2,295 research outputs found

    Root architecture of provenances, seedlings and cuttings of Melia volkensii: implications for crop yield in dryland agroforestry

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    Melia volkensii (Gürke) is being increasingly promoted as an on-farm tree in Kenya. Researchers’ and farmers’ views on its competitiveness with crops differ; research station studies have found it to be highly competitive whereas farmers do not consider it to be so. Because of difficulties in seed germination, it is probable that dissemination programmes will rely upon plants produced from root and stem cuttings, rather than on seedlings. This study evaluates differences in root system architecture of plants raised from seed (of four provenances), stem or root cuttings and the relationships between the competitivity index (CI) and crop yield. Cuttings were more shallowly rooting than seedlings, and had higher competitivity indices, and there was a negative relationship between CI and crop yield. No differences in root architecture between provenances were found. Therefore, to reduce tree-crop competition, the use of seedlings rather than cuttings should be recommended when promoting the use of this species on dryland farms. If cuttings are used to circumvent the problems of seed germination, alternative methods of controlling competition, such as root pruning, need to be considered

    Development and Testing of a Methane/Oxygen Catalytic Microtube Ignition System for Rocket Propulsion

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    This study sought to develop a catalytic ignition advanced torch system with a unique catalyst microtube design that could serve as a low energy alternative or redundant system for the ignition of methane and oxygen rockets. Development and testing of iterations of hardware was carried out to create a system that could operate at altitude and produce a torch. A unique design was created that initiated ignition via the catalyst and then propagated into external staged ignition. This system was able to meet the goals of operating across a range of atmospheric and altitude conditions with power inputs on the order of 20 to 30 watts with chamber pressures and mass flow rates typical of comparable ignition systems for a 100 Ibf engine

    No evidence of a significant role for CTLA-4 in multiple sclerosis

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    Variation in the cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated protein 4 (CTLA-4) gene plays a significant role in determining susceptibility to autoimmune thyroid disease and type 1 diabetes. Its role in multiple sclerosis is more controversial. In order to explore this logical candidate more thoroughly, we genotyped 771 multiple sclerosis trio families from the United Kingdom for the 3? untranslated region variable number tandem repeat, the CT60 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) and five haplotype-tagging SNPs. No individual marker or common haplotype showed evidence of association with disease. These data suggest that any effect of CTLA-4 on multiple sclerosis susceptibility is likely to be very small

    Heavy Craft Work in the Middle School

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    While the coming of the middle school clearly presents teachers with a wide range of opportunities for exciting new work the problems involved in the new enterprise are equally clear. Secondary teachers ask themselves to what extent their approach and subject matter will be applicable to younger children; their· junior colleagues, teachers of general subjects in the main, consider what increased degree of specialization will be required of them. In no subject are the opportunities and problems more apparent than in craft. A speaKer at the Exeter conference reported in Middle Schools - Themes in Education no. 14 (p 15) was enthusiastic about craft opportunities. 'The middle school provides two tremendous advantages. One, boys and girls could have equal opportunity in these schools and secondly a child can start specialised craft work before the age of eleven.' The section on craft in this publication is helpful, but useful references in this area are not abundant. In Towards the Middle School, DES Education Pamphlet no. 57, good examples are given of planning for heavy craft work. The Middle School - a Symposium comprises eight articles which first appeared in The Teacher and which embody a lot of good sense. Two very good articles on the subject of this paper appeared in the TES of 24 July 1970. There is a need for a lot more discussion, however, on what wood and metal work can be done with the middle school age group, what place it should have in the timetable and who should teach it

    For your interest?:The ethical acceptability of using non-invasive prenatal testing to test 'purely for information'

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    Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) is an emerging form of prenatal genetic testing that provides information about the genetic constitution of a foetus without the risk of pregnancy loss as a direct result of the test procedure. As with other prenatal tests, NIPT can help to make a decision about termination of pregnancy, plan contingencies for birth or prepare to raise a child with a genetic condition. NIPT can also be used by women and couples to test purely ‘for information’. Here, no particular action is envisaged following the test; it is instead entirely motivated by an interest in the result. The fact that NIPT can be performed without posing a risk to the pregnancy could give rise to an increase in such requests. In this paper, we examine the ethical aspects of using NIPT ‘purely for information,’ including the competing interests of the prospective parents and the future child, and the acceptability of testing for ‘frivolous’ reasons. Drawing on several clinical scenarios, we claim that arguments about testing children for genetic conditions are relevant to this debate. In addition, we raise ethical concerns over the potential for objectification of the child. We conclude that, in most cases, using NIPT to test for adult-onset conditions, carrier status or non-serious traits presenting in childhood would be unacceptable

    Tree growth and management in Ugandan agroforestry systems: effects of root pruning on tree growth and crop yield

