233 research outputs found

    Digital realities & virtual ideals: Portraiture, idealism and the clash of subjectivities in the post-digital era

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    This is an accepted manuscript of an article published by Taylor and Francis in Photography and Culture on 26/02/2019, available online: https://doi.org/10.1080/17514517.2019.1565290 The accepted version of the publication may differ from the final published version.All portraits play host to a number of antithetical tensions, such as ‘private’ and ‘public’, ‘real’ and ‘ideal’, without which they would be reduced to a type of unassuming identification of subjects. Whereas in premodern times the artist was subject to the demands of the commissioner, after modernism the representational desires of the sitter began to clash with the creative intentions of the artist. Prior to the introduction of digital formats, this clash of subjectivities manifests itself in photography during the production of the work, the shooting of a portrait. Digital photography and post-production editing have expanded the methods for idealising external appearance; a desire stimulated by the recent technological acceleration of production and circulation of more ‘manipulated’ portraits than ever. In what ways, therefore, does the introduction of digital post-production editing and composite images affect this double-clash in portraiture, between the real and ideal, and the desires of the sitter against the intentions of the artist? Moreover, how does the evolution of self-portraiture in the ‘selfie’ affect the epistemological character of the genre? As such, is conceptual and aesthetic subservience a matter of technological possibility or creative determination

    Comparative effectiveness of second generation long-acting injectable antipsychotics based on nationwide database research in Hungary

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    Schizophrenia is a severe condition that affects approximately 1% of the population. Certain elements of antipsychotic treatment can only be examined in large population, thus the need for population-based real-world analyses has been increasing.Hungarian National Health Fund database includes all healthcare data of the population of Hungary. All patients diagnosed with schizophrenia between 01.01.2006 and 31.12.2015 were included in the study. We analyzed all patients with newly initiated second-generation antipsychotic during the inclusion period (01.01.2012-31.12.2013). Patients were followed for 2 years. All-cause treatment discontinuation served as the primary outcome of the study. Patients with newly initiated long-acting injectable treatments were further investigated in stratified analyses based on their previous treatment.106,624 patients had schizophrenia diagnosis during the study period. 12,232 patients met the inclusion criteria for newly initiating second-generation antipsychotic during the inclusion period. The proportion of patients still on treatment after 1 year for oral treatments varied between 17% (oral risperidone) and 31% (oral olanzapine) while the analogous data for long acting injectables were between 32% (risperidone long acting) and 64% (paliperidone long acting one monthly). The 2-year data were similarly in favor of long-actings. Median time to discontinuation in the oral group varied between 57 days (clozapine) and 121 days (olanzapine). The median time to discontinuation for long-actings was significantly longer: between 176 and 287 days; in case of paliperidone long acting, median was not reached during the observation period. Patients receiving long-acting treatment switched from another long-acting remained on the newly initiated treatment significantly longer than those switched from orals.Our results indicate the superiority of second generation long-acting antipsychotics with regard to rates of treatment discontinuation and periods of persistence to the assigned medication

    Characterisation and radioimmunotherapy of L19-SIP, an anti-angiogenic antibody against the extra domain B of fibronectin, in colorectal tumour models

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    Angiogenesis is a characteristic feature of tumours and other disorders. The human monoclonal antibody L19- SIP targets the extra domain B of fibronectin, a marker of angiogenesis expressed in a range of tumours. The aim of this study was to investigate whole body distribution, tumour localisation and the potential of radioimmunotherapy with the L19-small immunoprotein (SIP) in colorectal tumours. Two colorectal tumour models with highly different morphologies, the SW1222 and LS174T xenografts, were used in this study. Localisation and retention of the L19-SIP antibody at tumour vessels was demonstrated using immunohistochemistry and Cy3-labelled L19-SIP. Whole body biodistribution studies in both tumour models were carried out with 125I-labelled L19-SIP. Finally, 131I-labelled antibody was used to investigate the potential of radioimmunotherapy in SW1222 tumours. Using immunohistochemistry, we confirmed extra domain B expression in the tumour vasculature. Immunofluorescence demonstrated localisation and retention of injected Cy3-labelled L19-SIP at the abluminal side of tumour vessels. Biodistribution studies using a 125I-labelled antibody showed selective tumour uptake in both models. Higher recorded values for localisation were found in the SW1222 tumours than in the LS174T (7.9 vs 6.6 %ID g−1), with comparable blood clearance for both models. Based on these results, a radioimmunotherapy study was performed in the SW1222 xenograft using 131I-Labelled L19-SIP (55.5 MBq), which showed selective tumour uptake, tumour growth inhibition and improved survival. Radio- and fluorescence-labelled L19-SIP showed selective localisation and retention at vessels of two colorectal xenografts. Furthermore, 131I-L19-SIP shows potential as a novel treatment of colorectal tumours, and provides the foundation to investigate combined therapies in the same tumour models

