12 research outputs found

    Effect of malaria on placental volume measured using three-dimensional ultrasound: a pilot study

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    Background: The presence of malaria parasites and histopathological changes in the placenta are associated with a reduction in birth weight, principally due to intrauterine growth restriction. The aim of this study was to examine the feasibility of studying early pregnancy placental volumes using three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound in a malaria endemic area, as a small volume in the second trimester may be an indicator of intra-uterine growth restriction and placental insufficiency. Methods: Placenta volumes were acquired using a portable ultrasound machine and a 3D ultrasound transducer and estimated using the Virtual Organ Computer-aided AnaLysis (VOCAL) image analysis software package. Intraobserver reliability and limits of agreement of the placenta volume measurements were calculated. Polynomial regression models for the mean and standard deviation as a function of gestational age for the placental volumes of uninfected women were created and tested. Based on these equations each measurement was converted into a z -score. The z-scores of the placental volumes of malaria infected and uninfected women were then compared. Results: Eighty-four women (uninfected = 65; infected = 19) with a posterior placenta delivered congenitally normal, live born, single babies. The mean placental volumes in the uninfected women were modeled to fit 5th, 10th, 50th, 90th and 95th centiles for 14-24 weeks’ gestation. Most placenta volumes in the infected women were below the 50th centile for gestational age; most of those with Plasmodium falciparum were below the 10th centile. The 95% intra-observer limits of agreement for first and second measurements were ± 37.0 mL and ± 25.4 mL at 30 degrees and 15 degrees rotation respectively. Conclusion: The new technique of 3D ultrasound volumetry of the placenta may be useful to improve our understanding of the pathophysiological constraints on foetal growth caused by malaria infection in early pregnancy

    Concentration and accumulation of macronutrients in hydroponic and conventional lettuce/ <br> Concentração e acúmulo de macronutrientes em alface cultivada em sistemas hidropônico e convencional

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    <The study of absorption and accumulation of nutrients is important to determine the date and quantity of fertilizer for crops. The aim of this study was to evaluate the concentration and accumulation of macronutrients in hydroponic and conventional lettuce, cv. Verônica, during crop development. The statistical design was blocks with six replications in split plot. The main plots were hydroponic and conventional system and the subplots were the dates of harvest. Every seven days plants were harvested and analyzed for N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S. The hydroponic plants had the cycle shorter than conventional plants. Concentration of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S at the harvest in the plant above ground parts in hydroponic system were 44.80; 8.54; 87.42; 10.29; 3.31; 2.32 g Kg-1 and in conventional system were 38.,24; 5.74; 78.33; 12.23; 3.11 and 3.87 g Kg-1, respectively. The accumulation were 581.10; 110.60; 1,135.76; 133.81; 42.97 and 30.08 mg of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S by plant in hydroponic system and 372.78; 56.11; 765.84; 119.05; 30.46 and 37.81 mg, respectively, in conventional system.p><p>O estudo da absorção e do acúmulo de nutrientes é importante para determinação de épocas e de quantidades de adubação das culturas. O experimento teve como objetivo determinar a concentração e o acúmulo dos macronutrientes em alface cv. Verônica ao longo do seu desenvolvimento, cultivada em sistemas hidropônico e convencional. O delineamento estatístico foi em blocos, com seis repetições e parcelas subdivididas, tendo como parcela principal os sistemas hidropônico e convencional e como subparcela as épocas de coleta das amostras. A cada sete dias, colhiam-se plantas para análises químicas de N, P, K, Ca, Mg e S. Plantas cultivadas em sistema hidropônico apresentaram período de cultivo mais curto do que no sistema convencional. As concentrações de N, P, K, Ca, Mg e S no ponto de colheita para a parte aérea das plantas cultivadas em sistema hidropônico foram: 44,80; 8,54; 87,42; 10,29; 3,31; 2,32 g Kg-1, e para as plantas cultivadas em sistema convencional foram: 38,24; 5,74; 78,33; 12,23; 3,11 e 3,87 g Kg-1, respectivamente. O acúmulo de nutrientes pela parte aérea foi 581,10; 110,60; 1.135,76; 133,81; 42,97 e 30,08 mg por planta de N, P, K, Ca, Mg e S para as cultivadas em sistema hidropônico e 372,78; 56,11; 765,84; 119,05; 30,46 e 37,81 mg por planta, respectivamente, para as cultivadas em sistema convencional

    Produção de biomassa, acúmulo de nitrato, teores e exportação de macronutrientes da alface sob sombreamento Yield, accumulation of nitrate, content and export of nutrients of lettuce cultivated under shade

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    Objetivou-se avaliar produção de biomassa, acúmulo de nitrato, teores e exportação de macronutrientes das cultivares de alface Regina e Verônica, em cultivo a céu aberto e sob duas malhas termorrefletoras (Aluminet®30%-O e Aluminet®40%-O) e uma difusora (ChromatiNet Difusor®30%), em experimento conduzido na Universidade Federal de Viçosa (MG). As malhas termorrefletoras e difusora foram instaladas em estruturas tipo telados retangulares fechados, com 2 x 4 x 36 m (altura, largura e comprimento). A semeadura foi realizada em bandejas de 200 células, preenchidas com substrato comercial, sob ambiente protegido, em 31/05/02. O transplante foi realizado em 26/06/02 e a colheita em 06/08/02, ocasião em que foram feitas as avaliações. Avaliou-se a produção de biomassa, teor de nitrato, teores e exportação de macronutrientes. 'Regina' apresentou folhas mais tenras do que a 'Verônica', portanto mais adequadas a mercados mais exigentes, porém, com maior teor de nitrato. Considerando os aspectos quantitativo e qualitativo da produção sugere-se o uso das malhas Aluminet®40%-O e ChromatiNet Difusor®30%; todavia, deve-se ajustar adequadamente a adubação nitrogenada para que não haja acúmulo de nitrato a níveis elevados devido a restrição de luz promovida pelas malhas. Ambientes e cultivares influenciaram nos teores e quantidades exportadas dos nutrientes. Com relação à exportação de nutrientes observou-se a ordem K>N>Ca>P>Mg>S.<br>In this experiment we evaluated the production, accumulation of nitrate, content and exportable mineral nutrient (N, P, K, Ca, Mg e S) of lettuce cultivars Regina and Verônica cultivated under two thermo-reflective screens (Aluminet®30%-O and Aluminet®40%-O), and a diffusive screen (ChromatiNet Difusor®30%). The trial was carried out in Viçosa, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Seeds were sown in trays of 200 cells, under protected atmosphere, on 05/31/02. The transplant was accomplished on 06/26/02 and the harvest on 08/06/02, when the evaluations were performed. The thermo-reflective and diffusive screens were installed in structures type 'shut rectangular fence', with 2 x 4 x 36 m (height, width and length), close to the cultivation under open sky (control). We evaluated the production of mass, content of nitrate, content and exportable mineral nutrient (N, P, K, Ca, Mg e S). 'Regina' presented more tender leaves than the 'Verônica', therefore being more appropriate to the high quality demanding markets, even so, with larger content of nitrate. Considering the quantitative and qualitative aspects, the Aluminet®40% and ChromatiNet Difusor®30% screens should be recommended; though, the nitrogen should be adjusted to avoid the accumulation of nitrate. The growing conditions and cultivars influenced content and exportable mineral nutrients. With relation to the export of nutrients the following order was observed: K>N>Ca>P>Mg>S