507 research outputs found

    Beating the teapot effect

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    We investigate the dripping of liquids around solid surfaces in the regime of inertial flows, a situation commonly encountered with the so-called "teapot effect". We demonstrate that surface wettability is an unexpected key factor in controlling flow separation and dripping, the latter being completely suppressed in the limit of superhydrophobic substrates. This unforeseen coupling is rationalized in terms of a novel hydro-capillary adhesion framework, which couples inertial flows to surface wettability effects. This description of flow separation successfully captures the observed dependence on the various experimental parameters - wettability, flow velocity, solid surface edge curvature-. As a further illustration of this coupling, a real-time control of dripping is demonstrated using electro-wetting for contact angle actuation.Comment: 4 pages; movies at http://lpmcn.univ-lyon1.fr/~lbocque

    The Influence of Thermal Pressure on Equilibrium Models of Hypermassive Neutron Star Merger Remnants

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    The merger of two neutron stars leaves behind a rapidly spinning hypermassive object whose survival is believed to depend on the maximum mass supported by the nuclear equation of state, angular momentum redistribution by (magneto-)rotational instabilities, and spindown by gravitational waves. The high temperatures (~5-40 MeV) prevailing in the merger remnant may provide thermal pressure support that could increase its maximum mass and, thus, its life on a neutrino-cooling timescale. We investigate the role of thermal pressure support in hypermassive merger remnants by computing sequences of spherically-symmetric and axisymmetric uniformly and differentially rotating equilibrium solutions to the general-relativistic stellar structure equations. Using a set of finite-temperature nuclear equations of state, we find that hot maximum-mass critically spinning configurations generally do not support larger baryonic masses than their cold counterparts. However, subcritically spinning configurations with mean density of less than a few times nuclear saturation density yield a significantly thermally enhanced mass. Even without decreasing the maximum mass, cooling and other forms of energy loss can drive the remnant to an unstable state. We infer secular instability by identifying approximate energy turning points in equilibrium sequences of constant baryonic mass parametrized by maximum density. Energy loss carries the remnant along the direction of decreasing gravitational mass and higher density until instability triggers collapse. Since configurations with more thermal pressure support are less compact and thus begin their evolution at a lower maximum density, they remain stable for longer periods after merger.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Fast Magnetosonic Waves Driven by Gravitational Waves

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    The propagation of a gravitational wave (GW) through a magnetized plasma is considered. In particular, we study the excitation of fast magnetosonic waves (MSW) by a gravitational wave, using the linearized general-relativistic hydromagnetic equations. We derive the dispersion relation for the plasma, treating the gravitational wave as a perturbation in a Minkowski background space-time. We show that the presence of gravitational waves will drive magnetosonic waves in the plasma and discuss the potential astrophysical implications.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, Astronomy and Astrophysics in pres

    IL-18 Does not Increase Allergic Airway Disease in Mice When Produced by BCG

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    Whilst BCG inhibits allergic airway responses in murine models, IL-18 has adversary effects depending on its environment. We therefore constructed a BCG strain producing murine IL-18 (BCG-IL-18) and evaluated its efficiency to prevent an asthma-like reaction in mice. BALB/cByJ mice were sensitized (day (D) 1 and D10) by intraperitoneal injection of ovalbumin (OVA)-alum and primary (D20–22) and secondary (D62, 63) challenged with OVA aerosols. BCG or BCG-IL-18 were intraperitonealy administered 1 hour before each immunization (D1 and D10). BCG-IL-18 and BCG were shown to similarly inhibit the development of AHR, mucus production, eosinophil influx, and local Th2 cytokine production in BAL, both after the primary and secondary challenge. These data show that IL-18 did not increase allergic airway responses in the context of the mycobacterial infection, and suggest that BCG-IL-18 and BCG are able to prevent the development of local Th2 responses and therefore inhibit allergen-induced airway responses even after restimulation

