454 research outputs found

    Monocytic Cell Adhesion to Oxidised Ligands: Relevance to Cardiovascular Disease.

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    Atherosclerosis, the major cause of vascular disease, is an inflammatory process driven by entry of blood monocytes into the arterial wall. LDL normally enters the wall, and stimulates monocyte adhesion by forming oxidation products such as oxidised phospholipids (oxPLs) and malondialdehyde. Adhesion molecules that bind monocytes to the wall permit traffic of these cells. CD14 is a monocyte surface receptor, a cofactor with TLR4 forming a complex that binds oxidised phospholipids and induces inflammatory changes in the cells, but data have been limited for monocyte adhesion. Here, we show that under static conditions, CD14 and TLR4 are implicated in adhesion of monocytes to solid phase oxidised LDL (oxLDL), and also that oxPL and malondialdehyde (MDA) adducts are involved in adhesion to oxLDL. Similarly, monocytes bound to heat shock protein 60 (HSP60), but this could be through contaminating lipopolysaccharide. Immunohistochemistry on atherosclerotic human arteries demonstrated increased endothelial MDA adducts and HSP60, but endothelial oxPL was not detected. We propose that monocytes could bind to MDA in endothelial cells, inducing atherosclerosis. Monocytes and platelets synergized in binding to oxLDL, forming aggregates; if this occurs at the arterial surface, they could precipitate thrombosis. These interactions could be targeted by cyclodextrins and oxidised phospholipid analogues for therapy

    Reinforcement Learning-Assisted Transmit Signal Power Savings in Variable Bit-rate Fronthaul

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    The increasing bit-rate demands placed on the fronthaul from higher user rates and multiple antenna technologies will make the consideration of its power consumption an important issue. In this study, it is assumed that the fronthaul bit-rate can be reduced from the maximum required rate through prediction of the fronthaul traffic using deep reinforcement learning (DRL). Using such predictions, and benchmarked simulations of a discrete multitone (DMT) modulation electro-absorption modulator (EAM)-based optical fiber-link, as an example of a fronthaul transmission system, it is shown that the power reduction from reducing the transmitter signal power alongside the reduction in modulation level can be between 22.3% and 34.6% within a fixed bandwidth of 34 GHz and 18 GHz respectively. Such a transmitter could be built as a bandwidth variable transponder in a Flexible Ethernet fronthaul

    Fostering Employee’s Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction: Evidence from Emerging Pakistan

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    Providing quality services is a key condition for the stable functioning of companies in a changing environment. Given the fact that delivering exceptional quality services deemed to foster firm competitiveness, worldwide service quality and customer satisfaction captivate serious considerations from across the globe. An analysis of literary sources allows us to conclude that customer satisfaction and service quality have long-term predictors to enhance firms’ values

    Neuroblastomas with chromosome 11q loss and single copy MYCN comprise a biologically distinct group of tumours with adverse prognosis

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    Neuroblastoma is a heterogeneous tumour and its effective clinical management is dependent on accurate prognostic evaluation. In approximately 25% of patients amplification of the MYCN oncogene is known to be associated with a poor outcome. In order to identify additional molecular markers with prognostic potential in non-MYCN-amplified neuroblastomas, we looked for a correlation between clinical outcome and loss of heterozygosity (LOH) on four chromosomes that frequently show alteration in neuroblastoma (chromosomes 3, 4, 11 and 14). Chromosome 11q loss (with frequent parallel loss of chromosomes 3p, 4p and/or 14q) was found exclusively in tumours without MYCN amplification and was significantly associated with poor event-free survival. The 2-year event-free survival rate for 11q LOH cases was 30%, compared to 34% for MYCN-amplified cases and 100% for cases without these abnormalities. While 11q LOH was associated predominantly with advanced-stage disease, 2 cases with low-stage disease and 11q LOH both suffered relapses. We conclude that chromosome 11q loss defines a biologically distinct group of tumours without MYCN amplification that appear to have potential for aggressive metastatic growth. Thus this genetic alteration may be an important new prognostic marker in neuroblastoma. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign http://www.bjcancer.co

    Bicuspid aortic valve formation: Nos3 mutation leads to abnormal lineage patterning of neural crest cells and the second heart field

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    The bicuspid aortic valve (BAV), a valve with two instead of three aortic leaflets, belongs to the most prevalent congenital heart diseases in the world, occurring in 0.5-2% of the general population. We aimed to understand how changes in early cellular contributions result in BAV formation and impact cardiovascular outflow tract development. Detailed 3D reconstructions, immunohistochemistry and morphometrics determined that, during valvulogenesis, the non-coronary leaflet separates from the parietal outflow tract cushion instead of originating from an intercalated cushion. Nos3−/− mice develop a BAV without a raphe as a result of incomplete separation of the parietal outflow tract cushion into the right and non-coronary leaflet. Genetic lineage tracing of endothelial, second heart field and neural crest cells revealed altered deposition of neural crest cells and second heart field cells within the parietal outflow tract cushion of Nos3−/− embryos. The abnormal cell lineage distributions also affected the positioning of the aortic and pulmonary valves at the orifice level. The results demonstrate that the development of the right and non-coronary leaflets are closely related. A small deviation in the distribution of neural crest and second heart field populations affects normal valve formation and results in the predominant right-non-type BAV in Nos3−/− mice

