. First, ferromagnetic super-exchange across the \simeq 90 degree Cr-I-Cr bonds, are anisotropic, due to the spin orbit interaction of the ligand I atoms. Second, a much smaller contribution that comes from the single ion anisotropy of the S=3/2S=3/2 Cr atom. Our results permit to establish the XXZ Hamiltonian, with a very small single ion anisotropy, as the adequate spin model for this system. Using spin wave theory we estimate the Curie temperature and we highlight the essential role played by the gap that magnetic anisotropy induces on the magnon spectrum.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Competition between quantum spin tunneling and Kondo effect

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    Quantum spin tunneling (QST) and Kondo effect are two very different quantum phenomena that produce the same effect on quantized spins, namely, the quenching of their magnetization. However, the nature of this quenching is very different so that QST and Kondo effects compete with each other. Importantly, both QST and Kondo produce very characteristic features in the spectral function that can be measured by means of single spin scanning tunneling spectroscopy that makes it possible to probe the crossover from one regime to the other. We model this crossover, and the resulting changes in transport, using a non-perturbative treatment of a generalized Anderson model including magnetic anisotropy that leads to quantum spin tunneling. We predict that, at zero magnetic field, integer spins can feature a split-Kondo peak driven by quantum spin tunneling.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures; accepted in EPJB; replaced with revised manuscrip

    Emergence of half-metallicity in suspended NiO chains

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    Contrary to the antiferromagnetic and insulating character of bulk NiO, one-dimensional chains of this material can become half-metallic due to the lower coordination of their atoms. Here we present ab initio electronic structure and quantum transport calculations of ideal infinitely long NiO chains and of more realistic short ones suspended between Ni electrodes. While infinite chains are insulating, short suspended chains are half-metallic minority-spin conductors which display very large magnetoresistance and a spin-valve behaviour controlled by a single atom.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures; accepted version; minor changes in introduction and reference

    In-gap impurity states as the hallmark of the Quantum Spin Hall phase

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    We study the different response to an impurity of the two topologically different phases shown by a two dimensional insulator with time reversal symmetry, namely, the Quantum Spin Hall and the normal phase. We consider the case of graphene as a toy model that features the two phases driven, respectively, by intrinsic spin-orbit coupling and inversion symmetry breaking. We find that strictly normalizable in-gap impurity states only occur in the Quantum Spin Hall phase and carry dissipationless current whose quirality is determined by the spin and pseudospin of the residing electron. Our results imply that topological order can be unveiled by local probes of defect states.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Single exciton spectroscopy of semimagnetic quantum dots

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    A photo-excited II-VI semiconductor nanocrystal doped with a few Mn spins is considered. The effects of spin-exciton interactions and the resulting multi-spin correlations on the photoluminescence are calculated by numerical diagonalization of the Hamiltonian, including exchange interaction between electrons, holes and Mn spins, as well as spin-orbit interaction. The results provide a unified description of recent experiments of photoluminesnce of dots with one and many Mn atoms as well as optically induced ferromagnetism in semimagnetic nanocrystals.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Spin dynamics of current driven single magnetic adatoms and molecules

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    A scanning tunneling microscope can probe the inelastic spin excitations of a single magnetic atom in a surface via spin-flip assisted tunneling in which transport electrons exchange spin and energy with the atomic spin. If the inelastic transport time, defined as the average time elapsed between two inelastic spin flip events, is shorter than the atom spin relaxation time, the STM current can drive the spin out of equilibrium. Here we model this process using rate equations and a model Hamiltonian that describes successfully spin flip assisted tunneling experiments, including a single Mn atom, a Mn dimer and Fe Phthalocyanine molecules. When the STM current is not spin polarized, the non-equilibrium spin dynamics of the magnetic atom results in non-monotonic dI/dVdI/dV curves. In the case of spin polarized STM current, the spin orientation of the magnetic atom can be controlled parallel or anti-parallel to the magnetic moment of the tip. Thus, spin polarized STM tips can be used both to probe and to control the magnetic moment of a single atom.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figure