18 research outputs found
In situ observation of the evolution of porous silicon interference filter characteristics.
Porous silicon multilayer formation was observed by in situ monitoring of the reflectivity spectra in the visible range. In order to reproduce the formation process optical model simulation was carried out. For demonstration of this method a 24-layer microcavity structure was selected. Although in this low wavelengths region some absorption and scattering effects complicate the overall picture, the combined analysis throws new light upon the evolution of the porous silicon multilayer
Adjunctive role of manual lymph drainage in the healing of venous ulcers: A comparative pilot study
Compression therapy plays a pivotal role in the treatment of venous leg ulcers and clinical observations include lymph stasis as contributing to the maintenance of chronic wounds. This finding raises the question whether further improvement in lymph circulation with manual lymph drainage (MLD) as a part of complex decongestive physiotherapy (CDP) can improve ulcer healing. We examined whether CDP improves healing of venous leg ulcers and compared the efficacy of CDP with that of multilayered compression with short-stretch bandages. Eight patients (mean age: 64.8 years, mean ulcer area: 23.07 cm2, duration of ulcers: 25.37 months) were treated with a 5-day-course of CDP and 9 patients (mean age: 70.77 years, mean ulcer area: 21.47 cm2, duration of ulcers: 15.8 months) were included in a 10-day-course of CDP. Control goup consisted of 9 patients (mean age: 56.33 years, mean ulcer area: 13.87 cm2, duration of ulcers: 6.11 months) receiving multilayered compression. Wound surface measurement was carried out on days 5 and 10 and ulcer area reduction rate was calculated as area (initial)-area (final)/time unit. There was no statistical difference between the 5-daycourse of CDP and compression of the same duration regarding ulcer healing (t=-1.62, df=15, p= 0.125). A 10-day-course of CDP significantly increased ulcer healing compared to compression of the same duration (t=-2.42, df=16, p= 0.039). Our preliminary results suggest that MLD as a part of CDP supports healing of venous leg ulcers
Post-selenization of stacked precursor layers for CIGS
In this study the possibility of the fabrication of CIGS layers from stacked precursors with selenization is examined. Different sequences of precursor layers and two different selenization methods were applied, in order to establish the optimal order of Cu, In and Ga layers in the precursor layer stack. The obtained CIGS films were studied by different micro- and surface analysis methods (TEM, SEM, EDS, XRD, SNMS, XPS). Since the evaporation of a Se layer and post-annealing does not result in a homogeneous CIGS layer, the appropriate selenization must be accomplished in Se-vapour
Combining inorganic and organic gas sensors elements : a new approach for multi-component sensing
Atmospheric dependent, gas sensitive resistors seem to be good candidates for detecting critical air pollution levels. Great progress has been made in the development of various sensor types, but less attention seems to be paid to the integration of sensor elements with different characteristics. The aim of this international project is to develop a smart hybrid gas multi-sensor module for environmental applications, i.e., by combining classical thick- and thin-film elements with polymer-film based sensors and also a signal processing ASIC within a single package, which should be useful for all sensor types. The module can be used for multi-sensor operation when connected to an intelligent signal-processing unit