2,571 research outputs found

    Principal Turnover in Illinois Public Schools, 2001-2008

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    Analyzes trends in turnover among public school principals in 2001-08 compared with 1987-2001, school-based and personal reasons for the moves, characteristics of their new positions, and the role of school accountability pressures. Examines implications

    Defect behavior in electron-irradiated boron- and gallium-doped silicon

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    Production and anneal of defects in electron-irradiated, float-zone silicon solar cells were studied by DLTS. In boron- and gallium-doped, n+-p cells, dominant defects were due to the divacancy, carbon interstitial, and carbon complex. Results suggest that the DLTS peak normally ascribed to carbon complexes also involves gallium. For gallium- and, to a lesser extent, boron-doped samples, damaged lifetime shows substantial recovery only when the carbon-complex peak has annealed out at 400 C. In boron-doped, n+-p-p+ cells, a minority carrier trap (E1) was also observed by DLTS in cells with a boron p+, but not in those with an aluminum p+ back. A level at Ev + 0.31 eV appeared upon 150 C annealing (E1 out) in both p+ back types of samples

    A Look at Returning Teachers

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    Research shows that one-quarter to one-third of teachers who leave the profession return, the majority after only a short absence. Though returning teachers can constitute a substantial share of newly hired teachers in schools each year, little is known about them, the factors associated with their decisions to return, or the schools to which they return. In this study, I use a 20-year longitudinal dataset to examine the characteristics of returning teachers as well as the personal, school, and district factors associated with their return both to the profession and to particular schools. In addition, I consider the extent to which returning teachers contribute to the systematic sorting of teachers across schools. Contrary to conventional wisdom, the loss of teachers to attrition from the profession is more likely to be permanent for smaller schools and districts outside of urban and suburban areas. In addition, both personal and job-related factors impact whether and where former teachers return, albeit differently by gender. Interestingly, personal and pecuniary factors in teaching appear to play a greater role than non-pecuniary factors on male leavers’ decisions regarding whether and where to return, whereas personal, pecuniary, and non-pecuniary factors all influence female leavers’ decisions. Finally, the study demonstrates that returning teachers on average reenter schools that are very similar in terms of student and teacher characteristics to those that they left. 

    Charter School Funding: Inequity in the City

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    Public charter schools are a growing part of K-12 education. Charter schools are public schools that are granted operational autonomy by their authorizing agency in return for a commitment to achieve specific performance goals. Like traditional public schools, charter schools are free to students and overseen by the state. Unlike traditional public schools, however, most charters are open to all students who wish to apply, regardless of where they live. If a charter school is over-subscribed, usually random lotteries determine which students will be admitted. Most charter schools are independent of the traditional public school district in which they operate

    Private School Choice and Character: More Evidence from Milwaukee

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    We examine the effects of Milwaukee’s school voucher program on adult criminal activity and paternity suits. Using matched student-level data, we find that exposure to the program in 8th or 9th grade predicts lower rates of conviction for criminal activity and lower rates of paternity suits by ages 25 to 28. Specifically, exposure to the MPCP is associated with a reduction of around 53 percent in drug convictions, 86 percent in property damage convictions, and 38 percent in paternity suits. The program effects tend to be largest for males and students with lower levels of academic achievement at baseline
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