    Distribution of laminin and fibronectin isoforms in oral mucosa and oral squamous cell carcinoma

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    The expression of laminin and fibronectin isoforms varies with cellular maturation and differentiation and these differences may well influence cellular processes such as adhesion and motility. The basement membrane (BM) of fetal oral squamous epithelium contains the laminin chains, α2, α3, α5, β1, β2, β3, γ1 and γ2. The BM of adult normal oral squamous epithelium comprises the laminin chains, α3, α5, β1, β3, γ1 and γ2. A re-expression of the laminin α2 and β2 chains could be shown in adult hyperproliferative, dysplastic and carcinomatous lesions. In dysplasia and oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC), multifocal breaks of the BM are present as indicated by laminin chain antibodies. These breaks correlate to malignancy grade in their extent. Moreover, in the invasion front the α3 and γ2 chain of laminin-5 can immunohistochemically be found outside the BM within the cytoplasm of budding carcinoma cells and in the adjacent stroma. The correlation between the morphological pattern of invasive tumour clusters and a laminin-5 immunostaining in the adjacent stroma may suggest, first, that a laminin-5 deposition outside the BM is an immunohistochemical marker for invasion and second, that OSCC invasion is guided by the laminin-5 matrix. Expression of oncofetal fibronectins (IIICS de novo glycosylated fibronectin and ED-B fibronectin) could be demonstrated throughout the stromal compartment. However, the ED-B fibronectin synthesizing cells (RNA/RNA in situ hybridization) are confined to small stroma areas and to single stroma and inflammatory cells in the invasion front. A correlation of the number of ED-B fibronectin synthesizing cells to malignancy grade could not be seen. ED-B fibronectin mRNA-positive cells seem to be concentrated in areas of fibrous stroma recruitment with a linear alignment of stromal fibro-/myofibroblasts (desmoplasia). Double staining experiments (ED-B fibronectin in situ hybridization and α-smooth muscle actin immunohistochemistry) indicated that the stroma myofibroblasts are a preferential source of ED-B fibronectin. In conclusion, in OSCC, a fetal extracellular matrix conversion is demonstrable. Tumour cells (laminin α2 and β2 chain) and recruited stromal myofibroblasts (oncofetal ED-B fibronectin) contribute to the fetal extracellular matrix milieu. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Human monoclonal antibodies targeting carbonic anhydrase IX for the molecular imaging of hypoxic regions in solid tumours

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    BACKGROUND: Hypoxia, which is commonly observed in areas of primary tumours and of metastases, influences response to treatment. However, its characterisation has so far mainly been restricted to the ex vivo analysis of tumour sections using monoclonal antibodies specific to carbonic anhydrase IX (CA IX) or by pimonidazole staining, after the intravenous administration of this 2-nitroimidazole compound in experimental animal models.METHODS: In this study, we describe the generation of high-affinity human monoclonal antibodies (A3 and CC7) specific to human CA IX, using phage technology.RESULTS: These antibodies were able to stain CA IX ex vivo and to target the cognate antigen in vivo. In one of the two animal models of colorectal cancer studied (LS174T), CA IX imaging closely matched pimonidazole staining, with a preferential staining of tumour areas characterised by little vascularity and low perfusion. In contrast, in a second animal model (SW1222), distinct staining patterns were observed for pimonidazole and CA IX targeting. We observed a complementary pattern of tumour regions targeted in vivo by the clinical-stage vascular-targeting antibody L19 and the anti-CA IX antibody A3, indicating that a homogenous pattern of in vivo tumour targeting could be achieved by a combination of the two antibodies.CONCLUSION: The new human anti-CA IX antibodies are expected to be non-immunogenic in patients with cancer and may serve as broadly applicable reagents for the non-invasive imaging of hypoxia and for pharmacodelivery applications. British Journal of Cancer (2009) 101, 645-657. doi: 10.1038/sj.bjc.6605200 www.bjcancer.com Published online 21 July 2009 (C) 2009 Cancer Research U

