103 research outputs found

    Submaximal Oviposition Rates in a Mymarid Parasitoid: Choosiness Should Not Be Ignored

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    Cronin and Strong (1993a, b) examined the oviposition behavior of Anagarus delicatus Dozier (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae), an egg parasitoid of the leafhopper Prokelisia marginate Van Duzee (Homoptera: Delphacidae). They reported oviposition rates that were lower than predicted if the rate of egg-laying was maximized. Cronin and Strong (1993a) considered, and subsequently rejected, several “rules of thumb” (Stephens and Krebs 1986) as explanations for the observed patterns of patch departure. They observed that hosts on leaves experience density-independent mortality due to leaf senescence. Based on that, they advanced the hypothesis that submaximal oviposition rates in A. delicatus are best explained as risk-spreading by the parasitoid. (That is, by laying a small number of eggs on many leaves, the parasitoid increases the probability that some of her offspring will survive; Cronin and Strong 1993a.) An alternative hypothesis (Rosenheim and Mangel 1994) suggests that by distributing the eggs among several leaves, A. delicatus avoids self-superparasitism. Here, we take a somewhat different approach than those provided above to explain an additional observation of Cronin and Strong (1993a): female wasps rejected most of the hosts that they had probed. In so doing, we argue that rate maximization was an inappropriate prediction for A. delicatus, and in light of the life history parameters of this species, egg limitation is more suitable. Furthermore, egg limitation, when combined with one of the proposed explanations for the distribution of eggs, can explain the high rejection level of potential hosts

    Submaximal Oviposition Rates in a Mymarid Parasitoid: Choosiness Should Not Be Ignored

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    Cronin and Strong (1993a, b) examined the oviposition behavior of Anagarus delicatus Dozier (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae), an egg parasitoid of the leafhopper Prokelisia marginate Van Duzee (Homoptera: Delphacidae). They reported oviposition rates that were lower than predicted if the rate of egg-laying was maximized. Cronin and Strong (1993a) considered, and subsequently rejected, several “rules of thumb” (Stephens and Krebs 1986) as explanations for the observed patterns of patch departure. They observed that hosts on leaves experience density-independent mortality due to leaf senescence. Based on that, they advanced the hypothesis that submaximal oviposition rates in A. delicatus are best explained as risk-spreading by the parasitoid. (That is, by laying a small number of eggs on many leaves, the parasitoid increases the probability that some of her offspring will survive; Cronin and Strong 1993a.) An alternative hypothesis (Rosenheim and Mangel 1994) suggests that by distributing the eggs among several leaves, A. delicatus avoids self-superparasitism. Here, we take a somewhat different approach than those provided above to explain an additional observation of Cronin and Strong (1993a): female wasps rejected most of the hosts that they had probed. In so doing, we argue that rate maximization was an inappropriate prediction for A. delicatus, and in light of the life history parameters of this species, egg limitation is more suitable. Furthermore, egg limitation, when combined with one of the proposed explanations for the distribution of eggs, can explain the high rejection level of potential hosts

    Mitochondrial DNA Variation, but Not Nuclear DNA, Sharply Divides Morphologically Identical Chameleons along an Ancient Geographic Barrier

