165 research outputs found

    Preprint arXiv: 2204.03454 Submitted on 7 Apr 2022

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    We propose a variational quantum algorithm to study the real time dynamics of quantum systems as a ground-state problem. The method is based on the original proposal of Feynman and Kitaev to encode time into a register of auxiliary qubits. We prepare the Feynman-Kitaev Hamiltonian acting on the composed system as a qubit operator and find an approximate ground state using the Variational Quantum Eigensolver. We apply the algorithm to the study of the dynamics of a transverse field Ising chain with an increasing number of spins and time steps, proving a favorable scaling in terms of the number of two qubit gates. Through numerical experiments, we investigate its robustness against noise, showing that the method can be use to evaluate dynamical properties of quantum systems and detect the presence of dynamical quantum phase transitions by measuring Loschmidt echoes

    Direito e cidadania: os impactos da interdição civil no cotidiano de vida dos portadores de transtornos mentais

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    Este artigo pretende compartilhar algumas das reflexões produzidas no processo do trabalho de pesquisa que foi realizada através do Projeto de Iniciação Cientifica, intitulado “Direito e Cidadania: os impactos da interdição no cotidiano de vida dos portadores de transtornos mentais”. O referido projeto, inscrito no Curso de Serviço Social do UniFOA, esteve vinculado ao Programa de Iniciação Científica deste Centro Universitário em 2007. O interesse pelo estudo emergiu a partir dos debates travados em sala, na disciplina eletiva “O Serviço Social e o Campo Sócio-Jurídico” e ainda frente a observações empíricas construídas no exercício profissional de uma das autoras, que é assistente social do Tribunal de Justiça. Tais debates foram instigados pela problematização acerca da relação entre a afirmação da positividade da cidadania dos portadores de transtornos mentais e as práticas que indicam a necessidade de decretar a incapacidade civil, através da interdição para protegê-los. Ou seja, identificou-se o paradoxo entre o movimento contemporâneo que impõe a necessidade de se reconhecer o status de cidadania do louco e o decreto da interdição que impossibilita o exercício dos atos da vida civil. Frente a estas observações, foi construído, então, o objeto da pesquisa, cujos resultados serão aqui discutidos. A partir do debate apresentado, o projeto de pesquisa pretendeu, então, conhecer a realidade de vida de portadores de transtornos mentais que foram interditados, na perspectiva de elucidar a existência de relações entre esta condição legal e o processo de garantia de seus direitos

    Direito e cidadania:os impactos da interdição no cotidiano de vida dos portadores de transtornos mentais

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    A interdição é promovida frente prova da incapacidade para atos civis. identificada como medida de proteção.Mas se as leis forem compreendidas com mecanismos de legitimação de discursos de verdades, o debate sobre interdição deve se remetido ao próprio significado da loucura.As representações de que o louco é aquel desprovido da razão contaminou a cultura moderna.O movimento da reforma psiquiátric vem problematizando questões relativas ao “lugar” destinado ao louco. Assim, surg debate sobre sua cidadania,na perspectiva de se reconhecer sua condição de cidadã Mas,levando-se em consideração que, para proteger o louco é preciso interditá-lo e qu tal condição pressupõe a perda dos direitos civis, recorta-se aqui uma questão paradoxa Objetivos:Conhecer a realidade de vida de portadores de transtornos mentais que fora interditados, na perspectiva de elucidar a existência de relações entre esta condição leg  e o processo de garantia de seus direitos Metodologia: a pesquisa é qualitativa. O instrumentos serão: entrevista semi-estruturada, questionário e observação participant Será realizado levantamento dos processos que tramitaram em 2006 na 2ª Vara d Família.Resultados:o projeto está em desenvolvimento.Conclusão:A pesquisa poder contribuir no processo de afirmação da condição de cidadania dos chamados loucos

    A simple echocardiographic score to rule out cardiac amyloidosis

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    BACKGROUND: Early diagnosis of cardiac amyloidosis (CA) is warranted to initiate specific treatment and improve outcome. The amyloid light chain (AL) and inferior wall thickness (IWT) scores have been proposed to assess patients referred by hematologists or with unexplained left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy, respectively. These scores are composed of 4 or 5 variables, respectively, including strain data. METHODS: Based on 2 variables common to the AL and IWT scores, we defined a simple score named AMYLoidosis Index (AMYLI) as the product of relative wall thickness (RWT) and E/e' ratio, and assessed its diagnostic performance. RESULTS: In the original cohort (n=251), CA was ultimately diagnosed in 111 patients (44%). The 2.22 value was selected as rule-out cut-off (negative likelihood ratio [LR-] 0.0). In the hematology subset, AL CA was diagnosed in 32 patients (48%), with 2.36 as rule-out cut-off (LR- 0.0). In the hypertrophy subset, ATTR CA was diagnosed in 79 patients (43%), with 2.22 as the best rule-out cut-off (LR- 0.0). In the validation cohort (n=691), the same cut-offs proved effective: indeed, there were no patients with CA in the whole population or in the hematology or hypertrophy subsets scoring <2.22, <2.36 or <2.22, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The AMYLI score (RWT* E/e') may have a role as an initial screening tool for CA. A <2.22 value excludes the diagnosis in patients undergoing a diagnostic screening for CA, while a <2.36 and a <2.22 value may be better considered in the subsets with suspected cardiac AL amyloidosis or unexplained hypertrophy, respectively

    The Role of TiO2 Doping on RuO2-Coated Electrodes for the Water Oxidation Reaction

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    Electrochemical water splitting into H2 and O2 presents a significant and challenging energy loss due to the high overpotential required at the anode. Today, in industrially relevant applications, dimensionally stable anodes (DSA) based on the electrocatalytic active RuO2 are conventionally utilized. To enhance the resistance against corrosion, incorporation of TiO2 in the RuO2-coated electrodes is widely employed. In the present work we have used scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM) to demonstrate that TiO2-doped RuO2-coated electrodes, in addition to being more durable, also show an electrocatalytic activity that is, on average, 13% higher as compared to the pure RuO2-coated electrodes. We also demonstrate that cracks in the pure RuO2 coating are the most active zones, probably because Ti from the Ti support has diffused into the first applied layer of the RuO2 coating. To reveal the nature of this enhanced activity for water oxidation displayed on TiO2-doped RuO2 electrodes, we have employed X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) for material characterization. The results show that the electrocatalytic activity enhancement displayed on the mixed (Ru1–x:Tix)O2 coating is promoted through a charge transfer from the RuO2 to the TiO2, which provides new and more reactive sites designated as activated RuO2δ+.This study has partly been carried out in the framework of the European Commission FP7 Initial Training Network “ELCAT”, Grant Agreement No. 214936-2. Portions of this research were performed at SPring-8 with the approval of Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute as Nanotechnology Support Project of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Proposal No. 2007A2005 and 2008A1671/BL-47XU)

    Extracellular volume quantification in isolated hypertension - changes at the detectable limits?

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    The funding source (British Heart Foundation and UK National Institute for Health Research) provided salaries for research training (FZ, TT, DS, SW), but had no role in study design, collection, analysis, interpretation, writing, or decisions with regard to publication. This work was undertaken at University College London Hospital, which received a proportion of funding from the UK Department of Health National Institute for Health Research Biomedical Research Centres funding scheme. We are grateful to King’s College London Laboratories for processing the collagen biomarker panel