115 research outputs found

    Quality Control and Customer Service at BESSY

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    Survey of Beam Optics Solutions for the MLS Lattice

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    The Metrology Light Source MLS is an electron storage ring containing 24 quadrupole magnets which can be powered individually. Fully exploring the capabilities of the machine optics by tracking or experiment would be very time consuming. Therefore the quadrupoles were combined in five families and a numerical brute force approach was used to scan for areas of stable solutions in the scope of linear beam optics. In order to get information on the expected beam lifetimes for each generated optics, a model for the Touschek lifetime was implemented. Simulation results as well as experimental tests of selected optics will be presente

    THz Bursting Thresholds Measured at the Metrology Light Source

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    At the Metrology Light Source MLS [1] owned by the Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt PTB the bunch length can be varied by more than two orders of magnitude [2]. The bunch length manipulation is achieved by varying different machine parameters, such as RF voltage amplitude up to 500 kV and the momentum compaction factor amp; 945; over three orders of magnitude. The subject of this article is the measurement of THz bursting thresholds at the MLS for different bunch length

    Lifetime Studies at Metrology Light Source and ANKA

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    The Metrology Light Source MLS , situated in Berlin Germany is an electron storage ring operating from 105 MeV to 630 MeV and is serving as the national primary radiation source standard from the near infrared to the extrem ultraviolet spectral region [1]. In its standard user mode, the lifetime is dominated by the Touschek effect. Measurements and analysis of the Touschek lifetime as a function of beam current and RF Voltage will be presented and compared to measurements done at the A amp; 730; ngstro mquelle Karlsruhe ANKA electron storage ring Karlsruhe, Germany which operates at 0.5 to 2.5 GeV [2

    Optics Calibration at the MLS and at BESSY II

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    In this paper we present the results of our studies employing LOCO and MML for optics calibration at the MLS and at the BESSY II storage rings. Both the standard user modes and dedicated low alpha modes are analyze

    Coherent THz Measurements at the Metrology Light Source

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    The Metrology Light Source MLS [1] is the first storage ring optimized for THz generation [2]. It applies a bunch shortening mode, based on a flexible momentum compaction factor optics. The short bunches emit coherent THz radiation. We report on measured THz signals as a function of different machine parameters. Two type of measurements are presented in this paper. The first part presents THz bursting thresholds for a variety of ring parameters compared with theoretical predictions and similar results achieved at BESSY II. The second part discusses an example of a special machine tuning, where the coherent THz signal suddenly and unexpectedly vanishes. Some measurements are shown to demonstrate this effect, a physical explanation is missing

    Single particle dynamics of microbunching

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    Analytic calculation of the electric field of a coherent THz pulse

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    Accelerators can serve as sources for intense THz radiation by producing sub-ps long electron bunches, which generate synchrotron radiation coherently in the THz regime. In this paper, we present an analytic method to calculate the electric field pulse emitted by an electron bunch with arbitrary bunch shape. Our method is applied to a Gaussian bunch as well as a complex bunch profile resulting from a nonlinear beam dynamics simulation