21,273 research outputs found

    Optimal multiqubit operations for Josephson charge qubits

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    We introduce a method for finding the required control parameters for a quantum computer that yields the desired quantum algorithm without invoking elementary gates. We concentrate on the Josephson charge-qubit model, but the scenario is readily extended to other physical realizations. Our strategy is to numerically find any desired double- or triple-qubit gate. The motivation is the need to significantly accelerate quantum algorithms in order to fight decoherence.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Classical Concepts in Quantum Programming

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    The rapid progress of computer technology has been accompanied by a corresponding evolution of software development, from hardwired components and binary machine code to high level programming languages, which allowed to master the increasing hardware complexity and fully exploit its potential. This paper investigates, how classical concepts like hardware abstraction, hierarchical programs, data types, memory management, flow of control and structured programming can be used in quantum computing. The experimental language QCL will be introduced as an example, how elements like irreversible functions, local variables and conditional branching, which have no direct quantum counterparts, can be implemented, and how non-classical features like the reversibility of unitary transformation or the non-observability of quantum states can be accounted for within the framework of a procedural programming language.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, software available from http://tph.tuwien.ac.at/~oemer/qcl.html, submitted for QS2002 proceeding

    Analysis of a convenient information bound for general quantum channels

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    Open questions from Sarovar and Milburn (2006 J.Phys. A: Math. Gen. 39 8487) are answered. Sarovar and Milburn derived a convenient upper bound for the Fisher information of a one-parameter quantum channel. They showed that for quasi-classical models their bound is achievable and they gave a necessary and sufficient condition for positive operator-valued measures (POVMs) attaining this bound. They asked (i) whether their bound is attainable more generally, (ii) whether explicit expressions for optimal POVMs can be derived from the attainability condition. We show that the symmetric logarithmic derivative (SLD) quantum information is less than or equal to the SM bound, i.e.\ H(θ)CΥ(θ)H(\theta) \leq C_{\Upsilon}(\theta) and we find conditions for equality. As the Fisher information is less than or equal to the SLD quantum information, i.e. FM(θ)H(θ)F_M(\theta) \leq H(\theta), we can deduce when equality holds in FM(θ)CΥ(θ)F_M(\theta) \leq C_{\Upsilon}(\theta). Equality does not hold for all channels. As a consequence, the attainability condition cannot be used to test for optimal POVMs for all channels. These results are extended to multi-parameter channels.Comment: 16 pages. Published version. Some of the lemmas have been corrected. New resuts have been added. Proofs are more rigorou

    Generation of decoherence-free displaced squeezed states of radiation fields and a squeezed reservoir for atoms in cavity QED

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    We present a way to engineer an effective anti-Jaynes-Cumming and a Jaynes-Cumming interaction between an atomic system and a single cavity mode and show how to employ it in reservoir engineering processes. To construct the effective Hamiltonian, we analyse considered the interaction of an atomic system in a \{Lambda} configuration, driven by classical fields, with a single cavity mode. With this interaction, we firstly show how to generate a decoherence-free displaced squeezed state for the cavity field. In our scheme, an atomic beam works as a reservoir for the radiation field trapped inside the cavity, as employed recently by S. Pielawa et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 240401 (2007)] to generate an Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen entangled radiation state in high-Q resonators. In our scheme, all the atoms have to be prepared in the ground state and, as in the cited article, neither atomic detection nor precise interaction times between the atoms and the cavity mode are required. From this same interaction, we can also generate an ideal squeezed reservoir for atomic systems. For this purpose we have to assume, besides the engineered atom-field interaction, a strong decay of the cavity field (i.e., the cavity decay must be much stronger than the effective atom-field coupling). With this scheme, some interesting effects in the dynamics of an atom in a squeezed reservoir could be tested

    A measure of majorisation emerging from single-shot statistical mechanics

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    The use of the von Neumann entropy in formulating the laws of thermodynamics has recently been challenged. It is associated with the average work whereas the work guaranteed to be extracted in any single run of an experiment is the more interesting quantity in general. We show that an expression that quantifies majorisation determines the optimal guaranteed work. We argue it should therefore be the central quantity of statistical mechanics, rather than the von Neumann entropy. In the limit of many identical and independent subsystems (asymptotic i.i.d) the von Neumann entropy expressions are recovered but in the non-equilbrium regime the optimal guaranteed work can be radically different to the optimal average. Moreover our measure of majorisation governs which evolutions can be realized via thermal interactions, whereas the nondecrease of the von Neumann entropy is not sufficiently restrictive. Our results are inspired by single-shot information theory.Comment: 54 pages (15+39), 9 figures. Changed title / changed presentation, same main results / added minor result on pure bipartite state entanglement (appendix G) / near to published versio

    Two-mode single-atom laser as a source of entangled light

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    A two-mode single-atom laser is considered, with the aim of generating entanglement in macroscopic light. Two transitions in the four-level gain medium atom independently interact with the two cavity modes, while two other transitions are driven by control laser fields. Atomic relaxation as well as cavity losses are taken into account. We show that this system is a source of macroscopic entangled light over a wide range of control parameters and initial states of the cavity field

    Rapid state purification protocols for a Cooper pair box

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    We propose techniques for implementing two different rapid state purification schemes, within the constraints present in a superconducting charge qubit system. Both schemes use a continuous measurement of charge (z) measurements, and seek to minimize the time required to purify the conditional state. Our methods are designed to make the purification process relatively insensitive to rotations about the x-axis, due to the Josephson tunnelling Hamiltonian. The first proposed method, based on the scheme of Jacobs [Phys. Rev. A 67, 030301(R) (2003)] uses the measurement results to control bias (z) pulses so as to rotate the Bloch vector onto the x-axis of the Bloch sphere. The second proposed method, based on the scheme of Wiseman and Ralph [New J. Phys. 8, 90 (2006)] uses a simple feedback protocol which tightly rotates the Bloch vector about an axis almost parallel with the measurement axis. We compare the performance of these and other techniques by a number of different measures.Comment: 14 pages, 14 figures. v2: Revised version after referee comments. Accepted for publication by Physical Review

    Qubit-portraits of qudit states and quantum correlations

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    The machinery of qubit-portraits of qudit states, recently presented, is consider here in more details in order to characterize the presence of quantum correlations in bipartite qudit states. In the tomographic representation of quantum mechanics, Bell-like inequalities are interpreted as peculiar properties of a family of classical joint probability distributions which describe the quantum state of two qudits. By means of the qubit-portraits machinery a semigroup of stochastic matrices can be associated to a given quantum state. The violation of the CHSH inequalities is discussed in this framework with some examples, we found that quantum correlations in qutrit isotropic states can be detected by the suggested method while it cannot in the case of qutrit Werner states.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure