22 research outputs found

    Freedom of choice: John Stuart Mill and the tree of life

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    This essay deals with the notion and content of freedom of choice proposing a new set up and a new family of measures for this concept which is, indeed, an ethical value of paramount importance in a well ordered and open society. Following some ideas of John StuartMill, we propose that freedom of choice has to be understood not in a single stage of choice, but in the ordered collection of choices that a person can make in her life.We then suggest to represent a life in a tree structure, where each node represents a state of life and the edges between nodes will represent possible decisions in life. In this new framework, we propose a set of axioms that imply the following family of measures of lifetime’s freedom of choice: the lifetime’s freedom of choice has to be evaluated by a weighted sum of all possible states of life an individual might visit, with weights representing the number of decisions the individual took to reach that state.Financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Education through grants ECO2008-04756, ECO2009-11213, ECO2009- 12836, Ramon y Cajal program, FEDER, and the Barcelona Economics Program of CREA is gratefully acknowledged

    Voting on Actions with Uncertain Outcomes

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    Abstract. We introduce a model for voting under uncertainty where a group of voters have to decide on a joint action to take, but the individual voters are uncertain about the current state of the world and thus about the effect that the chosen action would have. Each voter has preferences about what state they would like to see reached once the action has been executed. That is, we need to integrate two kinds of aggregation: beliefs regarding the current state and preferences regarding the next state.