204 research outputs found

    Mechanical Properties of Three-layer Boards of Pine (Pinus radiata) and Pigue (Piptocoma discolor) Owned by the PISMADE S.A. Company

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    The present study proposes to determine the mechanical properties of three-layer boards of pine (Pinus radiata) and pigue (Piptocoma discolor) owned by the PISMADE S.A. Company. The tests were carried out under established technical procedures, with the use of international standards, at the Materials Resistance laboratory of the Faculty of Mechanics located in the Higher Polytechnic School of Chimborazo. 24 test pieces belonging to three-layer boards provided by the company were evaluated, each of them of different dimensions for bending and compression tests. It was possible to verify the different resistances that the boards of these species support; bending and compression values for both pine and pigue were obtained, appropriate for their use in the industry. The information generated deems this material rigid and appropriate for its efficient and durable use. Keywords: compression, flexion, mechanical properties, wood boards. Resumen El presente estudio propone determinar las propiedades mecánicas en tableros tricapa de pino (Pinus radiata) y pigue (Piptocoma discolor) propiedad de la empresa PISMADE S.A. Los ensayos se los realizó bajo procedimientos técnicos, con la utilización de normas internacionales, dentro del laboratorio de Resistencia de Materiales de la facultad de Mecánica ubicado en la Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Evaluándose 24 probetas pertenecientes a tableros alistonados tricapa, cada una de ellas de diferentes dimensiones para ensayos de flexión y compresión, proporcionados por la empresa. Se pudo comprobar las diferentes resistencias que soportan los tableros de estas especies, obteniendo valores de flexión y compresión tanto para pino y pigue apropiados para su utilización en la industria. La información generada considera a este material rígido y apropiado para su uso eficiente y duradero. Palabras clave: compresión, flexión, propiedades mecánicas, tableros de madera

    Gamma Irradiation of Aqueos Solution of L-Aspartic Acid, L-Aspartic Acid in Solid State, and L-Aspartic Acid Adsorbed into Na-Montmorillonite: Its Relevance in Chemistry Prebiotic

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    Aspartic acid is an amino acid present in the modern proteins, however, is considered a primitive amino acid hence its importance in prebiotic chemistry experiments studies. In some works of prebiotic chemistry have been studied the synthesis and the stability of organic matter under high energy sources, and the role of clays has been highlighted due to clays that can affect the reaction mechanisms in the radiolytic processes. The present work is focused on the study of the role of Namontmorillonite in the gamma radiolysis processes of L-aspartic acid. Gamma radiolysis processes were carried out in three different systems a) L-aspartic acid in aqueous solution; b) L-aspartic acid in solid-state; and c) L-aspartic acid adsorbed into Na-montmorillonite. L-aspartic acid was analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography−electrospray ionization−mass spectrometry (HPLCESI-MS). The results showed that the decomposition of L-aspartic acid considerably decreased in the presence of clay thus highlighting the protector role of clays and favors the stability of organic matter even under the possible high energy conditions of primitive environments. The principal product ofgamma radiolysis of L-aspartic acid was succinic acid produced by deamination reaction. On the other hand, when aspartic acid was irradiated in solid-state the main product was the L-aspartic acid dimer. Both radiolysis products are important for chemical evolution processes for L-aspartic acid in primitive environments

    Transmediación y transformatización en la ficción televisiva de Ecuador: análisis de recepción de narrativas de humor

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    Ecuadorian television is 56 years old, time in which fiction has been part of the program and has established itself as one of the most offered genres in audiovisual channels with open signal. Currently, comedy is the mark of national fiction that have been placed among the most seen and at the same time, have been case of study about interactions with the audience for media besides television and the conversion from one format to another, without discarding characters and locations. This paper compiles the results of a longitudinal research carried out between 2010 and 2015 by OBITEL Ecuador on transmedia reception and “transformat” of five national comedy fictions from an actual perspective to understand the changes of this communication process. Virtual ethnography has been used as methodological strategy. It is concluded that national fictions are “transformazing” and transmediazing to broadcasters for internal reasons but other national fictions are changed only media, being Facebook the space where audiences continue showing greater support of the comedy fictions that have had high ratings in other years. In a global scenario where technology is changing the ways in which media content is consumed, the results of this work contribute to reception researches about Ecuadorian television, a process that requires more studies by the dynamics that is reaching.La televisión ecuatoriana tiene 57 años, tiempo en el que la ficción ha sido parte de la programación y se ha consolidado como uno de los géneros audiovisuales más ofertados de los canales de señal abierta. Actualmente, el humor es la marca de las ficciones nacionales que se han ubicado entre las más vistas y, al mismo tiempo, se han constituido en estudios de caso sobre interacciones con las audiencias por medios de comunicación distintos a la televisión y conversión de un formato a otro formato, sin desechar personajes y locaciones. Este artículo registra los resultados de una investigación longitudinal realizada entre 2010 y 2015 por OBITEL Ecuador sobre recepción transmediática y “transformatizada” de cinco ficciones nacionales de humor desde una perspectiva presente para comprender los cambios de ese proceso comunicativo. Como estrategia metodológica, se ha usado la etnografía virtual. Se concluye que las ficciones nacionales se han “transformatizado” y transmediatizado por razones internas a las emisoras mientras que otras se han transmediado por la aplicación de la ley, es Facebook en el las audiencias siguen mostrando un acompañamiento mayor de las ficciones de humor que tuvieron altos índices de audiencia en otros años. En un escenario mundial donde la tecnología está modificando las formas en las que se consumen los contenidos mediáticos, los resultados de este trabajo aportan a las investigaciones sobre recepción de la televisión ecuatoriana, proceso que precisa de más estudios por las dinámicas que está alcanzando

