105 research outputs found

    Bycatch of the European purse-seine tuna fishery in the Atlantic Ocean for the period 2010-2016

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    This paper presents an update for the period 2010-2016 of the bycatch estimations for the European tuna purse seine fishery operating in the Atlantic Ocean. Bycatch data were collected by observers onboard. Observer coverage increased progressively from 15 trips in 2010, to 114 and 107 trips in 2015 and 2016 respectively. Bycatch data, as collected by the observers, were stratified by quarter and fishing mode (free school and floating object sets). The ratio of total to observed catches of the target species (skipjack, bigeye and yellowfin tunas) in each stratum was then used as raising factor. The average of the annual total bycatch estimated for the studied period was 9,515 t. Tunas (neritic tunas and small size tunas) represent the major part of the bycatch, followed by fin fish, sharks, billfishes, rays and turtles.En prens

    Analyse comparée des écosystèmes digestifs du rumen de la vache et du caecum du lapin

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    Dans cette revue nous avons synthétisé les données obtenues dans notre équipe et celles de la bibliographie afin de contribuer à une meilleure connaissance de l’écologie des communautés bactériennes et archées des fermenteurs digestifs des mammifères herbivores. L’analyse a porté sur la comparaison des deux principales stratégies digestives rencontrées chez les mammifères herbivores actuels : un fermenteur en position proximale, le rumen, et un fermenteur en position distale, le caecum. Parmi les espèces d’intérêt agronomique,la vache et le lapin on été choisis comme animaux modèles. Après avoir rappelé les caractéristiques anatomiques et physicochimiques de ces fermenteurs digestifs, nous avons analysé les spécificités de leurs communautés procaryotiques liées à l’hôte, la variabilité individuelle, la structuration spatiale (inter- et intra- fermenteurs digestifs) et la dynamique temporelle (journalière et hebdomadaire) avec ou sans perturbation nutritionnelle induite

    Best standards for data collection and reporting requirements on FOBs: towards a science-based FOB fishery management.

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    A major concern for tropical tunas, on these last years, has been the worldwide increasing use of drifting FOBs by purse seiners, which are equipped with satellite buoys and echo-sounders. The use of these floating objects has contributed to increase the catch of skipjack tuna, but also of juveniles of yellowfin and bigeye tunas. Moreover, it has increased the amount of by-catch (including some species classified as vulnerable or endangered) and has likely resulted in adverse effects on the ecology of fish and on vulnerable areas (e.g. beaching events on coral reef areas). Despite the increasing FOB use and concerns, little information is available on FOB use worldwide for an appropriate monitoring and management. Thus, FOB monitoring has become a priority in all tuna t-RFMOs. However, the data collection and reporting requirements around FOBs are not standardized and there are significant data gaps. The aim of this document is to review current requirements and procedures in place and propose standards for data collection and submission on FOBs to tRFMOs. The proposals included in this document are the result of a collaborative work between scientists and the fishing industry