14 research outputs found

    Anomaly detection based on intelligent techniques over a bicomponent production plant used on wind generator blades manufacturing

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    [ES] Los avances tecnológicos en general, y en el ámbito de la industria en particular, conllevan el desarrollo y optimización de las actividades que en ella tienen lugar. Para alcanzar este objetivo, resulta de vital importancia detectar cualquier tipo de anomalía en su fase más incipiente, contribuyendo, entre otros, al ahorro energético y económico, y a una reducción del impacto ambiental. En un contexto en el que se fomenta la reducción de emisión de gases contaminantes, las energías alternativas, especialmente la energía eólica, juegan un papel crucial. En la fabricación de las palas de aerogenerador se recurre comúnmente a materiales de tipo bicomponente, obtenidos a través del mezclado de dos substancias primarias. En la presente investigación se evalúan distintas técnicas inteligentes de clasificación one-class para detectar anomalías en un sistema de mezclado para la obtención de materiales bicomponente empleados en la elaboración de palas de aerogenerador. Para lograr los modelos[EN] Technological advances, especially in the industrial field, have led to the development and optimization of the activities that takes place on it. To achieve this goal, an early detection of any kind of anomaly is very important. This can contribute to energy and economic savings and an environmental impact reduction. In a context where the reduction of pollution gasses emission is promoted, the use of alternative energies, specially the wind energy, plays a key role. The wind generator blades are usually manufactured from bicomponent material, obtained from the mixture of two dierent primary components. The present research assesses dierent one-class intelligent techniques to perform anomaly detection on a bicomponent mixing system used on the wind generator manufacturing. To perform the anomaly detection, the intelligent models were obtained from real dataset recorded during the right operation of a bicomponent mixing plant. 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    Modeling the Electromyogram (EMG) of Patients Undergoing Anesthesia During Surgery

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    All fields of science have advanced and still advance significantly. One of the facts that contributes positively is the synergy between areas. In this case, the present research shows the Electromyogram (EMG) modeling of patients undergoing to anesthesia during surgery. With the aim of predicting the patient EMG signal, a model that allows to know its performance from the Bispectral Index (BIS) and the Propofol infusion rate has been developed. The proposal has been achieved by using clustering combined with regression techniques and using a real dataset obtained from patients undergoing to anesthesia during surgeries. Finally, the created model has been tested with very satisfactory results

    An intelligent fault detection system for a heat pump installation based on a geothermal heat exchanger

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    The heat pump with geothermal exchanger is one of the best methods to heat up a building. The heat exchanger is an element with high probability of failure due to the fact that it is an outside construction and also due to its size. In the present study, a novel intelligent system was designed to detect faults on this type of heating equipment. The novel approach has been successfully empirically tested under a real dataset obtained during measurements of one year. It was based on classification techniques with the aim of detecting failures in real time. Then, the model was validated and verified over the building; it obtained good results in all the operating conditions ranges


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    Los lipomas son los tumores de tejidos blandos más frecuentes del organismo, pudiéndose presentar en cualquier localización. Habitualmente son asintomáticos, pero en ocasiones pueden producir clínica de compresión nerviosa. El objetivo de nuestro trabajo es revisar nuestra experiencia en el tratamiento de lipomas que producen compresión nerviosa. Ante la presencia de clínica de compresión nerviosa junto con tumoración de crecimiento lento debemos sospechar el diagnóstico de lipoma. Es muy importante la planificación quirúrgica adecuada, ayudada por las pruebas de imagen tipo Resonancia Nuclear Magnética (RNM), puesto que las estructuras nerviosas pueden estar incluidas en el lipoma

    Siringoma condroide maligno: a propósito de un caso Malignant chondroid syringoma: case report

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    El siringoma condroide maligno es un tumor muy infrecuente de origen epitelial. Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 68 años con una tumoración en su brazo izquierdo, sin invasión ósea local, pero con afectación metastásica pulmonar. El diagnóstico fue de siringoma condroide maligno. Analizamos el caso, infrecuente por el tamaño del tumor y por su evolución y hacemos una revisión bibliográfica sobre el tema.<br>Malignant chondroid siringoma is a rare tumour with epithelial ethilogy. We present a clinical case: a 68 years old woman with a tumour on her left arm, without local bone invasion but with metastatic injury. Diagnosis was, malignant chondroid syringoma. We present this case because of its size and evolution and a review of literature

    Modelling the hypnotic patient response in general anaesthesia using intelligent models

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    International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Security for Information Systems (CISIS 2016)(9th, 2016, San Sebastian, Spain