1,073 research outputs found

    Low Mass Neutron Stars and the Equation of State of Dense Matter

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    Neutron-star radii provide useful information on the equation of state of neutron rich matter. Particularly interesting is the density dependence of the equation of state (EOS). For example, the softening of the EOS at high density, where the pressure rises slower than anticipated, could signal a transition to an exotic phase. However, extracting the density dependence of the EOS requires measuring the radii of neutron stars for a broad range of masses. A ``normal'' 1.4 solar mass neutron star has a central density of a few times nuclear-matter saturation density. In contrast, low mass (of the order of 0.5 solar masses) neutron stars have central densities near nuclear-matter saturation density so its radius provides information on the EOS at low density. Unfortunately, low-mass stars are rare because they may be hard to form. Instead, a precision measurement of nuclear radii on atomic nuclei may contain similar information. Indeed, we find a strong correlation between the neutron radius of 208Pb and the radius of a 0.5 solar-mass neutron star. Thus, the radius of such a neutron star can be inferred from a measurement of the the neutron radius of 208Pb. Comparing this value to the measured radius of a 1.4 solar-mass neutron star should provide the strongest constraint to date on the density dependence of the equation of state.Comment: 9 pages and 5 eps. figures (included

    Approaching invasive species in Madagascar

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    While a number of plants, animals, and insects in Madagascar have been called ’invasive’, the topic of invasive species has until recently received less attention here than in other island contexts. Some species, often alien to Madagascar and introduced by humans, have expanded their range rapidly and have had both negative and positive effects on landscapes, on native biodiversity, and on livelihoods. Examples include the prickly pear (raketa), the silver wattle (mimosa), and, recently, the Asian common toad (radaka boka). Building on a conceptual approach to ’invasive species’, this paper emphasizes the importance of inclusive and deliberative site- and population - specific management of invasive species. It analyses three separate concepts commonly used in definitions of invasion: the origin, behaviour, and effects of particular species. It places these concepts in their broader social and ecological context, with particular attention to local perspectives on invasive species. We illustrate these concepts with Malagasy examples and data. The examples demonstrate that while invasions can have dramatic consequences, there can be multiple, often competing, interests as well as site - specific biophysical, environmental, and cultural considerations that need to be taken into account when designing policy and management interventions. We conclude with a number of lessons learned.RÉSUMÉContrairement à la plupart des autres îles, et en dépit du qualificatif ‘invasif’ rattaché depuis longtemps à certaines espèces qui s’y sont naturalisées, les réflexions autour de l’approche des espèces invasives à Madagascar demeurent récentes. L’opuntia (Opuntia spp.) figure certes parmi les plus anciens exemples d’espèces traités dans la littérature sur les invasions biologiques. Mais ce n’est vraiment qu’avec le retentissement médiatique autour de la détection en 2011 de la présence du crapaud masqué (Duttaphrynus melanostictus) et la recherche d’une parade appropriée que s’est affirmée la nécessité de traiter cette question des espèces invasives en tant que telle. Une posture nativiste et uniforme qui ignorerait la spécificité des contextes biophysiques et socio - économiques locaux, mais aussi la pluralité des formes d’invasion biologique et des définitions qui s’y rattachent, ne saurait être privilégiée. L’article montre qu’il s’agit de situer les réflexions dans un contexte insulaire socio - économique dans lequel les espèces allogènes tiennent depuis longtemps une large place. Il défend en outre la nécessité d’envisager les espèces invasives non pas selon une forme de perception unique et autoritariste, mais selon une diversité de points de vue, conforme aux conflits d’intérêts qui se manifestent parfois, et mettant plutôt en avant le caractère exogène des espèces invasives, leurs effets (négatifs, mais aussi positifs) sur le milieu, ou leur mode de fonctionnement (dispersion, dominance) dans des contextes spécifiques et locaux. Il convient en particulier d’observer qu’aux coûts générés par les invasions biologiques peuvent s’ajouter des bénéfices économiques, et que les impacts écologiques néfastes peuvent se combiner avec des incidences heureuses, y compris auprès d’espèces indigènes en situation critique. En outre, le point de vue des populations humaines, leur connaissance d’espèces invasives quotidiennement rencontrées, leur réticence à scinder le vivant en espèces indigènes et allogène, mais aussi leur vision pragmatique, ne sauraient être mésestimés, et moins encore oubliés. Enfin, l’article invite à prendre du recul face aux effets rhétoriques liés aux discours conventionnels sur les invasions biologiques, à éviter les amalgames et les généralisations excessives, à tenir compte des contraintes environnementales mais aussi des aspirations socio - économiques des populations locales, et à prendre en compte la diversité des spécificités locales, qu’elles soient biophysiques ou sociales. En conclusion, il est sans doute heureux que Madagascar n’ait rejoint que très récemment la mouvance internationale des réflexions sur les espèces invasives : cela lui permet en effet d’être en mesure de disposer d’une position équilibrée, déjouant certains discours catastrophistes, et préférant une approche résolument contextualisée, à l’échelle nationale comme aux échelles régionale

