1,615 research outputs found

    An Exploration of Racial/Ethnic Differences in the Association between Perfectionism and Disordered Eating in College Students

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    Perfectionism is a robust risk factor for eating disorders (EDs). Although individually-oriented dimensions of perfectionism are strongly related to eating pathology, less is known about the contribution of parent-oriented dimensions, specifically parental expectations (PE) and parental criticisms (PC). Further, few studies have investigated these effects within racially/ethnically diverse samples. However, PE and PC might be particularly relevant to eating pathology among certain cultural groups, such as those from collectivistic and interdependent societies. This study examined associations among PE, PC, and ED symptoms across racial/ethnic groups. Undergraduates (N=706; 74.8% Female; 48% White, 19.8% Black, 7.1% Latinx, 16% Asian, 9.1% multiracial) completed online surveys assessing perfectionism and ED symptoms. Multiple and logistic regressions examined the association between parent-oriented perfectionism, global eating pathology, loss-of-control (LOC) eating, purging behaviors, and ED risk status (EDE-Q global \u3c 4.0). Analyses were conducted by racial/ethnic group, controlling for gender. Both PE and PC were related to greater ED pathology in students identifying as White (pp=.03), Asian (p=.02), and multiracial (pp=.19). Higher PC was related to a greater likelihood of endorsing LOC eating in White (p=.004) and Black students (p=.05) and purging behaviors in White (p=.004), Asian (p=.04), and multiracial students (p=.03). Greater PC was also associated with ED risk in Asian (p=.03) and multiracial participants (p=.01). Findings indicate that the relations between specific aspects of parent-oriented perfectionism differ among cultural groups and are associated with ED symptoms in college students. PC seemed more relevant to ED pathology than did PE overall. Findings suggest that parent-oriented perfectionism, particularly PC, might be important to include in clinical assessment and treatment with students at-risk of EDs.https://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/gradposters/1039/thumbnail.jp

    Using GPS as a Reference System to Hit a Moving Target

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    The Affordable Moving Surface Target Engagement (AMSTE) project attempts to develop affordable solutions to the precise moving target surface target engagement problem. Up to this point, most of the error analysis performed for the AMSTE project has been at the error variance level, generating root-sum-square (RSS) total errors from error budgets consisting of constant error variances. In reality, the level of error for both Global Positioning System (GPS) positioning and radar targeting systems is highly dependent upon the given situation (such as the distance between sensor and target, the altitude differences, etc.) This research generates a more comprehensive model of the UPS errors based upon the underlying physics of the situation. It focuses on differential tropospheric errors and multipath, as these are the primary error source in a differential GPS targeting system. In addition to the error model development, a code-based differential GPS and differential ranging approach is implemented in simulation using a Kalman filter. This approach uses GPS measurements collected by each of the sensors and the weapon, and it uses ranging measurements from the sensors to the bomb and the target. Multiple cases are run varying 1) the number of UPS satellite measurements tracked by each receiver, 2) whether or not the common UPS errors are estimated, and 3) whether or not the bomb is tracked with the same radar sensors that are tracking the target. The horizontal DRMS position error during the terminal phase of the bomb trajectory drops from about 6 meters to about 3.5 meters

    It Could Not Be Seen Because It Could Not Be Believed on June 30, 2013

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    Nineteen Prescott Fire Department, Granite Mountain Hot Shot (GMHS) wildland firefighters (WF) perished in Arizona in June 2013 Yarnell Hill Fire, an inexplicable wildland fire disaster. In complex wildland fires, sudden, dynamic changes in human factors and fire conditions can occur, thus mistakes can be unfortunately fatal. Individual and organizational faults regarding the predictable, puzzling, human failures that will result in future WF deaths are addressed. The GMHS were individually, then collectively fixated with abandoning their Safety Zone to reengage, committing themselves at the worst possible time, to relocate to another Safety Zone - a form of collective tunnel vision. Our goal is to provoke meaningful discussion toward improved wildland firefighter safety with practical solutions derived from a long-established wildland firefighter expertise/performance in a fatality-prone profession. Wildfire fatalities are unavoidable, hence these proposals, applied to ongoing training, can significantly contribute to other well-thought-out and validated measures to reduce them

    Bending the Chain: The Surprising Challenge of Integrating Purchasing and Logistics

