313 research outputs found

    SaveDisney.com and Activist Challenges: A Habermasian Perspective on Corporate Legitimacy

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    This study develops a Habermasian framework for evaluating and generating challenges to organizational legitimacy. The launch of the SaveDisney.com web site represents an innovative example of an Internet-based activist public successfully challenging a corporation’s legitimacy and advocating for changes in corporate governance. Legitimacy research has focused on strategies used by organizations to build legitimacy (e.g., Dowling & Pfeffer, 1975; Metzler, 2001), but scholars rarely address how publics challenge legitimacy claims. Using Habermas’ conceptualization of communicative action and legitimacy to explore the SaveDisney.com case offers insight into ways that activist publics successfully challenge and reject the legitimacy claims of powerful corporations

    Saving Disney: Activating Publics through the Internet

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    Adopting an Attitude of Wisdom in Organizational Rhetorical Theory and Practice: Contemplating the Ideal and the Real

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    Research and practice in external rhetoric often fall short of ideals both in terms of widespread use of a rhetorical perspective and in achieving dialogic conditions in the public sphere. In this response, the authors consider potential explanations for this shortfall, focusing on challenges that exist on a theoretical level within organizational rhetoric scholarship and on a practical level as individuals and organizations interact

    SESS Report 2021 The State of Environmental Science in Svalbard - an annual report

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    Executive Summary The State of Environmental Science in Svalbard (SESS) report 2021 together with its predecessors contributes to the documentation of the state of the Arctic environment in and around Svalbard, and highlights research conducted within the Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System (SIOS). Climate change is a global problem, but many of its impacts are being felt most strongly in the Arctic. Given its remote but accessible location, Svalbard constitutes an ideal place to study the Arctic environment in general, including, more specifically, the causes and consequences of climate change. The Arctic Climate Change Update (2021) emphasised the severity of global climate change for ecosystems across the Arctic. They are undergoing radical changes regarding their structure and functioning, affecting flora, fauna and livelihoods of Arctic communities. Oceanic ecosystems and food webs are directly and indirectly altered by the warming and freshening of the Arctic Ocean. A prolonged open water period and the expansion of open water areas caused by declining sea ice affect under-ice productivity and diversity. These changes have cascading effects through ecosystems and impact the distribution, abundance and seasonality of a variety of marine species. Svalbard is located at one of the key oceanic gateways to the Arctic. This land–ice–ocean transition zone is a system particularly vulnerable to environmental changes. Svalbard’s environment is influenced by maritime processes; thus extensive observation of the ocean system is nowadays necessary. The chapter on the iMOP project reports seawater temperature and salinity variability over the last decades and indicates changes of Svalbard fjord seawater properties. The chapter highlights the role of a collaborative and supportive network of observatory operators and encourages joint planning and maintenance of future marine observatories. Arctic vegetation plays a key role in land–atmosphere interactions. Alterations can lead to ecosystem–climate feedbacks and exacerbate climate change. Extreme precipitation events are already becoming more frequent. Together with an increasing rain-to-snow ratio they impact the structure and functioning of terrestrial ecosystems. Dynamics in Arctic tundra ecosystems are expected to undergo fundamental changes with increasing temperatures as predicted by climate models. To detect, document, understand and predict those changes, COAT Svalbard provides a long-term and real-time operational observation system through ecosystem-based terrestrial monitoring. The observation system consists of six modules comprising food web pathways as well as one climate-monitoring module and focuses on two contrasting regions in Svalbard to allow for intercomparison. To date, the project has done an initial assessment of tundra ecosystems in Norway and will now begin with the long-term ecosystembased monitoring. For remote regions such as the Svalbard archipelago, terrestrial photography is a crucial addition to satellite imagery, because land-based cameras offer high temporal resolution and insensitivity towards varying weather conditions. PASSES provides an overview of cameras operating in Svalbard managed by research institutions and private companies. The survey revealed difficulties and knowledge gaps preventing the full potential of the terrestrial photography network in Svalbard from being used. Therefore, PASSES recommends the creation of a Svalbard camera system network. The effects of climate change contributed to a specific anomaly of the springtime Arctic atmosphere, namely a pronounced depletion of stratospheric ozone during March and April 2020, which can be called an Arctic ozone hole. In Svalbard, the amount of ozone loss was recorded by ground-based dedicated spectroscopic instruments measuring the total ozone column as well as the UV irradiance (EXAODEP-2020, an update of UV Ozone). The latter is important for effects on the biota. Corresponding erythemal daily doses for spring 2020 show a doubling compared to previous years with less or no ozone depletion. While the correspondence between ozone loss and increase in UV doses follows a well-known relationship, the possible later consequences of the observed springtime increase of UV doses on Svalbard’s environment need to be further studied. A particular method to observe the Svalbard environment, which has seen a very strong increase in usage during recent years, is the application of unmanned airborne or marine vehicles. The update on recent publications using these devices (UAV Svalbard) reveals that especially conventional remotely operated aerial vehicles (drones) with camera equipment are now widely used. It is recommended to SIOS to foster interdisciplinary communication among the multitude of drone users to establish exchange of information and data. New EU regulations for drone operations are being put in place from 2022 onwards also in Svalbard. Climate services are receiving more and more attention from Arctic countries, because they translate data into relevant and timely information, thereby supporting governments, societies and industries in planning and decision-making processes. SIOS contributes to climate services by providing research infrastructure with an overarching goal to develop and maintain a regional observational system for long-term measurements in and around Svalbard. The SIOS Core Data (SCD) consists of a list of essential Earth System Science variables relevant to determine environmental change in the Arctic. SCD is developed to improve the relevance and availability of scientific information addressing ESS topics for decision-making. SIOS Core Data providers have committed to maintain the observations for at least five years, to make the data publicly available, and to follow advanced principles of scientific data management and stewardship. Arctic climate change is posing risks to the safety, health and well-being of Arctic communities and ecosystems. Still, there remain gaps in our understanding of physical processes and societal implications. The authors of the SESS chapters have highlighted some unanswered questions and suggested concrete actions that should be taken to address them. The editors would like to thank the authors for their valuable contributions to the SESS Report 2021. These chapters illustrate how SIOS projects contribute to ensure the future vitality and resilience of Arctic peoples, communities and ecosystems

