1,291 research outputs found

    University, Biodiversity, and Education

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    Context: Biodiversity is a condition of human existence. By transforming nature, man has also transformed its context, with ensuing progressive degradation of biological diversity. This study stems from the need to improve the treatment of biodiversity from an educational perspective that includes professional education. Objective: The aim of this paper is to establish proper professional training interaction with biodiversity within their scope of action. It would be effective through more activities intended to achieve integration between professional education and the global issue of biodiversity. Methods: Empirical methods were used to reveal insufficiencies and potentialities. Theoretical methods were used to lay the foundations of this study, including its background; modeling was also used. Results: The contribution of this study consists in a pedagogical model to facilitate interaction of biodiversity with environmental education, and other factors that promote students’ culture in biological diversity. Conclusions: Assessment of transversal treatment of biodiversity throughout environmental education of undergraduates revealed positive effects on the participants. The pertinence of these actions was corroborated. Besides, emphasis was placed on the importance, topicality, and need of further research aimed to achieve proper professional training interaction with biodiversity within their scope of action. This would be effective through more activities intended to achieve integration between professional education and the global issue of biodiversity

    Bilateral anterior ischemic optic neuropathy after bilateral neck dissection

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    María J Suárez-Fernández, Antonio Clariana-Martín, Enrique Mencía-Gutiérrez, Esperanza Gutiérrez-Díaz, Teresa Gracia-García-MiguelOphthalmology Department, 12 de Octubre Hospital, Complutense University, Madrid, SpainPurpose: The risk of visual loss after nonocular surgeries is very low, between 0.2% and 4.5%. According to the American Society of Anesthesiologists, ischemic optic neuropathy has been reported mostly after spinal surgery (54.2%), followed by cardiac surgery and radical neck dissection (13.3%). It may occur in association with some conditions that include systemic hypotension, acute blood loss and hypovolemia.Case report: A 46-year-old woman, whose diagnosis was laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma, complained of visual loss in her right eye two days after surgery (laryngectomy with bilateral radical neck dissection and left jugular ligature) and one day later in her left eye. The diagnosis was nonarteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy.Conclusion: Anterior ischemic optic neuropathy related to nonocular surgery is usually bilateral and its prognosis is very poor, resulting in blindness or severe visual loss. Although rare, patients should be warned about this complication, which has a profound impact on quality of life, since no therapeutic measure, including correction of hypotension and anemia, seems to improve the prognosis of this complication.Keywords: ischemic optic neuropathy, visual loss, radical neck dissection, blood los

    Estados de ánimo precompetitivos y resultados deportivos en jugadores de bolos cántabros

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    En este trabajo se analizan y describen los estados de ánimo precompetitivos de los jugadores de la especialidad de bolo-palma obtenidos con las pruebas de Perfil de Estados de Ánimo Profile of Mood States (POMS). La muestra la componen los 13 jugadores de bolos de la primera categoría de Cantabria que jugaron la fase final del LXXIV Campeonato Regional de Bolos. Se han realizado los gráficos de los perfiles de los estados de ánimos precompetitivos y se han analizado según los resultados y clasificación conseguida. Se ha elaborado un estudio correlacional entre los factores del POMS, así como contrastes en función de t de Student y se han comentado las diferencias entre los jugadores según la edad, experiencia competitiva y haber jugado o no un concurso previo minutos antes de cumplimentar el cuestionario. Los resultados muestran que el perfil iceberg es el predominante en los jugadores que jugaron la fase final del campeonato. La mejor clasificación y resultados la consiguen los jugadores con perfiles de estado de ánimo precompetitivos más idóneos que son también los jugadores con mayor experiencia competitiva y más edad

    Antecedentes del uso de los medios sociales por el turista: motivación, oportunidad y capacidad

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    This work uses the MOA model to explain to what level motivation, opportunity and ability of users are factors determining the intentions to use social media when organizing and taking vacation trips. The conclusions of the study reveal that the intentions to use social media are directly influenced by the motivation and ability of users; however, the opportunity does not significantly affect the predisposition to use such technologies. In turn, functional and hedonic benefits have an influence on motivations, while social benefits do not.El presente trabajo utiliza el modelo MOA para analizar en qué medida la motivación, la oportunidad y la capacidad de los usuarios son factores determinantes de las intenciones de uso de medios sociales en la organización y desarrollo de viajes turísticos. Las conclusiones del estudio revelan que las intenciones de uso de los medios sociales se ven afectadas por la motivación y las capacidades de los usuarios y, sin embargo, no se ven influenciadas por la oportunidad. A su vez, en las motivaciones influyen los beneficios funcionales y hedónicos, pero no los sociales

    Wannier-Stark ladders in one-dimensional elastic systems

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    The optical analogues of Bloch oscillations and their associated Wannier-Stark ladders have been recently analyzed. In this paper we propose an elastic realization of these ladders, employing for this purpose the torsional vibrations of specially designed one-dimensional elastic systems. We have measured, for the first time, the ladder wave amplitudes, which are not directly accessible either in the quantum mechanical or optical cases. The wave amplitudes are spatially localized and coincide rather well with theoretically predicted amplitudes. The rods we analyze can be used to localize different frequencies in different parts of the elastic systems and viceversa.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, accepted in Phys. Rev. Let

