603 research outputs found

    Peace, War and International Security: Economic Theories

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    This paper considers the economic theories that are relevant for the study of peace war and international security . It presents different levels of generality, starting with the big questions of international security, which are usually the domain of international relations, before moving to general economic theoretical perspectives and then focusing on some specific developments in economics and security. More specifically it reviews the economics of security, distinguishing neoclassical theories, Keynesian and institutional, Marxist, and monopoly capital, before discussing the issues involved in the debate between the schools of thought. The economics of conflict is then considered, starting with the approach economists have taken –mainly neoclassical, before considering more general political economy perspectives.Economics; Peace; war; security;

    Peace, War and International Security: Economic Theories (trial entry)

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    This paper considers the economic theories that are relevant for the study of peace war and international security . It presents different levels of generality, starting with the big questions of international security, which are usually the domain of international relations, before moving to general economic theoretical perspectives and then focusing on some specific developments in economics and security. More specifically it reviews the economics of security, distinguishing neoclassical theories, Keynesian and institutional, Marxist, and monopoly capital, before discussing the issues involved in the debate between the schools of thought. The economics of conflict is then considered, starting with the approach economists have taken –mainly neoclassical, before considering more general political economy perspectives.Economics; Peace; war; security;

    La race NDama. Quelques caractéristiques zootechniques

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    La trypanotolérance de la race NDama est un facteur trÚs favorable à son développement dans les zones chaudes et humides infestées par la mouche tsé-tsé. Race de petit format, possédant une bonne fécondité, sa vitesse de croissance et sa conformation satisfaisantes lui confÚrent des qualités bouchÚres indéniables. Les nombreuses observations recueillies au Centre de recherches zootechniques de Bouaké Minankro, en CÎte-d'Ivoire, permettent à l'auteur de préciser quelques-unes de ses caractéristiques zootechnique

    Recherches sur la dilution et la conservation du sperme de Chien

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    La dilution du sperme de chien au moyen d’une solution hypo tonique de citrate de soude-jaune d’Ɠuf, ou d’une solution isoto nique de fructose-jaune d’Ɠuf, augmente la durĂ©e de conserva tion utile jusqu’à une valeur de quatre jours. L’action favorable de ces dilueurs pourrait ĂȘtre due Ă  la dimi nution ou Ă  l’élimination des ions Na +


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    This thesis studies the stability properties of an AC-DC system - a three-phase controlled rectifiïżœer - with constant power load (CPL) and proposes an optimal design for the system control. CPLs have been widely seen in power electronic applications. For example, motor drives and DC/AC inverters in advanced automotive systems may behave as CPLs. Due to their negative impedances, CPLs often impact the power quality and stability of an AC/DC system. This thesis considers a typical AC/DC system with constant power load, where the three-phase rectifiïżœer is originally controlled by two PI controllers. It is demonstrated that the PI control strategy obtains narrow stability margin. To overcome the limitation of PI control, a linear quadratic regulator with full state feedback is used to determine the optimal structure of the controller and tune the parameters of the controller and DC ïżœfilter. This method is shown to improve the stability margin of the AC-DC system tremendously

    Multiscale Analysis of the Stress State in a Granular Slope in Transition to Failure

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    By means of contact dynamics simulations, we analyze the stress state in a granular bed slowly tilted towards its angle of repose. An increasingly large number of grains are overloaded in the sense that they are found to carry a stress ratio above the Coulomb yield threshold of the whole packing. Using this property, we introduce a coarse-graining length scale at which all stress ratios are below the packing yield threshold. We show that this length increases with the slope angle and jumps to a length comparable to the depth of the granular bed at an angle below the angle of repose. This transition coincides with the onset of dilatation in the packing. We map this transition into a percolation transition of the overloaded grains, and we argue that in the presence of long-range correlations above the transition angle, the granular slope is metastable.Comment: 11 pages, 14 Fig, submitted to PR

    Pùturages artificiels en savanes à saison sÚche peu marquée

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    AprĂšs un bref rĂ©sumĂ© des conditions climatiques de la rĂ©gion de BouakĂ© (RĂ©publique de CĂŽte-d'Ivoire), les auteurs exposent les rĂ©sultats obtenus par une Ă©tude comparĂ©e de quelques plantes introduites: techniques d'implantation, rythme d'exploitation, longĂ©vitĂ© des pĂąturages, productivitĂ© et valeur fourragĂšre. Les auteurs indiquent ensuite quelques associations "graminĂ©es-lĂ©gumineuse s" susceptibles d'ĂȘtre utilisĂ©es pour les sols locau

    Le croisement jersiais x N'Dama en CÎte-d'Ivoire. Analyse des performances des animaux demi-sang produits et élevés au Centre de Recherches Zootechniques de Minankro

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    Cent quatre-vingt-treize métis demi-sang jersiais x N'Dama (102 mùles et 91 femelles), ont été produits et élevés au Centre de Recherches zootechniques de Minankro Bouaké en CÎte-d'Ivoire. Les auteurs analysent les performances observées sur ces animaux relatives à la croissance, aux qualités bouchÚres, à la reproduction et à la production laitiÚre. La rusticité et l'excellent comportement des demi-sang dans un milieu d'endémicité de trypanosomoses, permet de conclure que leur vulgarisation en milieu paysan et leur élevage dans des conditions proches du systÚme extensif intégral sont parfaitement envisageable