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    Over the last several decades, supply chain (SC) professionals have focused on performance issues that have emerged from a lack of commercial/business alignment with supply chain operations. Significant improvements have been made, and systemic processes (IBP—integrated business planning—and S&OP—sales and operations planning) have been developed to drive a fully integrated business. As business integration has continued to improve, the biggest SC opportunities have shifted. Every year, the University of Tennessee’s Global Supply Chain Institute networks with hundreds of companies, requesting information on emerging supply chain issues. Our recent research shows that one of the greatest business integration opportunities is found within the traditional supply chain functions themselves. (“We have met the enemy and he is us!”). Specifically, we believe a major strategic integration opportunity exists between purchasing and logistics, and failing to capitalize on this opportunity is very clearly causing many firms to miss important opportunities to create value

    Wealth inequality and activism: Perceiving injustice galvanizes social change but perceptions depend on political ideologies

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    What motivates people to engage in activism against wealth inequality? The simple answer is, perceiving injustice. However, the current work demonstrates that these perceptions depend on political ideologies. More specifically, for political liberals who frequently question the fairness of the economic system, messages simply describing the extent of the inequality (distributive injustice) are enough to motivate activism (Study 1). For political conservatives, who are inclined to believe that inequality results from fair procedures, messages must also detail how the system of economic forces is unjust (procedural injustice; Studies 2 and 3). Together, these studies suggest perceiving injustice can galvanize social change, but for conservatives, this means more than simply outlining the extent of the inequality

    An Online Growth Mindset Intervention in a Sample of Rural Adolescent Girls

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    Background. Students living in rural areas of the United States exhibit lower levels of educational attainment than their suburban counterparts. Innovative interventions are needed to close this educational gap. Aims. We investigated whether an online growth mindset intervention could be leveraged to promote academic outcomes. Sample. We tested the mindset intervention in a sample of 222 10th-grade adolescent girls (M age=15.2; 38% White, 25% Black, 29% Hispanic) from four rural, low-income high schools in Southeastern United States. Methods. We conducted a randomized controlled trial to test the efficacy of the growth mindset intervention, relative to a sexual health programme. We used random sampling and allocation procedures to assign girls to either the mindset intervention (n-115) or an attention-matched control programme (n-107). We assessed participants at pre-test, immediate post-test, and 4-month follow up. Results. Relative to the control condition, students assigned to the mindset intervention reported stronger growth mindsets at immediate post-test and 4-month follow up. Although the intervention did not have a total effect on academic attitudes or grades, it indirectly increased motivation to learn, learning efficacy and grades via the shifts in growth mindsets. Conclusions. Results indicate that this intervention is a promising method to encourage growth mindsets in rural adolescent girls

    Time-Accurate Unsteady Flow Simulations Supporting the SRM T+68-Second Pressure Spike Anomaly Investigation (STS-54B)

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    Time-accurate unsteady flow simulations are being performed supporting the SRM T+68sec pressure 'spike' anomaly investigation. The anomaly occurred in the RH SRM during the STS-54 flight (STS-54B) but not in the LH SRM (STS-54A) causing a momentary thrust mismatch approaching the allowable limit at that time into the flight. Full-motor internal flow simulations using the USA-2D axisymmetric code are in progress for the nominal propellant burn-back geometry and flow conditions at T+68-sec--Pc = 630 psi, gamma = 1.1381, T(sub c) = 6200 R, perfect gas without aluminum particulate. In a cooperative effort with other investigation team members, CFD-derived pressure loading on the NBR and castable inhibitors was used iteratively to obtain nominal deformed geometry of each inhibitor, and the deformed (bent back) inhibitor geometry was entered into this model. Deformed geometry was computed using structural finite-element models. A solution for the unsteady flow has been obtained for the nominal flow conditions (existing prior to the occurrence of the anomaly) showing sustained standing pressure oscillations at nominally 14.5 Hz in the motor IL acoustic mode that flight and static test data confirm to be normally present at this time. Average mass flow discharged from the nozzle was confirmed to be the nominal expected (9550 lbm/sec). The local inlet boundary condition is being perturbed at the location of the presumed reconstructed anomaly as identified by interior ballistics performance specialist team members. A time variation in local mass flow is used to simulate sudden increase in burning area due to localized propellant grain cracks. The solution will proceed to develop a pressure rise (proportional to total mass flow rate change squared). The volume-filling time constant (equivalent to 0.5 Hz) comes into play in shaping the rise rate of the developing pressure 'spike' as it propagates at the speed of sound in both directions to the motor head end and nozzle. The objectives of the present analysis are to: (1) capture the dynamic responses of the motor combustion gas flow to correlate with available low-frequency (less than 12.5 sample/sec) data and (2) observe the high-frequency (up to 50 Hz) characteristics of the response to determine any potentials for dynamic coupling