    High body adiposity drives glucose intolerance and increases cardiovascular risk in normoglycemic subjects

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    Objective: We aimed to assess the utility of the 2 - hour oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) value to discriminate between different cardiometabolic profiles and examine the role of body composition to predict the associated increased risk for glucose impairment, beta cell dysfunction and cardiovascular disease. Methods: Subjects with normal fasting glucose (NFG) completed a 2 - h OGTT and were categorized to the carbohydrate metabolism alterations (CMA) or contro l group based upon a 2 - h glucose threshold of 7.8 mmol l - 1 . Body composition, visceral adipose tissue, OGTT - based parameters and cardiovascular risk factors (CVRF) such as hypertension, dyslipidemia, obstructive sleep apnea, non - alcoholic fatty liver disea se and smoking status, were measured. Results: Subjects with CMA exhibited a significantly higher 1 - h postload glucose, greater decline in beta cell function and CVRF profile. After multivariate adjustment, excess of total body and visceral fat was associ ated with an increased risk of CMA, - cell dysfunction, CVRF and a lower whole - body insulin sensitivity. Conclusions: These data support the ethiopathogenic role of body and visceral fat in the development of glucose derangements and CVRF early on in the metabolic dysregulation process. Thus, body composition analysis and OGTT assessment performed in individuals with NFG enables a better identification of patients at risk of developing type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease

    Analysis of in vitro osteoblast culture on scaffolds for future bone regeneration purposes in dentistry

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    One of the main focuses of tissue engineering is to search for tridimensional scaffold materials, complying with nature’s properties for tissue regeneration. Determining material biocompatibility is a fundamental step in considering its use. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to analyze osteoblast cell adhesion and viability on different materials to determine which was more compatible for future bone regeneration. Tridimensional structures were fabricated with hydroxyapatite, collagen, and porous silica. The bovine bone was used as material control. Biocompatibility was determined by seeding primary osteoblasts on each tridimensional structure. Cellular morphology was assessed by SEM and viability through confocal microscopy. Osteoblast colonization was observed on all evaluated materials’ surface, revealing they did not elicit osteoblast cytotoxicity. Analyses of four different materials studied with diverse compositions and characteristics showed that adhesiveness was best seen for HA and viability for collagen. In general, the results of this investigation suggest these materials can be used in combination, as scaffolds intended for bone regeneration in dental and medical fields

    Actitud de los residentes hacia el alojamiento P2P: la perspectiva de los millennials

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    Uno de los fenómenos que con más fuerza está impactando la actividad turística en la actualidad es el intercambio, a gran escala, de plazas de alojamiento entre particulares. Aunque existe una extensa producción científica sobre la actitud de los residentes hacia el turismo, en general existen muy pocas investigaciones relacionadas con la formación de su actitud hacia este tipo de alojamiento y, específicamente, por parte de los millennials. A partir de un modelo de medición de la percepción de los impactos del turismo basado en la teoría del intercambio social se ha efectuado un análisis comparativo entre los millennials y las generaciones de mayor edad, de la actitud de los residentes hacia esta actividad y de la percepción de los impactos que provoca. El análisis se realiza utilizando una muestra de 1088 ciudadanos de Tenerife y 529 de Mallorca. El estudio confirma que el apoyo que recibe esta actividad es mayor por parte de esta generación.One of the phenomena that has made an important incursion into the tourism activity today is the exchange of accommodation in private homes. Although there is an extensive scientific work on the attitude of residents towards tourism, in general there is very little research related to the formation of their attitude towards this type of accommodation and, specifically, on the part of the millennials. The study has been based on a model of measurement of the perception of the impacts of tourism by using the theory of social exchange. A comparative analysis has been carried out between the millennials and the older generations, the residents’ attitude to this activity and the perception of the impacts that it causes. The analysis is performed by using a sample of 1088 citizens from Tenerife and 529 from Mallorca. The study confirms that the support received for this activity is greater in this generation

    Degrowth and Educative Deconstruction of the Neoliberal Subject: Alternatives to Build up a Sustainable Society

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    The paper makes a literary review of degrowth pedagogy. Degrowth has become one of the fundamental approaches posed to survive in a world of limited resources and to face the profound causes of the current crisis. Learning to live better with less turns out to be not a moral postulate but a vital necessity of our species. The paper analyses the current investigations in the field, as well as the relevant publications in 88 peer review articles, focused on degrowth published between 2006 and 2019, including 41 proposals for action, among which 14 are specialized in the field of education. The conclusions point to the urgent and imperative need to change economic and environmental policies, but also mentalities. Decolonising the collective dominant imaginary trapped in consumerism and individualism; educating in a collective and shared lifestyle of voluntary sobriety; deconstructing the productivist reason and adopting an alternative model of eco social future in the unique world we have. The education and the school, as discussed in the paper, has a fundamental role to play in this endeavor.2019-2