    An End-to-End HW/SW Co-Design Methodology to Design Efficient Deep Neural Network Systems using Virtual Models

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    End-to-end performance estimation and measurement of deep neural network (DNN) systems become more important with increasing complexity of DNN systems consisting of hardware and software components. The methodology proposed in this paper aims at a reduced turn-around time for evaluating different design choices of hardware and software components of DNN systems. This reduction is achieved by moving the performance estimation from the implementation phase to the concept phase by employing virtual hardware models instead of gathering measurement results from physical prototypes. Deep learning compilers introduce hardware-specific transformations and are, therefore, considered a part of the design flow of virtual system models to extract end-to-end performance estimations. To validate the run-time accuracy of the proposed methodology, a system processing the DilatedVGG DNN is realized both as virtual system model and as hardware implementation. The results show that up to 92 % accuracy can be reached in predicting the processing time of the DNN inference

    Pregnancy after uterine arterial embolization

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate pregnancy outcomes, complications and neonatal outcomes in women who had previously undergone uterine arterial embolization. METHODS: A retrospective study of 187 patients treated with uterine arterial embolization for symptomatic uterine fibroids between 2005-2008 was performed. Uterine arterial embolization was performed using polyvinyl alcohol particles (500-900 mm in diameter). Pregnancies were identified using screening questionnaires and the study database. RESULTS: There were 15 spontaneous pregnancies. Of these, 12.5% were miscarriages (n = 2), and 87.5% were successful live births (n = 14). The gestation time for the pregnancies with successful live births ranged from 36 to 39.2 weeks. The mean time between embolization and conception was 23.8 months (range, 5-54). One of the pregnancies resulted in twins. The newborn weights (n = 14) ranged from 2.260 to 3.605 kg (mean, 3.072 kg). One (7.1%) was considered to have a low birth weight (2.260 kg). There were two cases of placenta accreta (12.5%, treated with hysterectomy in one case [6.3%]), one case of premature rupture of the membranes (PRM) (6.3%), and one case of preeclampsia (6.3%). All of the patients were delivered via Cesarean section. CONCLUSION: In this study, there was an increased risk of Cesarean delivery. There were no other major obstetric risks, suggesting that pregnancy after uterine arterial embolization is possible without significant morbidity or mortality

    Emergence of magnetism in graphene materials and nanostructures

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    Magnetic materials and nanostructures based on carbon offer unique opportunities for future technological applications such as spintronics. This article reviews graphene-derived systems in which magnetic correlations emerge as a result of reduced dimensions, disorder and other possible scenarios. In particular, zero-dimensional graphene nanofragments, one-dimensional graphene nanoribbons, and defect-induced magnetism in graphene and graphite are covered. Possible physical mechanisms of the emergence of magnetism in these systems are illustrated with the help of computational examples based on simple model Hamiltonians. In addition, this review covers spin transport properties, proposed designs of graphene-based spintronic devices, magnetic ordering at finite temperatures as well as the most recent experimental achievements.Comment: tutorial-style review article -- 18 pages, 19 figure

    Countering Terrorism on Tomorrow’s Battlefield: Critical Infrastructure Security and Resiliency (NATO COE-DAT Handbook 2)

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    Every day, malicious actors target emerging technologies and medical resilience or seek to wreak havoc in the wake of disasters brought on by climate change, energy insecurity, and supply-chain disruptions. Countering Terrorism on Tomorrow’s Battlefield is a handbook on how to strengthen critical infrastructure resilience in an era of emerging threats. The counterterrorism research produced for this volume is in alignment with NATO’s Warfighting Capstone Concept, which details how NATO Allies can transform and maintain their advantage despite new threats for the next two decades. The topics are rooted in NATO’s Seven Baseline requirements, which set the standard for enhancing resilience in every aspect of critical infrastructure and civil society. As terrorists hone their skills to operate lethal drones, use biometric data to target innocents, and take advantage of the chaos left by pandemics and natural disasters for nefarious purposes, NATO forces must be prepared to respond and prevent terrorist events before they happen. Big-data analytics provides potential for NATO states to receive early warning to prevent pandemics, cyberattacks, and kinetic attacks. NATO is perfecting drone operations through interoperability exercises, and space is being exploited by adversaries. Hypersonic weapons are actively being used on the battlefield, and satellites have been targeted to take down wind farms and control navigation. This handbook is a guide for the future, providing actionable information and recommendations to keep our democracies safe today and in the years to come.https://press.armywarcollege.edu/monographs/1953/thumbnail.jp
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