    Prevalencia de helmintos intestinales en primates neotropicales cautivos alojados en la ciudad de Ibagué

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    Los animales silvestres bajo condiciones de cautiverio, se encuentran expuestos en mayor riesgo de transmisión,infección y reinfección de agentes capaces de causar enfermedad en relación con los que se encuentran enlibertad. El estudio de las enfermedades parasitarias en animales silvestres cautivos es una ayuda indispensablepara mantener un equilibrio controlado entre ambiente, parásito y huésped tal como ocurre en su hábitat natural.En el presente estudio se tomaron muestras fecales de 15 primates pertenecientes a las especies Ateles geoffroyi(n=2), A. hybridus (n= 1), Saimiri sciureus (n= 4), Saguinus leucopus (n= 6), S. nigricollis (n= 1) y Aotussp. (n= 1) ubicadas en el Centro de Conservación ex situ de Fauna Silvestre y Educación Ambiental BioparquePedagógico Comfenalco, de la ciudad de Ibagué, para la posterior identificación de parásitos gastrointestinales,mediante las pruebas de flotación y examen directo de heces. Un 26.66% (n= 4) del total de los primates presentaronparasitismo gastrointestinal y los parásitos y huevos diagnosticados presentaban morfología compatiblecon los géneros Trichostrongylus, Strongyloides y Ascaris. Los resultados fueron analizados mediante estadísticadescriptiva

    Nutritional and functional evaluation of inula crithmoides and mesembryanthemum nodiflorum grown in different salinities for human consumption

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    The nutritional composition and productivity of halophytes is strongly related to the biotic/abiotic stress to which these extremophile salt tolerant plants are subjected during their cultivation cycle. In this study, two commercial halophyte species (Inula crithmoides and Mesembryanthemum nodiflorum) were cultivated at six levels of salinity using a soilless cultivation system. In this way, it was possible to understand the response mechanisms of these halophytes to salt stress. The relative productivity decreased from the salinities of 110 and 200 mmol L−1 upwards for I. crithmoides and M. nodiflorum, respectively. Nonetheless, the nutritional profile for human consumption remained balanced. In general, I. crithmoides vitamin (B1 and B6) contents were significantly higher than those of M. nodiflorum. For both species, β-carotene and lutein were induced by salinity, possibly as a response to oxidative stress. Phenolic compounds were more abundant in plants cultivated at lower salinities, while the antioxidant activity increased as a response to salt stress. Sensory characteristics were evaluated by a panel of culinary chefs showing a preference for plants grown at the salt concentration of 350 mmol L−1. In summary, salinity stress was effective in boosting important nutritional components in these species, and the soilless system promotes the sustainable and safe production of halophyte plants for human consumption.CCMAR/Multi/04326/201, MED/UIDB/05183/202, SFRH/BD/140143/2018, SFRH/BD/149398/2019info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Characterization in Clonal Selections of Citrus X latifolia Tanaka ex Q. Jiménez: Español

