12 research outputs found

    OLA! A Scenario-Based Approach to Enhance Open Learning Through Accessibility

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    Open Educational Resources (OER) and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) have not developed with an inherent capacity to attend to the needs of disabled students. In our research, we aim to understand the social, contextual and organisational issues behind these inadequacies. Through this, interventions and best practices can be developed to improve the situation

    Cantabrian capercaillie through time: a further comment

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    In a recent note published in this journal (Rubiales et al. 2009) we discuss the role the long-term environmental history of the Cantabrian Mountains may have played in the dynamics of the Cantabrian capercaillie Tetrao urogallus cantabricus, the only subspecies of capercaillie at risk of extinction worldwide. Three key conclusions, in the light of the available palaeoecological data were that: 1) the vegetation occurring within the range of the Cantabrian capercaillie has heavily changed during the last three millennia, due primarily to anthropogenic activity; 2) the extensive distribution of pinewoods until the historical period is coherent with the pattern of association of capercaillie and conifers occurring in the rest of its range; and 3) in the light of the distinct current patterns of decline and persistence of the capercaillie, it could be expected that the demise of pinewoods (becoming locally extinct at the western part of the Cantabrian mountains) would have had implications in the capercaillie persistence in the long ter

    Providing Personalized Guidance in Arithmetic Problem Solving

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    Supervising a student's resolution of an arithmetic word problem is a cumbersome task. Di erent students may use di erent lines of reasoning to reach the nal solution, and the assistance provided should be consistent with the resolution path that the student has in mind. In addition, further learning gains can be achieved if the previous student's background is also considered in the process. In this paper, we outline a relatively simple method to adapt the hints given by an Intelligent Tutoring System to the line of reasoning that the student is currently following. We also outline possible extensions to build a model of the student's most relevant skills, by tracking user's actions

    Paleofitogeografía de los pinares en las montañas periféricas de la cuenca del Duero

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    En las dos últimas décadas se han obtenido numerosos resultados procedentes de diferentes trabajos paleobotánicos (Cuaternario final) realizados en los territorios montanos periféricos de la depresión del Duero. Las metodologías empleadas han sido diversas y tienen que ver con los diferentes tipos de yacimientos y de muestras biológicas seleccionadas para su estudio; entre ellas destacan las técnicas de microscopía óptica para la identificación de maderas subfósiles, la morfología comparada de macrorrestos y los estudios dendrocronológicos en árboles longevos y maderas subfósiles. En esta comunicación se reúnen y resumen los trabajos más importantes, haciéndose una síntesis de las conclusiones obtenidas en los trabajos paleofitogeográficos realizados hasta el momento; se hace hincapié en la información proporcionada por los macrorrestos (maderas, estróbilos) así como por la recogida en los registros dendrocronológicos (con extensión a la dendroecología). Otro de los objetivos de la comunicación es la síntesis de las conclusiones obtenidas en los trabajos paleofitogeográficos realizados hasta el momento. Uno de esos resultados es que el comportamiento de los pinares a lo largo del Holoceno presenta diferentes modalidades en cada una de las cordilleras que bordean la cuenca del Duero; desde casos con marcada estabilidad a otros en que se muestran variaciones temporales apreciables (con patrones de heterogeneidad en función de un eje N-S y/o O-E

    Intelligent Joystick Sensing the User's Emotion and Providing Biofeedback

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    Development of an intelligent joystick is proposed which senses the user’s bio-signals and recognises the user’s emotion. It provides biofeedback to the user as well as the user’s emotional state information to the computer allowing human-computer interaction over sensitive environment. While the user is interacting with a computer via a joystick the bio-signals can be collected through the user’s fingers touching it. The collected bio-signals information is mapped on a two-dimensional space to find out the quality and intensity of emotion continuously and in a real-time manner. The intelligent joystick has application within several fields such as healthcare, sport and game industries. In such cases, the user can be influenced, or suffer from medical problems while under stress during interaction with the machines. The intelligent joystick will provide feedback to the user and alert alarm about unhealthy conditions through the embedded actuators and allow the machine to adapt with the users’ emotional state

    8th international workshop on personalization approaches in learning environments pale 2018

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    Personalization is a well-established topic in education and there are more than 30 years of experience in adaptation and personalization approaches that use artificial intelligence. Bringing together methods, techniques and experiences is the motivation of PALE at AIED. Its aim is to share and discuss the new trends in current research, with specific focus on emerging approaches that exploit new data collection technologies to support multimodal personalization of learning