    Unsteady Flow Simulations in Support of the SSME HEX Turning Vane Cracking Investigation with the ATD HPOTP

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    Unsteady flow computations are being performed with the P&W (ATD) and the Rocketdyne baseline configurations of the SSME LO2 turbine turnaround duct (TAD) and heat exchanger (HEX). The work is in support of the HEX inner turning vane cracking investigation. Fatigue cracking has occurred during hot firings with the P&W configuration on the HEX inner vane, and it appears the fix will involve changes to the TAD splitter vane position and to the TAD inner wall curvature to reduce the dynamic loading on the inner vane. Unsteady flow computations on the P&W baseline and fix and on the Rocketdyne baseline reference follow steady-flow screening computations done by MSFC/ED32 on several trial configurations arriving at the fix. The P&W TAD inlet velocity profile has a strong radial velocity component that directs the flow toward the inner wall and raises the local velocity a factor of two and the dynamic pressure a factor, of four. The fix is intended to redistribute the flow more evenly across the HEX inner and outer vanes like the Rocketdyne baseline reference. Vane buffeting at frequencies around 4,000 Hz is the leading suspected cause of the problem. Our simulations (work in progress) are being done with the USA 2D axisymmetric code approximating the flow as axisymmetric u+v 2D (axial, u, and radial, v, components only). The HEX coils are included in the model to make sure the fix does not adversely affect the HEX environment. Turbulent kinetic energy, k, levels where k = 1/2 v' rms2 are locally as high as 10,000 ft2/sec2 for the P&W baseline at the engine interface (between the TAD and HEX) at the HEX inner vane location. However, k is less than 8,000 on the HEX outer vane and only about 4,500 on the HEX inner vane for the Rocketdyne baseline. Unsteady turbulence intensity, v'rms/v, and pressure, p', are being computed in the present computations to compare with steady-flow Reynolds-averaged computations where p'rms = const (pk) for overall rms random turbulence from 0.1 to 12,000 Hz frequency. Random overall static, p'rms fluctuations as large as 1.7 psi are estimated from k on the HEX inner vane for the P&W baseline configuration but only about 0.7 psi for the Rocketdyne configuration

    Randomized Trial of a Single-Session Growth Mind-Set Intervention for Rural Adolescents’ Internalizing and Externalizing Problems

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    Objective. Adolescents living in rural regions of the United States face substantial barriers to accessing mental health services, creating needs for more accessible, non-stigmatizing, briefer interventions. Research suggests that single-session “growth mindset” interventions (GM-SSIs)—which teach the belief that personal traits are malleable through effort—may reduce internalizing and externalizing problems in adolescents. However, GM-SSIs have not been evaluated among rural youth, and their effects on internalizing and externalizing problems have not been assessed within a single trial, rendering their relative benefits for different problem types unclear. We examined whether a computerized GM-SSI could reduce depressive symptoms, social anxiety symptoms, and conduct problems in adolescent girls from rural areas of the U.S. Method. Tenth-grade girls (N=222, M age=15.2, 38% white, 25% Black, 29% Hispanic) from four rural, low-income high schools in the Southeastern United States were randomized to receive a 45-minute GM-SSI or a computer-based, active control program, teaching healthy sexual behaviors. Girls self-reported depression symptoms, social anxiety symptoms, and conduct problem behaviors at baseline and four-month follow-up. Results. Relative to girls in the control group, girls receiving the GM-SSI reported modest but significantly greater reductions in depressive symptoms (d=.23) and likelihood of reporting elevated depressive symptoms (d=.29) from baseline to follow-up. GM-SSI effects were nonsignificant for social anxiety symptoms, although a small effect size emerged in the hypothesized direction (d=.21), and nonsignificant for change in conduct problems (d=.01). Conclusions. A free-of-charge, 45-minute GM-SSI may help reduce internalizing distress, especially depression—but not conduct problems—in rural adolescent girls

    Limitations of Absolute Current Densities Derived from the Semel & Skumanich Method

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    Semel and Skumanich proposed a method to obtain the absolute electric current density, |Jz|, without disambiguation of 180 degree in the transverse field directions. The advantage of the method is that the uncertainty in the determination of the ambiguity in the magnetic azimuth is removed. Here, we investigate the limits of the calculation when applied to a numerical MHD model. We found that the combination of changes in the magnetic azimuth with vanishing horizontal field component leads to errors, where electric current densities are often strong. Where errors occur, the calculation gives |Jz| too small by factors typically 1.2 ~ 2.0.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures. To appear on Science in China Series G: Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, October 200
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