264 research outputs found

    3D Model Based on Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) Case study: The Cangkuang Temple, Garut District, West Java, Indonesia

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    The subject of theĀ  investigation reported in this paper isĀ  the visualization of three-dimensional (3D) surface models in a 3D mapping survey using terrestrial laser scanning (TLS). The Cangkuang Temple nearby Garut City was chosen as the object. The laser technology instruments used were a Topcon GLS-1000 (Geodetic Laser Scanner) and a Topcon IS (Image Station). Twelve points atĀ  the same position in each 3D surface modelĀ  were selected.Ā  The coordinate system of the IS was then transformed into the coordinate system of the GLS-1000 using a 3D similarity transformation model. The 3D distances were calculated for each model.Ā  DifferencesĀ  in distance were considered as errorsĀ  in the x, y,Ā  and zĀ  direction.Ā  The standard deviation of theĀ  distance differences was Ā±0.301 m. Some of the distance differences did not fall within the range of tolerances (about 15%). The 3D surface model visualization of the Cangkuang Temple that was created from the GLS-1000 data was more precise than the one created from the IS data. In the future, such 3D surface model visualizations could be used for documentation, preservation and reconstruction of heritage buildings

    NATO Missile Defense and the European Phased Adaptive Approach: The Implications of Burden-Sharing and the Underappreciated Role of the U.S. Army

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    View the Executive SummaryIn 2010, NATO decided to expand its ballistic missile defense program, in part because of the American offer to include its European Phased Adaptive Approach (EPAA) as the centerpiece of an expanded effort. For the Allies\u27 part, few have actually contributed tangible ballistic missile defense assets, in terms of missile interceptors, radars or other sensors, or ballistic missile defense-related platforms. This is likely to have significant implications for the U.S. Army, which has an important but largely underappreciated role in NATO missile defense today. In particular, the Army is likely to face increased manpower demands, materiel requirements, and training needs in order to meet the demand signal created by the NATO ballistic missile defense program. Additionally, Army units involved directly in or in support of ballistic missile defense are likely to face a higher OPTEMPO than currently projected. Ultimately, this will exacerbate the perceived imbalance in transatlantic burden-sharing, particularly if the EPAA provides little, if any, benefit to the defense of U.S. territory, given Washingtonā€™s decision to cancel Phase 4 of that framework.https://press.armywarcollege.edu/monographs/1515/thumbnail.jp

    Perancangan Sistem Informasi Penjualan Menggunakan Cms Wordpress Berbasis Web (Di Sandallaku Majalaya)

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    Penelitian yang dilakukan adalah Perancangan Sistem Informasi Penjualan. Sistem informasi di SANDALLAKU ini masih bersifat konvensional, dimana penjualan yang masih dilakukan secara offline sehingga konsumen harus mendatangi SANDALLAKU untuk memilih dan membeli produk-produk yang disediakan, penyimpanan data dan pencetakan laporan masih menggunakan pencatatan kedalam arsip sehingga hal tersebut membutuhkan waktu yang lama, dan kurang luasnya jangkauan sebagai media promosi yang digunakan oleh SANDALLAKU. Adanya sistem informasi penjualan yang dirancang ini dapat diterapkan dengan baik dan membantu untuk meminimalisir permasalahan yang tengah dihadapi. Perancangan sistem informasi penjualan ini menggunakan metodologi Waterfall. Tahap pertama adalah Analisis yakni mengumpulkan informasi yang dibutuhkan kemudian diolah dan dianalisis menjadi data atau informasi yang lengkap, tahap kedua adalah Design yakni arsitektur sistem yang merupakan gambaran lengkap baik hardware maupun software. Kesimpulan dari keseluruhan proses kerja praktek adalah bahwa peran sistem informasi sangat penting dalam menunjang kegiatan pekerjaan. Dengan adanya sistem informasi penjualan yang dirancang ini dapat diterapkan dengan baik dan membantu untuk meminimalisir permasalahan yang tengah dihadap

    Suatu Tinjauan Yuridis Terhadap Perjanjian Ekstradisi Indonesia Dan Republik Korea Selatan

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    Si Extradition treaty between Republic of Indonesia and Republic of Korea was signed on the 28th November 2000 in Jakarta and ratified through Act Number 42 of 2007. With the ratification of Act Number 42 of 2007 the relationship and cooperation between the two countries for law enforcement and eradication of crimes are mutually beneficial. This study focuses on the history and development of the extradition treaty, procedures to implement the extradition and legal analysis of the extradition treaties of the Republic of Indonesia and the Republic of Korea

    Sikap dan Persepsi Konsumen terhadap Keputusanpembelian Online di Sungai Lilinmusi Banyuasin

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    The formulation of the problem in this research is whether the influence ofconsumer perceptions and attitudes toward online purchasing decisions inSungai Lilin District Musi Banyuasin. The purpose of this study is todetermine the influence of consumer perceptions and attitudes toward onlinepurchasing decisions in Sungai Lilin District Musi Banyuasin. The method inthis research is using assosiatif method, assosiatif method that is researchproblem problem which is stated relationship two variable or more. Thelocation of this research is in Sungai Lilin District Musi Banyuasin. Thepopulation in this study is the community in Sungai Lilin District MusiBanyuasin. The sample in this research is 100 respondents by using clustersampling method, that is sampling based on wide area or geographicallocation and sampling randomly. The data required in this study using primarydata. The method of data collection is questionnaire. The data obtained wereanalyzed using multiple linear regression technique. The test results provethat the variables of perception and consumer attitudes together significantlyinfluence simultaneously to the purchase decision variables. Hypothesistesting partially proves that, consumer attitudes have a significant effect onpurchasing decisions. While the perception has no significant effect onpurchasing decisions


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) adakah pengaruh penerapan model pembelajaran Inkuiri dengan metode simulasi terhadap hasil belajar peserta didik pada mata pelajaran instalasi motor listrik di kelas XI TITL SMK Negeri 2 Kupang; (2) adakah pengaruh penerapan model pembelajaran Inkuiri dengan metode demonstrasi terhadap hasil belajar peserta didik pada mata pelajaran instalasi motor listrik di kelas XI TITL SMK Negeri 2 Kupang; (3) adakah perbedaan pengaruh penerapan model pembelajaran Inkuiri metode simulasi dan metode demonstrasi terhadap hasil belajar peserta didik pada mata pelajaran instalasi motor listrik di kelas XI TITL SMK Negeri 2 Kupang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini eksperimen eksperimen, desain rencangan penelitian yaitu Quasi-Experimental Design, jenis penelitian ini yaitu Noneequivalent Control Group Design. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model pembelajaran inkuiri dengan metode simulasi berpengaruh sebesar 30.2% dan pengaruh secara signifikan antara model pembelajaran inkuiri dengan metode simulasi dengan hasil belajar. Untuk variabel model pembelajaran inkuiri dengan metode demonstrasi sebesar 40.2% dan > (4.797 > 2,032) dan P value < Ī± (0,000 < 0,05), maka disimpulkan bahwa ada pengaruh secara signifikan antara model pembelajaran inkuiri dengan metodedemonstrasi dengan hasil belajar. Untuk mengetahui perbedaan antara model pembelajaran inkuiridengan metode simulasi dengan model pembelajaran inkuiri dengan metode demonstrasi, = -3.347 dan didapatkan nilai = -1.994 dengan df = 70, karena Nilai t hitung > t tabel (-3.347 > - 1,994), dengan nilai signifikansi 0,001 < 0,05, maka terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara model pembelajaran inkuiri dengan metode simulasi dengan model pembelajaran inkuiri dengan metode demonstrasi terhadap hasil belajar
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