    Glow discharge in low pressure plasma PVD: mathematical model and numerical simulations

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    In this paper we analyze the problem of glow discharge in low pressure plasma in industrial plant, for chambers of different shapes and various working parameters, like pressure and electric potential. The model described is based upon a static approximation of the AC configuration with two electrodes and a drift diffusion approximation for the current density of positive ions and electrons. A detailed discussion of the boundary conditions imposed is given, as well as the full description of the mathematical model. Numerical simulations were performed for a simple 1D model and two different 2D models, corresponding to two different settings of the industrial plant. The simpler case consists of a radially symmetric chamber, with one central electrode (cathode), based upon a DC generator. In this case, the steel chamber acts as the anode. The second model concerns a two dimensional horizontal cut of the most common plant configuration, with two electrodes connected to an AC generator. The case is treated in a "quasi-static" approximation. The three models show some common behaviours, particularly including the main expected features, such as dark spaces, glow regions and a wide "plasma region". Furthermore, the three shown models show some similarities with previously published results concerning 1D and simplified 2D models, as well as with some preliminary results of the full 3D case.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures, in pres

    Combining the Strengths of Qualitative Comparative Analysis with Cluster Analysis for Comparative Public Policy Research: With Reference to the Policy of Economic Convergence in the Euro Currency Area

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    Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) is a well-established method for comparing national public policy similarities and differences. It is argued that Cluster Analysis can add additional benefits to such research when used concurrently with QCA. Cluster Analysis provides a better method for the initial exploration of multivariate data and examining how countries compare because it can work with the full range of available interval data while patterns are created and viewed. This provides the best first method for exploring patterns and likely groupings of countries. QCA then provides a more robust method for theorizing about the construction of such groupings and their relationship around similar variable scores. QCA makes such theorizing transparent. The research example used to illustrate the benefits of combining Cluster Analysis and QCA is an analysis of the evolving of macroeconomic policy for the countries sharing the Euro, comparing 2005 (precrisis) with 2010 (postcrisis)

    Integration of modeling and simulation into hospital-based decision support systems guiding pediatric pharmacotherapy

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Decision analysis in hospital-based settings is becoming more common place. The application of modeling and simulation approaches has likewise become more prevalent in order to support decision analytics. With respect to clinical decision making at the level of the patient, modeling and simulation approaches have been used to study and forecast treatment options, examine and rate caregiver performance and assign resources (staffing, beds, patient throughput). There us a great need to facilitate pharmacotherapeutic decision making in pediatrics given the often limited data available to guide dosing and manage patient response. We have employed nonlinear mixed effect models and Bayesian forecasting algorithms coupled with data summary and visualization tools to create drug-specific decision support systems that utilize individualized patient data from our electronic medical records systems.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic nonlinear mixed-effect models of specific drugs are generated based on historical data in relevant pediatric populations or from adults when no pediatric data is available. These models are re-executed with individual patient data allowing for patient-specific guidance via a Bayesian forecasting approach. The models are called and executed in an interactive manner through our web-based dashboard environment which interfaces to the hospital's electronic medical records system.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The methotrexate dashboard utilizes a two-compartment, population-based, PK mixed-effect model to project patient response to specific dosing events. Projected plasma concentrations are viewable against protocol-specific nomograms to provide dosing guidance for potential rescue therapy with leucovorin. These data are also viewable against common biomarkers used to assess patient safety (e.g., vital signs and plasma creatinine levels). As additional data become available via therapeutic drug monitoring, the model is re-executed and projections are revised.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The management of pediatric pharmacotherapy can be greatly enhanced via the immediate feedback provided by decision analytics which incorporate the current, best-available knowledge pertaining to dose-exposure and exposure-response relationships, especially for narrow therapeutic agents that are difficult to manage.</p
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