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    The Levant is an important migration bridge, harboring border-zones between Afrotropical and palearctic species. Accordingly, Chameleo chameleon, a common species throughout the Mediterranean basin, is morphologically divided in the southern Levant (Israel) into two subspecies, Chamaeleo chamaeleon recticrista (CCR) and C. c. musae (CCM). CCR mostly inhabits the Mediterranean climate (northern Israel), while CCM inhabits the sands of the north-western Negev Desert (southern Israel). AFLP analysis of 94 geographically well dispersed specimens indicated moderate genetic differentiation (PhiPT = 0.097), consistent with the classical division into the two subspecies, CCR and CCM. In contrast, sequence analysis of a 637 bp coding mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) fragment revealed two distinct phylogenetic clusters which were not consistent with the morphological division: one mtDNA cluster consisted of CCR specimens collected in regions northern of the Jezreel Valley and another mtDNA cluster harboring specimens pertaining to both the CCR and CCM subspecies but collected southern of the Jezreel Valley. AMOVA indicated clear mtDNA differentiation between specimens collected northern and southern to the Jezreel Valley (PhiPT = 0.79), which was further supported by a very low coalescent-based estimate of effective migration rates. Whole chameleon mtDNA sequencing (∼17,400 bp) generated from 11 well dispersed geographic locations revealed 325 mutations sharply differentiating the two mtDNA clusters, suggesting a long allopatric history further supported by BEAST. This separation correlated temporally with the existence of an at least 1 million year old marine barrier at the Jezreel Valley exactly where the mtDNA clusters meet. We discuss possible involvement of gender-dependent life history differences in maintaining such mtDNA genetic differentiation and suggest that it reflects (ancient) local adaptation to mitochondrial-related traits

    Paracellular absorption is relatively low in the herbivorous Egyptian spiny-tailed lizard, Uromastyx aegyptia

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    Extent: 9 p.Absorption of small water-soluble nutrients in vertebrate intestines occurs both by specific, mediated transport and by nonspecific, passive, paracellular transport. Although it is apparent that paracellular absorption represents a significant route for nutrient absorption in many birds and mammals, especially small, flying species, its importance in ectothermic vertebrates has not previously been explored. Therefore, we measured fractional absorption (e) and absorption rate of three paracellular probes (arabinose, L-rhamnose, cellobiose) and of 3-O-methyl D-glucose (absorbed by both mediated and paracellular pathways) by the large herbivorous lizard, Uromastyx aegyptia, to explore the relative importance of paracellular and mediated transport in an ectothermic, terrestrial vertebrate. Fractional absorption of 3-O-methyl D-glucose was high (e = 0.7360.04) and similar to other vertebrates; e of the paracellular probes was relatively low (arabinose e = 0.3160.03, Lrhamnose e = 0.1960.02, and cellobiose e = 0.1460.02), and decreased with molecular mass, a pattern consistent with other vertebrates. Paracellular absorption accounted for approximately 24% of total 3-O-methyl D-glucose uptake, indicating low reliance on this pathway for these herbivorous lizards, a pattern similar to that found in other terrestrial vertebrates, and different from small flying endotherms (both birds and bats).Todd J. McWhorter, Berry Pinshow, William H. Karasov and Christopher R. Trac

    The ontogeny of antipredator behavior: age differences in California ground squirrels (Otospermophilus beecheyi) at multiple stages of rattlesnake encounters

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    Newborn offspring of animals often exhibit fully functional innate antipredator behaviors, but they may also require learning or further development to acquire appropriate responses. Experience allows offspring to modify responses to specific threats and also leaves them vulnerable during the learning period. However, antipredator behaviors used at one stage of a predator encounter may compensate for deficiencies at another stage, a phenomenon that may reduce the overall risk of young that are vulnerable at one or more stages. Few studies have examined age differences in the effectiveness of antipredator behaviors across multiple stages of a predator encounter. In this study, we examined age differences in the antipredator behaviors of California ground squirrels (Otospermophilus beecheyi) during the detection, interaction, and attack stages of Pacific rattlesnake (Crotalus oreganus) encounters. Using free-ranging squirrels, we examined the ability to detect free-ranging rattlesnakes, snake-directed behaviors after discovery of a snake, and responses to simulated rattlesnake strikes. We found that age was the most important factor in snake detection, with adults being more likely to detect snakes than pups. We also found that adults performed more tail flagging (a predator-deterrent signal) toward snakes and were more likely to investigate a snake’s refuge when interacting with a hidden snake. In field experiments simulating snake strikes, adults exhibited faster reaction times than pups. Our results show that snake detection improves with age and that pups probably avoid rattlesnakes and minimize time spent in close proximity to them to compensate for their reduced reaction times to strikes