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    Abstract Objective: To physically and chemically characterize clonal selections with Persian lemon potential. Design/methodology/approximation: A core component analysis was used, using a mixed data factor analysis model. The distribution of genotypes was plotted by major components through the K-medoid method, while cluster analysis it was determined by a Gower dissimilarity matrix. A dendogram was performed by Ward's method with a minimum variance grouping criteria. In the morphological characterization of the fruits which were considered trees of Citrus volkameriana, Citrus macrophylla, Citrus paradisi X Poncirus trifoliata, X Citroncirus spp., Citrus X aurantium. The diameter, length, weight, color and shape of the fruit was analyzed. Other variables to evaluate were the shape of the base, apex shape, surface texture, albedo adhesion, number of seeds, maturation rate, juice weight, juice yield, pH, Brix and tidable acidity. Data analysis was performed with R software and the factoextra and FactoMineR packages. Results: The physical and chemical characteristics of Persian lemon fruits varies due to the correlation between the different types of rootstock grown in the citrus area studied. Study limitations/implications: Producers are unaware of the clone or type of plant material they propagate, making selections of clones that show outstanding morphoagronomic characteristics. Findings/conclusions: The morphological diversity and quality fruit is closely related to the type of rootstock used for its spread. The internal and external characteristics in Citrus macrophylla stand out as the fruit.Objective: To physically and chemically characterize clonal selections of Persian lime(Citrus x latifolia Tanaka ex Q. Jiménez).Design/Methodology/Approach: The principal components analysis was employed,using a mixed data factorial analysis model. Genotype distribution was graphed usingprincipal components with the k-medoids method, while a Gower’s dissimilarity matrixwas determined for the conglomerate analysis and a dendrogram was developed usingWard’s minimum variance cluster method. For the morphological characterization of thefruits, the study considered the following trees: Citrus volkameriana, Citrus macrophylla,Citrus paradisi X Poncirus trifoliata, X Citroncirus spp., and Citrus X aurantium. Thefruit’s diameter, length, weight, color, and shape were analyzed, in addition to its baseshape, tip shape, surface texture, albedo adherence, number of seeds, ripening rate,juice weight, juice yield, pH, °Brix, and titratable acidity. Data were analyzed using Rsoftware and the factoextra and FactoMineR packages.Results: The physical and chemical traits of Persian lime fruit vary due to thecorrelations between the types of rootstock that are cultivated in the citrus zone studied. Study Limitations/Implications: Farmers do not know which clone or type of plantmaterial they propagate; they simply select clones that show outstanding morpho-agronomical traits.Findings/Conclusions: The morphological diversity and quality of the fruit is related tothe type of rootstock used in its propagation, in addition to internal and external traits inCitrus macrophylla standing out in fruit quality

    Detección de Fasciola hepatica por medio de ELISA indirecto en ovinos y caprinos de Boavita, Colombia

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    The aim of this study was to determine the seroprevalence of Fasciola hepatica by indirect ELISA in sheep and goats from Boavita (Boyaca, Colombia). A descriptive cross-sectional study with simple random sampling was carried out. A total of 297 blood samples from sheep and 337 from goats of different breeds and age groups were collected. The sera were analyzed by the indirect ELISA technique with the commercial ELISA kit BIO K 211 - Monoscreen AbELISA F. hepatica. Additionally, an epidemiological survey was carried out. The seroprevalence of F. hepatica was 67.34% (200/297) in sheep and 59.94% (202/337) in goats. Likewise, seroprevalence was higher in males (sheep: 77.78%, 21/27; goats: 63.89%, 23/36), in sheep older than 3 years (83.33%, 50/60) and in goats less than 1 year of age. (69.77%, 60/86), as well as in Creole breed (sheep: 69.84%; goats: 61.79%). Sheep over 3 years of age were determined as a risk factor, while in goats the Creole breed variables and extensive grazing were identified as risk factors.El objetivo del estudio fue determinar la seroprevalencia de Fasciola hepatica por medio de ELISA indirecto en ovinos y caprinos de Boavita (Boyacá, Colombia). Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal con muestreo aleatorio simple. Se colectaron 297 muestras de sangre de ovinos y 337 de caprinos de diferentes grupos raciales y etarios. Los sueros fueron analizados mediante la técnica ELISA indirecta con el kit comercial ELISA BIO K 211 - Monoscreen AbELISA F. hepatica. Adicionalmente se realizó una encuesta epidemiológica. La seroprevalencia de F. hepatica fue de 67.34% (200/297) en ovinos y de 59.94% (202/337) en caprinos. Asimismo, la seroprevalencia fue mayor en los machos (ovinos: 77.78%. 21/27; caprinos: 63.89%, 23/36), en ovinos mayores de 3 años (83.33%, 50/60) y en caprinos menores de 1 año (69.77%, 60/86), así como en los de raza criolla (ovinos: 69.84%; caprinos: 61.79%). Los ovinos mayores de 3 años se determinaron como factor de riesgo, en tanto que en los caprinos las variables raza criolla y el pastoreo extensivo se identificaron como factores de riesgo. El estudio demuestra una alta seropositividad de la enfermedad en la zona

    Endodontic regenerative treatment for internal radicular resorption using bio-ceramic material, case report

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    The internal resorption of the internal radicular conduct is a process than can be both physiological or pathological, being the osteoclasts, odontoclasts and dentinoclast responsible for said process. 49-year-old female patient, refers orthodontic treatment at age 20, attends a dental check-up due to pain when chewing. Dental organ (DO) #11 was diagnosed with internal root resorption and symptomatic, suppurative apical periodontitis. Treatment started performing an endodontic access and taking a conductometry reading with an apical foramen locator, using a precision hybrid instrumentation technique and applying hypochlorite irrigation, the intra-canal was medicated with chemically pure calcium hydroxide for 7 days. The canal obturation was repaired infiltrating a bio-ceramic material (BIO-C Sealer) followed by the placement of the single cone using a vertical condensation technique