    Making a splash with water repellency

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    A 'splash' is usually heard when a solid body enters water at large velocity. This phenomena originates from the formation of an air cavity resulting from the complex transient dynamics of the free interface during the impact. The classical picture of impacts on free surfaces relies solely on fluid inertia, arguing that surface properties and viscous effects are negligible at sufficiently large velocities. In strong contrast to this large-scale hydrodynamic viewpoint, we demonstrate in this study that the wettability of the impacting body is a key factor in determining the degree of splashing. This unexpected result is illustrated in Fig.1: a large cavity is evident for an impacting hydrophobic sphere (1.b), contrasting with the hydrophilic sphere's impact under the very same conditions (1.a). This unforeseen fact is furthermore embodied in the dependence of the threshold velocity for air entrainment on the contact angle of the impacting body, as well as on the ratio between the surface tension and fluid viscosity, thereby defining a critical capillary velocity. As a paradigm, we show that superhydrophobic impacters make a big 'splash' for any impact velocity. This novel understanding provides a new perspective for impacts on free surfaces, and reveals that modifications of the detailed nature of the surface -- involving physico-chemical aspects at the nanometric scales -- provide an efficient and versatile strategy for controlling the water entry of solid bodies at high velocity.Comment: accepted for publication in Nature Physic

    Conformally Flat Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics: Application to Neutron Star Mergers

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    We present a new 3D SPH code which solves the general relativistic field + hydrodynamics equations in the conformally flat approximation. Several test cases are considered to test different aspects of the code. We finally apply then the code to the coalescence of a neutron star binary system. The neutron stars are modeled by a polytropic equation of state (EoS) with adiabatic indices Γ=2.0\Gamma=2.0, Γ=2.6\Gamma=2.6 and Γ=3.0\Gamma=3.0. We calculate the gravitational wave signals, luminosities and frequency spectra by employing the quadrupole approximation for emission and back reaction in the slow motion limit. In addition, we consider the amount of ejected mass.Comment: 23 pages, 12 figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. D. v3: Final Versio

    Computing the Complete Gravitational Wavetrain from Relativistic Binary Inspiral

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    We present a new method for generating the nonlinear gravitational wavetrain from the late inspiral (pre-coalescence) phase of a binary neutron star system by means of a numerical evolution calculation in full general relativity. In a prototype calculation, we produce 214 wave cycles from corotating polytropes, representing the final part of the inspiral phase prior to reaching the ISCO. Our method is based on the inequality that the orbital decay timescale due to gravitational radiation is much longer than an orbital period and the approximation that gravitational radiation has little effect on the structure of the stars. We employ quasi-equilibrium sequences of binaries in circular orbit for the matter source in our field evolution code. We compute the gravity-wave energy flux, and, from this, the inspiral rate, at a discrete set of binary separations. From these data, we construct the gravitational waveform as a continuous wavetrain. Finally, we discuss the limitations of our current calculation, planned improvements, and potential applications of our method to other inspiral scenarios.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    The MiMeS Project: Overview and Current Status

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    The Magnetism in Massive Stars (MiMeS) Project is a consensus collaboration among many of the foremost international researchers of the physics of hot, massive stars, with the basic aim of understanding the origin, evolution and impact of magnetic fields in these objects. At the time of writing, MiMeS Large Programs have acquired over 950 high-resolution polarised spectra of about 150 individual stars with spectral types from B5-O4, discovering new magnetic fields in a dozen hot, massive stars. The quality of this spectral and magnetic mat\'eriel is very high, and the Collaboration is keen to connect with colleagues capable of exploiting the data in new or unforeseen ways. In this paper we review the structure of the MiMeS observing programs and report the status of observations, data modeling and development of related theory.Comment: Proceedings of IAUS272: Active OB star

    Molecular characterisation of a versatile peroxidase from a bjerkandera strain

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    The cloning and sequencing of the rbpa gene coding for a versatile peroxidase from a novel Bjerkandera strain is hereby reported. The 1777 bp isolated fragment contained a 1698 bp peroxidase-encoding gene, interrupted by 11 introns. The 367 amino acid-deduced sequence includes a 27 amino acid-signal peptide. The molecular model, built via homology modelling with crystal structures of four fungal peroxidases, highlighted the amino acid residues putatively involved in manganese binding and aromatic substrate oxidation. The potential heme pocket residues (R44, F47, H48, E79, N85, H177, F194 and D239) include both distal and proximal histidines (H48 and H177). RBP possesses potential calcium-binding residues (D49, G67, D69, S71, S178, D195, T197, I200 and D202) and eight cysteine residues (C3, C15, C16, C35, C121, C250, C286, C316). In addition, RBP includes residues involved in substrate oxidation: three acidic residues (E37, E41 and D183)—putatively involved in manganese binding and H83 and W172—potentially involved in oxidation of aromatic substrates. Characterisation of nucleotide and amino acid sequences include RBP in versatile peroxidase group sharing catalytic properties of both LiP and MnP. In addition, the RBP enzyme appears to be closely related with the ligninolytic peroxidases from the Trametes versicolor strai