    Parity Violation in Astrophysics

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    Core collapse supernovae are gigantic explosions of massive stars that radiate 99% of their energy in neutrinos. This provides a unique opportunity for large scale parity or charge conjugation violation. Parity violation in a strong magnetic field could lead to an asymmetry in the neutrino radiation and recoil of the newly formed neutron star. Charge conjugation violation in the neutrino-nucleon interaction reduces the ratio of neutrons to protons in the neutrino driven wind above the neutron star. This is a problem for r-process nucleosynthesis in this wind. On earth, parity violation is an excellent probe of neutrons because the weak charge of a neutron is much larger than that of a proton. The Parity Radius Experiment (PREX) at Jefferson Laboratory aims to precisely measure the neutron radius of 208^{208}Pb with parity violating elastic electron scattering. This has many implications for astrophysics, including the structure of neutron stars, and for atomic parity nonconservation experiments.}Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, proceedings of PAVI04 conference in Grenoble, Franc

    Do we understand the incompressibility of neutron-rich matter?

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    The ``breathing mode'' of neutron-rich nuclei is our window into the incompressibility of neutron-rich matter. After much confusion on the interpretation of the experimental data, consistency was finally reached between different models that predicted both the distribution of isoscalar monopole strength in finite nuclei and the compression modulus of infinite matter. However, a very recent experiment on the Tin isotopes at the Research Center for Nuclear Physics(RCNP) in Japan has again muddled the waters. Self-consistent models that were successful in reproducing the energy of the giant monopole resonance (GMR) in nuclei with various nucleon asymmetries (such as 90Zr, 144Sm, and 208Pb) overestimate the GMR energies in the Tin isotopes. As important, the discrepancy between theory and experiment appears to grow with neutron excess. This is particularly problematic as models artificially tuned to reproduce the rapid softening of the GMR in the Tin isotopes become inconsistent with the behavior of dilute neutron matter. Thus, we regard the question of ``why is Tin so soft?'' as an important open problem in nuclear structure.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, and 1 table. Submitted to the "Focus issue on Open Problems in Nuclear Structure", Journal of Physics

    Nonuniform Neutron-Rich Matter and Coherent Neutrino Scattering

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    Nonuniform neutron-rich matter present in both core-collapse supernovae and neutron-star crusts is described in terms of a semiclassical model that reproduces nuclear-matter properties and includes long-range Coulomb interactions. The neutron-neutron correlation function and the corresponding static structure factor are calculated from molecular dynamics simulations involving 40,000 to 100,000 nucleons. The static structure factor describes coherent neutrino scattering which is expected to dominate the neutrino opacity. At low momentum transfers the static structure factor is found to be small because of ion screening. In contrast, at intermediate momentum transfers the static structure factor displays a large peak due to coherent scattering from all the neutrons in a cluster. This peak moves to higher momentum transfers and decreases in amplitude as the density increases. A large static structure factor at zero momentum transfer, indicative of large density fluctuations during a first-order phase transition, may increase the neutrino opacity. However, no evidence of such an increase has been found. Therefore, it is unlikely that the system undergoes a simple first-order phase transition. It is found that corrections to the commonly used single heavy nucleus approximation first appear at a density of the order of 101310^{13} g/cm3^3 and increase rapidly with increasing density. Thus, neutrino opacities are overestimated in the single heavy nucleus approximation relative to the complete molecular dynamics simulations.Comment: 17 pages, 23 included ps figure

    Pygmies, Giants, and Skins

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    Understanding the equation of state (EOS) of neutron-rich matter is a central goal of nuclear physics that cuts across a variety of disciplines. Indeed, the limits of nuclear existence, the collision of energetic heavy ions, the structure of neutron stars, and the dynamics of core-collapse supernova all depend critically on the nuclear-matter EOS. In this contribution I focus on the EOS of cold baryonic matter with special emphasis on its impact on the structure, dynamics, and composition of neutron stars. In particular, I discuss how laboratory experiments on neutron skins as well as on Pygmy and Giant resonances can help us elucidate the structure of these fascinating objects.Comment: Invited Talk given at the 11th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (NN2012), San Antonio, Texas, USA, May 27-June 1, 2012. To appear in the NN2012 Proceedings in Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS

    Surface decoration of catanionic vesicles with superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles: a model system for triggered release under moderate temperature conditions

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    International audienceWe report the design of new catanionic vesicles decorated with iron oxide nanoparticles, which could be used as a model system to illustrate controlled delivery of small solutes under mild hyperthermia. Efficient release of fluorescent dye rhodamine 6G was observed when samples were exposed to an oscillating magnetic field. Our system provides direct evidence for reversible permeability upon magnetic stimulation
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