    Measurements of the Composite Fermion masses from the spin polarization of 2-D electrons in the region 1<ν<21<\nu<2

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    Measurements of the reflectivity of a 2-D electron gas are used to deduce the polarization of the Composite Fermion hole system formed for Landau level occupancies in the regime 1<\nu<2. The measurements are consistent with the formation of a mixed spin CF system and allow the density of states or `polarization' effective mass of the CF holes to be determined. The mass values at \nu=3/2 are found to be ~1.9m_{e} for electron densities of 4.4 x 10^{11} cm^{-2}, which is significantly larger than those found from measurements of the energy gaps at finite values of effective magnetic field.Comment: 4 pages, 3 fig

    Разработка и применение современных лабораторных методов в эпидемиологическом мониторинге, диагностики и лечении энтеровирусных инфекций

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    У роботі проведена порівняльна оцінка специфічності й чутливості тест-системи ПЛР, зі специфічним праймером до ДНК 207 п.н. 5'-нетрансльованої області генома энтеровируса для всіх типів ентеровірусів (крім вірусу поліомієліту) у порівнянні із класичним культуральним методом. А також методологічний підхід спільного використання вищеописаної реакції ПЦР із визначенням антитіл класу Іg до вірусів Коксаки й ЕСНО у системі ІФА діагностики, розробленої авторами, і спектр застосування розробленого комплекс.In work the estimation of specificity and sensitivity of test system PTSR, with specific primers to DNA 207 n.n is spent comparative. 5 '-not broadcast areas генома an enterovirus for all types of enteroviruses (except a poliomyelitis virus) in comparison with classical the virology a method. And also the methodological approach of sharing of above described reaction PCR with definition of antibodies of a class ІgG to viruses Cocsaki and ЕСНО in system IFA of diagnostics developed by authors, and a spectrum of application of the developed complex

    Pulmonary function measures predict mortality differently in IPF versus combined pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema

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    The composite physiologic index (CPI) was derived to represent the extent of fibrosis on high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT), adjusting for emphysema in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). We hypothesised that longitudinal change in CPI would better predict mortality than forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1), forced vital capacity (FVC) or diffusing capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide (DLCO) in all patients with IPF, and especially in those with combined pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema (CPFE). Cox proportional hazard models were performed on pulmonary function data from IPF patients at baseline (n=321), 6 months (n=211) and 12 months (n=144). Presence of CPFE was determined by HRCT. A five-point increase in CPI over 12 months predicted subsequent mortality (HR 2.1, p=0.004). At 12 months, a 10% relative decline in FVC, a 15% relative decline in DLCO or an absolute increase in CPI of five points all discriminated median survival by 2.1 to 2.2 yrs versus patients with lesser change. Half our cohort had CPFE. In patients with moderate/severe emphysema, only a 10% decline in FEV1 predicted mortality (HR 3.7, p=0.046). In IPF, a five-point increase in CPI over 12 months predicts mortality similarly to relative declines of 10% in FVC or 15% in DLCO. For CPFE patients, change in FEV1 was the best predictor of mortality.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/91949/1/2011 ERJ - Pulmonary function measures predict mortality differently in IPF versus combined pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema.pd

    Radioactive Holmium Acetylacetonate Microspheres for Interstitial Microbrachytherapy: An In Vitro and In Vivo Stability Study

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    Purpose The clinical application of holmium acetylacetonate microspheres (HoAcAcMS) for the intratumoral radionuclide treatment of solid malignancies requires a thorough understanding of their stability. Therefore, an in vitro and an in vivo stability study with HoAcAcMS was conducted. Methods HoAcAcMS, before and after neutron irradiation, were incubated in a phosphate buffer at 37°C for 6 months. The in vitro release of holmium in this buffer after 6 months was 0.5%. Elemental analysis, scanning electron microscopy, infrared spectroscopy and time of flight secondary ion mass spectrometry were performed on the HoAcAcMS. Results After 4 days in buffer the acetylacetonate ligands were replaced by phosphate, without altering the particle size and surface morphology. HoAcAcMS before and after neutron irradiation were administered intratumorally in VX2 tumor-bearing rabbits. No holmium was detected in the faeces, urine, femur and blood. Histological examination of the tumor revealed clusters of intact microspheres amidst necrotic tissue after 30 days. Conclusion HoAcAcMS are stable both in vitro and in vivo and are suitable for intratumoral radionuclide treatment.Radiation, Radionuclides and ReactorsApplied Science