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    Tree root pruning is a potential tool for managing below-ground competition when trees and crops are grown together in agroforestry systems. This study investigates its effects on growth and root distribution of Alnus acuminata (HB & K), Casuarina equisetifolia (L), Grevillea robusta (A. Cunn. ex R. Br), Maesopsis eminii (Engl.), and Markhamia lutea (Benth.) K. Schum. and on yield of adjacent crops in sub-humid Uganda. The trees were 3 years old at the commencement of the study, and most species were competing strongly with crops. Tree roots were pruned 41 months after planting by cutting and back-filling a trench to a depth of 0.3 m, at a distance of 0.3 m from the trees, on one side of the tree row. The trench was re-opened and roots re-cut at 50 and 62 months after planting. Effects on tree growth and root distribution were assessed over a 3 year period, and crop yield after the third root pruning at 62 months is reported here. Overall, root pruning had only a slight effect on tree growth: height growth was unaffected and diameter growth was reduced by only 4 %. A substantial amount of root re-growth was observed by 11 months after pruning. Tree species varied in the number and distribution of their roots, and Casuarina and Markhamia had considerably more roots per unit of trunk volume than the other tree species, especially in the surface soil layers. Casuarina and Maesopsis were the most competitive tree species with crops and Grevillea and Markhamia the least. Crop yield data provides strong evidence of the redistribution of root activity following root pruning, so that competition increased on the unpruned side of tree rows. Thus, one-sided root pruning will only be of use to farmers in a few circumstances. Key words: Alnus acuminata, Casuarina equisetifolia, Grevillea robusta, Maesopsis eminii, Markhamia lutea, root distribution, root functio

    Reproductive Late Effects in Female Survivors of Childhood Cancer

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    Childhood cancer treatments can cause female reproductive late effects. Radiation to the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis is associated with altered menarche, miscarriage, and implantation failure. Patients who receive chemotherapy and/or ovarian radiation are at risk of premature ovarian failure; the risk increases with increasing radiation dose, alkylating agent score, combination therapy, and older age at treatment. Ovarian reserve may be assessed using antimullerian hormone assay and ultrasound measurements of ovarian volume and antral follicle count; however, their efficacy is poorly established in this cohort. Fertility preservation options including cryopreservation, oophoropexy, and gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogues may be initiated prior to treatment, although most are still considered experimental. Uterine radiation has been linked to pregnancy complications including miscarriage, premature delivery, stillbirth, low-birth-weight and small-for-gestational-age infants. This paper summarises the literature on female reproductive late effects. The information should facilitate counseling and management of female survivors throughout their reproductive lives

    Catalytic Microtube Rocket Igniter

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    Devices that generate both high energy and high temperature are required to ignite reliably the propellant mixtures in combustion chambers like those present in rockets and other combustion systems. This catalytic microtube rocket igniter generates these conditions with a small, catalysis-based torch. While traditional spark plug systems can require anywhere from 50 W to multiple kW of power in different applications, this system has demonstrated ignition at less than 25 W. Reactants are fed to the igniter from the same tanks that feed the reactants to the rest of the rocket or combustion system. While this specific igniter was originally designed for liquid methane and liquid oxygen rockets, it can be easily operated with gaseous propellants or modified for hydrogen use in commercial combustion devices. For the present cryogenic propellant rocket case, the main propellant tanks liquid oxygen and liquid methane, respectively are regulated and split into different systems for the individual stages of the rocket and igniter. As the catalyst requires a gas phase for reaction, either the stored boil-off of the tanks can be used directly or one stream each of fuel and oxidizer can go through a heat exchanger/vaporizer that turns the liquid propellants into a gaseous form. For commercial applications, where the reactants are stored as gases, the system is simplified. The resulting gas-phase streams of fuel and oxidizer are then further divided for the individual components of the igniter. One stream each of the fuel and oxidizer is introduced to a mixing bottle/apparatus where they are mixed to a fuel-rich composition with an O/F mass-based mixture ratio of under 1.0. This premixed flow then feeds into the catalytic microtube device. The total flow is on the order of 0.01 g/s. The microtube device is composed of a pair of sub-millimeter diameter platinum tubes connected only at the outlet so that the two outlet flows are parallel to each other. The tubes are each approximately 10 cm long and are heated via direct electric resistive heating. This heating brings the gasses to their minimum required ignition temperature, which is lower than the auto-thermal ignition temperature, and causes the onset of both surface and gas phase ignition producing hot temperatures and a highly reacting flame. The combustion products from the catalytic tubes, which are below the melting point of platinum, are injected into the center of another combustion stage, called the primary augmenter. The reactants for this combustion stage come from the same source but the flows of non-premixed methane and oxygen gas are split off to a secondary mixing apparatus and can be mixed in a near-stoichiometric to highly lean mixture ratio. The primary augmenter is a component that has channels venting this mixed gas to impinge on each other in the center of the augmenter, perpendicular to the flow from the catalyst. The total crosssectional area of these channels is on a similar order as that of the catalyst. The augmenter has internal channels that act as a manifold to distribute equally the gas to the inward-venting channels. This stage creates a stable flame kernel as its flows, which are on the order of 0.01 g/s, are ignited by the combustion products of the catalyst. This stage is designed to produce combustion products in the flame kernel that exceed the autothermal ignition temperature of oxygen and methane

    A robust braille recognition system

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    Braille is the most effective means of written communication between visually-impaired and sighted people. This paper describes a new system that recognizes Braille characters in scanned Braille document pages. Unlike most other approaches, an inexpensive flatbed scanner is used and the system requires minimal interaction with the user. A unique feature of this system is the use of context at different levels (from the pre-processing of the image through to the post-processing of the recognition results) to enhance robustness and, consequently, recognition results. Braille dots composing characters are identified on both single and double-sided documents of average quality with over 99% accuracy, while Braille characters are also correctly recognised in over 99% of documents of average quality (in both single and double-sided documents)